here is my cooling solution for the 604e - 68060 cpus and scsi3 chip on some ppc amiga accelerators some 7-8 years ago:
and here is another with active 68060 cooling:
and here is my heatsink+fan solution on some old dual-core atom mITX board from intel I had: the copper heatsink is on the HORRIBLE G945 chipset that consumed more Watts than all the rest components put together:
here is another modded ppc card, copper 604e heatsink+fan, chipset heatsink+fan kit on the 68060 and some blue heatsinks on the PCI busboard logic chips:
cooling solution for a 120W picopsu inside an amiga1200: copper heatsinks and a mini-kaze 40x40mm fan:
and ofcourse some voodoo3 boards with a screwed 40x40mm fan on the heatsink, pretty standard stuff that need no pic rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing rolling on the floor laughing