Reply 280 of 487, by Karmeck

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Rank Newbie

If I could add somthing here it would be that discussing licensing (or move on from that for now) for the project is more relevant than fucking financial results. Might be Roland's financial results, but still, hardly relevant.

There has been several good and interesting pull requests lately. I don't understand half of it.

This is somthing about global state, don't understand it, but comments indicate that it's the way forward, if plug-in functionality is desired. Like Nuked-SC55 as a plug-in, if it's somthing the author wants.

This one I feel I can participate more in, the idea of "authentic flaws" or "what's lost in perfecting".

I made a comparison early on regarding the waterfalls in sonic and how they don't work as designed when displayed on somthing that's not a crt. How the artist then relied on "flawed" image on a crt to achieve the effect of a waterfall.

Similarly, sc-55 mk1 and mk2, and, as I have recently learned, even difrent revisions of the mk1.

How composers used their sc-55 I don't exactly know, but I want to argue that they used the fleas this units came with and worked with or around them to crate the sound we now all love. Thees flaws are fixed with while trying to crate the perfect sound. And this may give a false representation when playing midi files that needs those flaws tube there to sound correct.

Join in on this discussion here:

Reply 281 of 487, by sndwv

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Is there a way to determine the roms I am using are ok? I have a mk2 set that seems to work, but Nuked-SC55 starts with 6 'unknown write' errors, is this benign?

Also I might have been able to find a mk1 set, but the files end in .ic30, .ic23 etc., which I assume is the wrong format, and these do not work / generate endless read and write errors. I am not asking for roms (even though I have the actual hardware for both models), but if there is anyone that knows if I can convert these to working .bin files that would be very welcome.

Reply 282 of 487, by kode54

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Rank Member

The unknown write errors are normal for the mk2 set, at least. I'd share hashes, but someone may think I'm trying to encourage acquiring them by means other than dumping it from your own SC55.

Reply 283 of 487, by Rincewind42

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Rank Member
kode54 wrote on 2024-05-05, 22:34:

someone may think I'm trying to encourage acquiring them by means other than dumping it from your own SC55.

...which we know only like 3 people on Earth are currently capable of doing 🤣 That's next-level, even for Vogons 🤣 Okay, moving on...

DOS: Soyo SY-5TF, MMX 200, 128MB, S3 Virge DX, ESS 1868F, AWE32, QWave, S2, McFly, SC-55, MU80, MP32L
Win98: Gigabyte K8VM800M, Athlon64 3200+, 512MB, Matrox G400, SB Live
WinXP: Gigabyte P31-DS3L, C2D 2.33 GHz, 2GB, GT 430, Audigy 4

Reply 284 of 487, by zaphod77

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Rank Member

if you just get the six, the mkII ones are fine. everyone gets those.

the hashes are in the source i think

Reply 285 of 487, by kode54

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Rank Member

In that case:

8a1eb33c7599b746c0c50283e4349a1bb1773b5c0ec0e9661219bf6c067d2042  rom1.bin
a4c9fd821059054c7e7681d61f49ce6f42ed2fe407a7ec1ba0dfdc9722582ce0 rom2.bin
b0b5f865a403f7308b4be8d0ed3ba2ed1c22db881b8a8326769dea222f6431d8 rom_sm.bin
c6429e21b9b3a02fbd68ef0b2053668433bee0bccd537a71841bc70b8874243b waverom1.bin
5b753f6cef4cfc7fcafe1430fecbb94a739b874e55356246a46abe24097ee491 waverom2.bin

Reply 286 of 487, by Rincewind42

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Rank Member

Nice. We can all pretend we're verifying these hashes against our own dumps if that makes people feel better 😉

DOS: Soyo SY-5TF, MMX 200, 128MB, S3 Virge DX, ESS 1868F, AWE32, QWave, S2, McFly, SC-55, MU80, MP32L
Win98: Gigabyte K8VM800M, Athlon64 3200+, 512MB, Matrox G400, SB Live
WinXP: Gigabyte P31-DS3L, C2D 2.33 GHz, 2GB, GT 430, Audigy 4

Reply 287 of 487, by Karmeck

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Rank Newbie

Regarding ROMs,specifically sc-155, there is ongoing work making thees available.


Mentioned in there is also my issue #34

And now, to rant a bit more,

For the love of Roland, do not talk about sharing ROMs, on nukeykt own github no less. Do not do it, it is not wanted.
Do not talk about where to find them.

Be professional about it and ask about it in pm's like a normal person. Don't openly talk about violating copyright, it's dumb.

Reply 288 of 487, by kode54

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Rank Member

I did not state where to get them. And I don't want Roland shutting this project down over that matter, either.

Reply 289 of 487, by Rincewind42

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Rank Member

You can share hashes of anything.

But then, some people have bigger balls 😉
(edit by Dominus: removed warez link) (hosting every single cracked version of every C64 game in the known universe, extremely publicly)

Same for the English Amiga Board's FTP, etc. Or MAME, in fact.

Well, it's preservation.

