Post your, ghetto ways to cool hot old chips.

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First post, by AlphaWing

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Like this voodoo 3 3000!

Fan from a stock coreduo heatsink, with 1 peg jammed in the Voodoo 3's heatsink to hold it, making it, uhhh a coreVoodoo3 😎 ....... Yes lets go with that.

Post more examples! 😲 😲 😲

Last edited by AlphaWing on 2015-08-13, 05:16. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2 of 31, by AlphaWing

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2 in the motherboard I plugged it into. Large gap that they coulda used for another slot, between AGP and PCI slot 1.
Its super effective tho. V3 heatsink went from nearly untouchable to luke warm.

Reply 3 of 31, by 133MHz

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Back when the Athlon XP was all the rage I delved into ghetto air cooling methods for overclocking, mainly by taking fans out of junked hair dryers:



Never before the phrase "your computer sounds like a hair dryer" was so appropriate. 🤣
It was so impractically loud, good for a few short tests only. My ghetto solution for daily use was simply replacing the 60mm fan with an 80mm one, held by just one screw on the corner of the heatsink, it worked considerably well:

Digging up those old pictures I also found this, from when overclocking said Athlon XP went a bit wonky:


Reply 4 of 31, by kolano

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133MHz wrote:

Mainly by taking fans out of junked hair dryers:

Hrm, I'd guess that would give a good amount of airflow, but must have been noisy.

I recently needed to move my server array out of my bedroom due to the summer heat. I had gotten used to the noise they put off, but definitely noticed it's absence for a few days after they were moved.

Eyecandy: Turn your computer into an expensive lava lamp.

Reply 5 of 31, by SquallStrife

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Dude, in Athlon days, a loud fan was a status symbol.

(Also, if your fan was loud, then it was easy to tell if it had stopped working. Important because Athlons liked committing suicide when hot.)

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Reply 6 of 31, by retrofanatic

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SquallStrife wrote:

Dude, in Athlon days, a loud fan was a status symbol.

(Also, if your fan was loud, then it was easy to tell if it had stopped working. Important because Athlons liked committing suicide when hot.)

I hear you...I had a thermaltake volcano cpu fan and heatsink on an old athalon system I had and it was the loudest and most expensive cpu fan I have ever owned...it was the epitome of 'loud fan as status symbol' 🤣

The sound just got to me over time and I just replaced my whole mb/cpu setup with a p4 solution with stock intel fan...I then became obsessed with getting the quietest system possible...that's when I discovered vantec stealth fans....I just screwed one on the cpu heatsink off center with two screws and it worked great.

I also had a plan to fasten a large ac powered fan on top of my cpu case but could not find a good way to mount it and wire it up safely so it would start when I turned on the computer and plus I could not find a good fan grille as you would need it as to not chop off your fingers on the metal blades of the ac fan...so I just scrapped the idea

Reply 7 of 31, by AlphaWing

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133MHz wrote:

Back when the Athlon XP was all the rage I delved into ghetto air cooling methods for overclocking, mainly by taking fans out of junked hair dryers:

Did that actually fit in the case? 🤣

Reply 8 of 31, by foey

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Love Ghetto cooling mods!

Heres something I hooked up recently on my IBM K6-2 rig. Cooling a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI.


Cyrix Instead Build, 6x86 166+ | 32mb SD | 4mb S3 Virge DX | Creative AWE64 | Win95
ATC-S PIII Tualatin Win9x Build :- ATC-S PIII Coppermine Win9x Build Log [WIP] **Photo Heavy**

Reply 9 of 31, by Firtasik

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Ghetto cooling for life! 😎

Attached due to stock fans wear-out (noise).

GeForce 7600 GS:


Radeon 9550 (kinda overkill):


11 1 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 111 1 111 1 1 1 1 111

Reply 10 of 31, by Standard Def Steve

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In my cardboard PC, I use a thick rubber band to hold three HDD fans down to the heatsink of my Klamath-300.



"A little sign-in here, a touch of WiFi there..."

Reply 11 of 31, by AlphaWing

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foey wrote:

Love Ghetto cooling mods!

Heres something I hooked up recently on my IBM K6-2 rig. Cooling a Voodoo 3 2000 PCI.

Love those type of fan brackets.
There hard to get, 1coolpc used to sell custom ones. But they are long gone now.

Reply 12 of 31, by retrofanatic

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Standard Def Steve wrote:

In my cardboard PC, I use a thick rubber band to hold three HDD fans down to the heatsink of my Klamath-300.

homemade cardboard PC case, scotch tape, rubber bands...very ghetto....and very cool

Reply 13 of 31, by jwt27

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Here's my ghetto Voodoo3 cooling solution:



That's a socket 7/370 heatsink, carefully (ahem) cut to size with an angle grinder. On the other side is a 6mm steel strip with threaded holes, insulated with heat shrink tube. 😀

Right above that you can see the Pentium 3 CPU cooler, which is a large passive slot 1 heatsink with a super silent 120mm fan:


(though the only thing "ghetto" about that are the thick drywall screws keeping the fan in place)

Reply 14 of 31, by MaxWar

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^lol that is awesome. 🤣

HEre is the PSU currently powering my i5 haswell rig. It is a 1200w re purposed server PSU from 6 years ago.
As you can see it is missing a cover and any kind of active cooling. Actually I took that out myself as the thing was loud as a leaf blower with a single tiny fan at 10000000rpm.

Here, a bunch of tie wraps and two large low speed fans and it is now super silent.

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The Grand OPL3 Comparison Run.

Reply 15 of 31, by nforce4max

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Some picks of one of my old rigs, didn't have great AC back then and the rig held up very good during the summer.




On a far away planet reading your posts in the year 10,191.

Reply 16 of 31, by keropi

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here is my cooling solution for the 604e - 68060 cpus and scsi3 chip on some ppc amiga accelerators some 7-8 years ago:


and here is another with active 68060 cooling:


and here is my heatsink+fan solution on some old dual-core atom mITX board from intel I had: the copper heatsink is on the HORRIBLE G945 chipset that consumed more Watts than all the rest components put together:


here is another modded ppc card, copper 604e heatsink+fan, chipset heatsink+fan kit on the 68060 and some blue heatsinks on the PCI busboard logic chips:


cooling solution for a 120W picopsu inside an amiga1200: copper heatsinks and a mini-kaze 40x40mm fan:


and ofcourse some voodoo3 boards with a screwed 40x40mm fan on the heatsink, pretty standard stuff that need no pic 🤣 🤣 🤣

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Reply 17 of 31, by Stojke

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What is that last picture?

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Reply 18 of 31, by RacoonRider

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jwt27 wrote:
Here's my ghetto Voodoo3 cooling solution: http://imageshack.com/a/img850/2049/iy73.jpg […]
Show full quote

Here's my ghetto Voodoo3 cooling solution:

Since the day I first saw this picture I call you "The guy with the pressure gauge" in my mind. (Okay, I know it shows Centigrade, it just looks like a presure gauge!). Totally awesome stuff, thumbs up and hats off!

Reply 19 of 31, by MaxWar

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Now I want an AT case that show Mhz for the Turbo via a ''Pressure gauge''

FM sound card comparison on a Grand Scale!!
The Grand OPL3 Comparison Run.