First post, by BitsUndBolts
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Hi everyone,
I recently uploaded a new video (Customize your BIOS Logos!) to my channel explaining the process of replacing the Energy Star boot logo.
This should work on AWARD BIOSes version 4.5x and 6. This thread should give a summary as well as a resource to get all tools I have used in the video.
1) Use Uniflash to create a backup of your current AWARD Bios (I used version 1.40)
2) Extract EPA Logo using CBROM
I used version 2.15 without issues, but there are reports that version 2.07 is supposed to be better and supports more BIOSes!
I have not used 2.07 myself yet. (Sorry, I don't know if I can attach CBROM in here as they may be copyrighted)
Command: cbrom BIOS.BIN /epa extract
3) Use EPACoder (1.52) to convert the EPA logo extracted from the BIOS into a Bitmap (BMP)
Don't be fooled if your BIOS has an EPA Logo included with a BMP extension - it still has to be converted - rename to filename.epa and then use EPACoder.
Pay attention to your EPA Version. There is Version 1 and Version 2 which you need to use again when converting a bitmap into an EPA file later.
4) Modify the Bitmap
When you modify your logo, make sure you keep the resolution intact. My logo has a dimension of 136x84.
There seems to be more resolutions (e.g. 136x126) which you read more about at this resource.
EPA Logos are 4-bit (16 colors) bitmap images.
5) Convert your Bitmap logo back to EPA
Pay attention to EPA Version 1 and EPA Version 2! Version 1 allows only two colors per grid cell. Watch my video to understand what this means.
Use EPACoder again to convert the Bitmap into an EPA file.
6) Use CBROM to replace the EPA Logo in the BIOS Image
Command: cbrom BIOS.BIN /epa NewLogo.epa
7) Flash BIOS to motherboard
Use Uniflash to flash the BIOS back to your motherboard.
When you restart, you should see your new logo during the boot process - something like this: