Got this Lucky Star 5MVP3 motherboard with an AMD K6-2 400 CPU for about 16 bucks with some other hardware:
This is my first Super Socket 7 motherboard so I'm pretty excited about it: these mobos are not cheap or easy to find. Still, Lucky Star is definitely no Gigabyte or Asus — just a brand Russian OEMs really liked back in the 90s. It should support CPUs ranging from 2.0 to 3.5v and multipliers no larger than 5x. However, some websites cite jumper settings for 5.5x and 6x. I want to test this board before I order an AMD K6-3+ 450 from Ebay.
This board also came with this ATI Rage Pro with a memory addon:
However, for the Super Socket 7 build I actually have an AGP Voodoo 3-3000 — as far as I understand, the ideal candidate for this chipset's troubled AGP implementation.
Naturally, my goal with an SS7 build is to be able to use setmul and have some flexibility, but also I kinda want to see what a K6-3+ can do. My first proper PC was a P2-233 so I never really used a K6 machine. According to Phil, even a K6-2 400 on a 66 FSB is actually not far from a Pentium II 233 in games. What would the nearest Intel equivalent for a K6-3+ 450 be?