Hi everyone,
Sorry for not being communicative, some internet bad guy decided to stress test the new site by attacking it, so instead of fixing bugs and improving usability I instead used my time at the weekend on mitigations. The good news is the mitigations also make loading images a whole lot faster for everyone for forever, and also they were super effective.
I will get to the two other topics which have had more activity but I wanted to start here since I only have a few minutes now and I actually have some things to reply to here 😀
robertmo wrote on 2020-01-03, 06:36:
Snover wrote on 2020-01-02, 00:53:
robertmo wrote on 2019-12-31, 15:54:
was wondering if it would be possible to make zooming in and out possible without page jumping up and down so much
Are you referring to desktop browser full page zoom, touch zoom, some other zoom?
Go from max zoom out to max zoom in and back and try to focus on my post
This is all controlled by the browser. You are presumably just hitting the viewport on the bottom of the page which pushes the anchor point up when you go to zoom back in again. I guess you could file a bug with your browser vendor if you want.
robertmo wrote on 2020-01-05, 10:20:The "more than 14 replies" icon is not needed i think
The "the 1-14 replies" icon is not needed at all i think.
I mean just the […]
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The "more than 14 replies" icon is not needed i think
The "the 1-14 replies" icon is not needed at all i think.
I mean just the picture not the whole button 😉
They make it harder to distinguish sticky from the rest.
This is fair, though it has been a feature from the beginning and I don’t know which visual cues people use to decide their interest in a topic (clearly). The threshold could be increased or the icon could be removed. I’ve made a TODO to see what others want to do here, if anything.
konc wrote on 2020-01-03, 16:24:
Completely insignificant and doesn't affect functionality at all, just mentioning in case you haven't noticed: I was trying to figure out what the buttons in control panel do and it took me more than it should to realize that they correspond to the sections below but in the opposite order of appearance. I don't know if this is intentional, but it would have been obvious if the icons matched in the correct order. I also don't get why some options are circled in cyan for no apparent reason. In case you guys decide to change any of this, I'm expecting it to be at the bottom of the to-do list of course
Ah, yes. The reverse order is a bit weird there. Technically the order is the same in the page structure but the action buttons always go right-to-left so that the top actions are always on the edge instead of being buried between the title and the rest of the buttons. Sorry for the confusion. I’m not sure it’s something that can be addressed effectively but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind.
As far as the highlighted buttons on that page go, you are the second person to remark on this 😀 This is a very poor attempt at drawing people’s attention to the most common control panel actions. There are just so many panels that I wanted to make it easier for people to find the ones they actually care about (statistically). It may succeed in that regard but it also seems to cause confusion since it is completely non-obvious what is the reason for that, so I will probably just take it out.
robertmo wrote on 2020-01-05, 05:56:
Can it be made that the "New(Unread)" mark doesn't disappear on previous pages if you haven't seen them.
The board software decides what you’ve viewed in a topic according to the latest loaded post time, rather than holding viewed time ranges. My initial thought was that it would not be possible to do this in a non-trivial manner but maybe it is and would be better for the user experience. I’ll have to think about it more when I have worked through most of the rest of the backlog of issues.
Shagittarius wrote on 2020-01-05, 06:24:
Why are all the screenshots of my desktop not showing up in my last 2 posts on this topic:
Sorry, this was me working on the mitigation and initially not correctly handling file extension case.
superfury wrote on 2020-01-06, 12:38:
Yesterday I had some weird SQL issues with the PC emulation forum thread of mine, it kept erroring out when I made the posts a bit longer than average(just trying to add the very first line of said post to the post before that):
Re: Any good MS-DOS 80386/80486/Pentium(on slow system) games for testing Protected mode emulation and instructions?
Thought I'd try reporting it here this time(at the time I was just trying to get my information on the topic out there). Don't know if it's fixed by now(or perhaps only applies to editing posts).
Thanks for noticing this! There was indeed a bug in some functionality related to post editing which has been fixed now. If you notice any other errors please post them here instead of somewhere else so that I will see them 😀
OK, hopefully back to being able to work on actual things to make you guys happier tomorrow!