Last edited by Dominus on 2024-05-06, 16:09. Edited 1 time in total.

DOS: Soyo SY-5TF, MMX 200, 128MB, S3 Virge DX, ESS 1868F, AWE32, QWave, S2, McFly, SC-55, MU80, MP32L
Win98: Gigabyte K8VM800M, Athlon64 3200+, 512MB, Matrox G400, SB Live
WinXP: Gigabyte P31-DS3L, C2D 2.33 GHz, 2GB, GT 430, Audigy 4

Reply 290 of 487, by sndwv

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Rank Member

Ok, thanks all, I probably have a good mk2 set then. Nice, now I can join in with the fun with this amazing emulator!

Edit: what are these hashes? MD5 checksum? For the mk2? In hat case my files differ.

Reply 291 of 487, by Karmeck

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Rank Newbie
sndwv wrote on 2024-05-06, 11:18:

Ok, thanks all, I probably have a good mk2 set then. Nice, now I can join in with the fun with this amazing emulator!

Edit: what are these hashes? MD5 checksum? For the mk2? In hat case my files differ.


Reply 292 of 487, by zaphod77

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Rank Member

Yeah, sharing hashes is fine, because there is no way to use the hash to get the rom.

I'm interested in the mkII and no battery roms in particular, as that will probably fix the detuning bug. i start 0.3 with -gs as a workaround for that bug currently.

Reply 293 of 487, by Dominus

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Rank DOSBox Moderator
DOSBox Moderator
Rincewind42 wrote on 2024-05-06, 11:13:
You can share hashes of anything. […]
Show full quote

You can share hashes of anything.

But then, some people have bigger balls 😉
(edit by Dominus: removed warez link) (hosting every single cracked version of every C64 game in the known universe, extremely publicly)

Same for the English Amiga Board's FTP, etc. Or MAME, in fact.

Well, it's preservation.

Please do not post links to illegal downloads on Vogons

Windows 3.1x guide for DOSBox
60 seconds guide to DOSBox
DOSBox SVN snapshot for macOS (10.4-11.x ppc/intel 32/64bit) notarized for gatekeeper

Reply 294 of 487, by zaphod77

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Rank Member

The deleted link does have other non warez content, but i understand why it was deleted.

It's a case of a line that has to be drawn clearly. While nearly everyone has no problem with the site, if it's considered okay, then that puts a question about where the line needs to be drawn.

incidentally, there used to be no issue with arcade roms being posted on the net at all. the copyright owners literally did not care, because until then, these roms were only useful for machine repair. Which no one really had a problem with. Then MAME showed up.

Reply 295 of 487, by sndwv

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Rank Member

Just to make sure: the supposed SC-55 'mk I' set I might have found (the file names match and file sizes seem to make sense but extensions are .ic23, .ic30 etc., maybe a MAME thing?) is not usable and cannot be converted? In that case I'll toss it.

Reply 296 of 487, by sndwv

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Rank Member
zaphod77 wrote on 2024-05-06, 15:40:

Yeah, sharing hashes is fine, because there is no way to use the hash to get the rom.

I'm interested in the mkII and no battery roms in particular, as that will probably fix the detuning bug. i start 0.3 with -gs as a workaround for that bug currently.

Could you link to more information about this detuning bug? I have a real mkII without backup battery, something I should be aware of? And nuked-SC55 replicates this issue? Thanks!

Reply 297 of 487, by Karmeck

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Rank Newbie
sndwv wrote on 2024-05-06, 17:02:
zaphod77 wrote on 2024-05-06, 15:40:

Yeah, sharing hashes is fine, because there is no way to use the hash to get the rom.

I'm interested in the mkII and no battery roms in particular, as that will probably fix the detuning bug. i start 0.3 with -gs as a workaround for that bug currently.

Could you link to more information about this detuning bug? I have a real mkII without backup battery, something I should be aware of? And nuked-SC55 replicates this issue? Thanks!


Also, look at the very end of the project page:
"Due to a bug in the SC-55mk2's firmware, some parameters don't reset properly on startup. Do GM, GS or MT-32 reset using buttons to fix this issue."

Reply 298 of 487, by zaphod77

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Rank Member

On the real thing if the battery is not working bad tuning info can get loaded form the sram. a gs or gm reset fixes everything.

On 0.3, the emulator no longer complains about low battery, but everything is still off by one semitone until a gm or gs reset has been sent. I'm ot sure why.

If you have a real sc55mkII, doing a complete reset from the front panel resolves it until you power it off again.

real models that don't actually have a battery (because they were on a computer card, or didn't have the front panel buttons) don't suffer from this bug i'm pretty sure. that's what i was asking about.

Reply 299 of 487, by Oetker

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Rank Oldbie
sndwv wrote on 2024-05-06, 16:51:

Just to make sure: the supposed SC-55 'mk I' set I might have found (the file names match and file sizes seem to make sense but extensions are .ic23, .ic30 etc., maybe a MAME thing?) is not usable and cannot be converted? In that case I'll toss it.

These can be renamed, but the set you have is probably short a file.