Style problems/bugs

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Reply 40 of 112, by j^aws

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Rank Oldbie

System: Samsung Note 9, Android 9, Samsung browser 10.2.

There is a bug when editing and placing inline multiple images when posting a reply. Please see below image.

You can see the vertical cursor in the post editor, above it should show the image code because the uploaded image was placed inline there, yet it is invisible but preview of the image is correctly displayed. Because you can't see the code, you cannot format and compose your post. If you save a draft of your post, when returning to edit it again, the image code appears as it should and is fully visible. Also, when you upload multiple images, you will be presented with multiple inline options as your images queue up. However, if you load an incorrect image then try to delete it, this operation deletes all your images from the queue list. If you try to re-upload an image again, the entire old queue of images is loaded again. WTF. To fix this, saving your post as a draft then returning to it fixes the issue.

Reply 41 of 112, by Snover

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Rank l33t++
j^aws wrote on 2019-12-31, 23:18:

System: Samsung Note 9, Android 9, Samsung browser 10.2.

There is a bug when editing and placing inline multiple images when posting a reply. Please see below image.

You can see the vertical cursor in the post editor, above it should show the image code because the uploaded image was placed inline there, yet it is invisible but preview of the image is correctly displayed. Because you can't see the code, you cannot format and compose your post. If you save a draft of your post, when returning to edit it again, the image code appears as it should and is fully visible. Also, when you upload multiple images, you will be presented with multiple inline options as your images queue up. However, if you load an incorrect image then try to delete it, this operation deletes all your images from the queue list. If you try to re-upload an image again, the entire old queue of images is loaded again. WTF. To fix this, saving your post as a draft then returning to it fixes the issue.

Thanks for noticing the problem with the attachments list. I was able to reproduce an issue when deleting the penultimate item, which should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have problems with that.

As far as the broken text editor goes, let me make sure I understand what you are saying by repeating it back at you:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Upload an attachment
2. Press the “inline attachment” button to insert the attachment to the post

Result: The [attachment] tag does not show up in the text input. However, after previewing the post, or saving and reloading the post as a draft, the [attachment] tag is shown in the text input.

Is this right?

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 42 of 112, by j^aws

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Rank Oldbie
Snover wrote on 2020-01-01, 02:02:

Thanks for noticing the problem with the attachments list. I was able to reproduce an issue when deleting the penultimate item, which should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have problems with that.

Thanks for fixing the first issue. On further testing, I get the behaviour below:

After loading/ deleting multiple images to your post editor, I've noticed that the 2 different ways to preview your posts behave differently:

The attachment 20200101_150051.jpg is no longer available

The top icon highlighted in red doesn't seem to refresh your updated post content with images and still shows old images. The bottom preview highlighted in green does refresh your post content with updated images. Please can you look into this as the top preview is the most convenient one to use by being the closest to switching between preview and post view. This behavior with the preview buttons is after deleting images. Otherwise, these buttons seem identical.

Snover wrote on 2020-01-01, 02:02:
As far as the broken text editor goes, let me make sure I understand what you are saying by repeating it back at you: […]
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As far as the broken text editor goes, let me make sure I understand what you are saying by repeating it back at you:

Steps to reproduce:
1. Upload an attachment
2. Press the “inline attachment” button to insert the attachment to the post

Result: The [attachment] tag does not show up in the text input. However, after previewing the post, or saving and reloading the post as a draft, the [attachment] tag is shown in the text input.

Is this right?

Regarding point 2, the result is this below:

The attachment 20200101_150742.jpg is no longer available

You can see the attachment tag isn't showing above the underlined red in the post editor. This behavior happens when my phone is in portrait orientation. If I preview this post, the inline image is previewed correctly.

However, I've noticed that when in landscape orientation:

The attachment 20200101_152435.jpg is no longer available

You can see the attachment tag showing above the red line in the post editor as it should.

If I save a draft on reopen to work with, in my previous explanation, I may have switched phone orientation and inadvertently fixed the issue.

Another note, if I save a draft with inline image tags in the post editor, their corresponding uploaded images aren't saved. When I re-open the editor, their tags are still present in the post editor, but images are missing.

If I re-upload these images again and try to use the post editor, their inline post placements don't work for their corresponding image tags. I have to delete their image tags from the post editor and replace the same image tags again. Any way to improve this draft behaviour? Drafts would be saved for complex posts with many images. Thanks in advance.

Reply 43 of 112, by Snover

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Rank l33t++
j^aws wrote on 2020-01-01, 15:55:
Thanks for fixing the first issue. On further testing, I get the behaviour below: […]
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Snover wrote on 2020-01-01, 02:02:

Thanks for noticing the problem with the attachments list. I was able to reproduce an issue when deleting the penultimate item, which should be fixed now. Let me know if you still have problems with that.

Thanks for fixing the first issue. On further testing, I get the behaviour below:

After loading/ deleting multiple images to your post editor, I've noticed that the 2 different ways to preview your posts behave differently:
The top icon highlighted in red doesn't seem to refresh your updated post content with images and still shows old images. The bottom preview highlighted in green does refresh your post content with updated images. Please can you look into this as the top preview is the most convenient one to use by being the closest to switching between preview and post view. This behavior with the preview buttons is after deleting images. Otherwise, these buttons seem identical.

