Reply 280 of 487, by Karmeck
If I could add somthing here it would be that discussing licensing (or move on from that for now) for the project is more relevant than fucking financial results. Might be Roland's financial results, but still, hardly relevant.
There has been several good and interesting pull requests lately. I don't understand half of it.
This is somthing about global state, don't understand it, but comments indicate that it's the way forward, if plug-in functionality is desired. Like Nuked-SC55 as a plug-in, if it's somthing the author wants.
This one I feel I can participate more in, the idea of "authentic flaws" or "what's lost in perfecting".
I made a comparison early on regarding the waterfalls in sonic and how they don't work as designed when displayed on somthing that's not a crt. How the artist then relied on "flawed" image on a crt to achieve the effect of a waterfall.
Similarly, sc-55 mk1 and mk2, and, as I have recently learned, even difrent revisions of the mk1.
How composers used their sc-55 I don't exactly know, but I want to argue that they used the fleas this units came with and worked with or around them to crate the sound we now all love. Thees flaws are fixed with while trying to crate the perfect sound. And this may give a false representation when playing midi files that needs those flaws tube there to sound correct.
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