I will look into this. The preview tab behaviour is a hack (phpBB has no way to get a post preview without reloading the whole page normally) so it’s not surprising to me that it might be acting a little weird.

j^aws wrote on 2020-01-01, 15:55:

Regarding point 2, the result is this below:

OK, I was able to reproduce the issue and it should be fixed now. Sorry about that, and thanks for reporting it!

j^aws wrote on 2020-01-01, 15:55:

Another note, if I save a draft with inline image tags in the post editor, their corresponding uploaded images aren't saved. When I re-open the editor, their tags are still present in the post editor, but images are missing.

This is a limitation of phpBB itself. It does warn you about this in the message when you go to save a draft.

j^aws wrote on 2020-01-01, 15:55:

If I re-upload these images again and try to use the post editor, their inline post placements don't work for their corresponding image tags.

I see what you are describing. Because the people who write phpBB are full of… creative… ideas, [attachment] tags are associated to attachments by index instead of by ID. Also, for… inventive… reasons, new attachments get shifted onto the top of the attachment list instead being appended. As a result, whenever you add a new attachment to a post, all of the existing tags have to be rewritten. When you save and load a draft with attachment tags, then reupload the missing files, the uploader is just doing that thing it needs to do to correct the existing indexes on the tags, without realising that there aren’t actually any attachments associated with them any more.

I’ll change the code that does the tag updates so it tries to correlate the filenames inside the attachment tags with whatever new attachments are being added, but it’s always going to be a little broken due to this very… original… approach to resource management.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 44 of 112, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

The preview tab should work correctly now after changes to the attachments list. Also, out-of-range attachment tags will now be auto-correlated to new attachments using the filename in the [attachment] tag, so you should be able to load a draft and reupload the same files and have the attachment tags point to the correct attachments.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 45 of 112, by j^aws

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Rank Oldbie
Snover wrote on 2020-01-01, 19:03:

The preview tab should work correctly now after changes to the attachments list. Also, out-of-range attachment tags will now be auto-correlated to new attachments using the filename in the [attachment] tag, so you should be able to load a draft and reupload the same files and have the attachment tags point to the correct attachments.

That's awesome! All three issues reported are fixed. Even logging out and logging back in keeps your drafts. Also, switching between Mobile mode and Desktop mode doesn't force a relogin anymore - did you fix that as well?

Thanks a bunch!

Reply 46 of 112, by Snover

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Rank l33t++
robertmo wrote on 2019-12-31, 15:54:

was wondering if it would be possible to make zooming in and out possible without page jumping up and down so much

Are you referring to desktop browser full page zoom, touch zoom, some other zoom?

Also, please don’t post the same question into multiple threads, this just confuses me 😀

j^aws wrote on 2020-01-01, 20:07:

Also, switching between Mobile mode and Desktop mode doesn't force a relogin anymore - did you fix that as well?

I have not changed anything specifically to fix this, so let me know if it starts happening again and I will put it on my TODO list to investigate.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 47 of 112, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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Rank l33t

Don't seem to be able to add attachments to posts in either my own or others threads - file loads with a 'The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.' message. Can't see any relevant setting under Posting Options.

Reply 49 of 112, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++
Snover wrote on 2020-01-02, 00:53:
robertmo wrote on 2019-12-31, 15:54:

was wondering if it would be possible to make zooming in and out possible without page jumping up and down so much

Are you referring to desktop browser full page zoom, touch zoom, some other zoom?

Go from max zoom out to max zoom in and back and try to focus on my post

Reply 50 of 112, by PC Hoarder Patrol

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Rank l33t
Qbix wrote on 2020-01-02, 19:32:


This was the first time I'd tried attachments since the update, so not sure if this was an attachment issue with the browser config or more general compatibility to browser itself (IE11, though not on my own PC), but they work fine on my PC with firefox.

Reply 51 of 112, by konc

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Rank l33t
Qbix wrote on 2020-01-02, 19:32:


Of attachments or our eyes scrolling past this one? 😀

Reply 52 of 112, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

our eyes zooming this one 😉

Reply 53 of 112, by Snover

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Rank l33t++
PC Hoarder Patrol wrote on 2020-01-03, 08:24:
Qbix wrote on 2020-01-02, 19:32:


This was the first time I'd tried attachments since the update, so not sure if this was an attachment issue with the browser config or more general compatibility to browser itself (IE11, though not on my own PC), but they work fine on my PC with firefox.

It’s very possible there is a problem with only IE11. I will look into this.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 54 of 112, by konc

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Rank l33t

Completely insignificant and doesn't affect functionality at all, just mentioning in case you haven't noticed: I was trying to figure out what the buttons in control panel do and it took me more than it should to realize that they correspond to the sections below but in the opposite order of appearance. I don't know if this is intentional, but it would have been obvious if the icons matched in the correct order. I also don't get why some options are circled in cyan for no apparent reason. In case you guys decide to change any of this, I'm expecting it to be at the bottom of the to-do list of course

The attachment Untitled.png is no longer available

Reply 55 of 112, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

Can it be made that the "New(Unread)" mark doesn't disappear on previous pages if you haven't seen them.

Reply 56 of 112, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie

Why are all the screenshots of my desktop not showing up in my last 2 posts on this topic:

Re: The Painfully Inauthentic Windows 9X Build

Reply 57 of 112, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

i see two pictures on your last post and 5 on the previous one no problems

Reply 58 of 112, by Shagittarius

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Rank Oldbie
robertmo wrote on 2020-01-05, 07:28:

i see two pictures on your last post and 5 on the previous one no problems

They are back now.

Reply 59 of 112, by robertmo

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Rank l33t++

It looks I have found a kind of serious confusion on the forum.
New posts (new since last visit) are being confused/mixed with unread posts (never seen)

Both should be marked separate way