Reply 3180 of 4857, by Horun

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EvieSigma wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:35:
BitWrangler wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:29:

Nice scores. I dunno if it was a beige box older than the system, although it did happen with upgrades, as beige was having it's last gasp around when 775 came out, and the stock selloffs of beige stock meant you got them for $20 even $10 brand new.

Yeah, this LGA 775 system is some weird budget build (aside from the graphics card) with a Pentium Dual-Core E2180 instead of a Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM instead of 3 or 4GB. But it stopped POSTing right after I took this photo so off to e-waste it goes, I have enough LGA775 stuff as-is.

Nice finds. What motherboard is in it ? I almost tossed a older soc 775 board before doing a little research and found it was actually a very sought after board.
Before you destroy it by sending to e-waste please consider that someone may want or need it, thanks.

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 3181 of 4857, by EvieSigma

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Horun wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:50:
EvieSigma wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:35:
BitWrangler wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:29:

Nice scores. I dunno if it was a beige box older than the system, although it did happen with upgrades, as beige was having it's last gasp around when 775 came out, and the stock selloffs of beige stock meant you got them for $20 even $10 brand new.

Yeah, this LGA 775 system is some weird budget build (aside from the graphics card) with a Pentium Dual-Core E2180 instead of a Core 2 Duo and 2GB of RAM instead of 3 or 4GB. But it stopped POSTing right after I took this photo so off to e-waste it goes, I have enough LGA775 stuff as-is.

Nice finds. What motherboard is in it ? I almost tossed a older soc 775 board before doing a little research and found it was actually a very sought after board.
Before you destroy it by sending to e-waste please consider that someone may want or need it, thanks.

It's an ABit P31...something. I'll take a look again at it tomorrow.

Reply 3182 of 4857, by chinny22

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EvieSigma wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:00:

Somehow I found a pair of computers literally on the side of the road today. They looked promising so I grabbed them both. The one turned out to be a really disheveled and not really functional LGA775 machine crammed into an older beige case, but the left one with the dual optical drives and the Zip drive turned out to be a very nice Super Socket 7 system with a 3dfx Voodoo Banshee card, albeit one by a brand I've never heard of.

Nice! I'm curranty playing NFS4 on my Banshee and it's holding up just fine.
I'd recommend having a fan or something blowing cool air over it though. Banshee's are notorious for running hot.

Reply 3183 of 4857, by EvieSigma

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chinny22 wrote on 2021-07-19, 09:14:
EvieSigma wrote on 2021-07-18, 01:00:

Somehow I found a pair of computers literally on the side of the road today. They looked promising so I grabbed them both. The one turned out to be a really disheveled and not really functional LGA775 machine crammed into an older beige case, but the left one with the dual optical drives and the Zip drive turned out to be a very nice Super Socket 7 system with a 3dfx Voodoo Banshee card, albeit one by a brand I've never heard of.

Nice! I'm curranty playing NFS4 on my Banshee and it's holding up just fine.
I'd recommend having a fan or something blowing cool air over it though. Banshee's are notorious for running hot.

Yeah, I might have to add a fan on.

The LGA775 board I was about to scrap is an Abit IP35 Pro, which apparently sells for about $50 on eBay, so I guess that's going up for sale.

Reply 3184 of 4857, by Wolfus

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Went to e-waste yard and got this interesting 486. It works, only HDD and Dallas (of course) are gone. It has SB2.0 and Sony CD-ROM with Sony proprietary bus. The only ordinary thing inside is 512kb Trident VGA... I am looking for cache and CMS upgrade now 🙂

Last edited by Stiletto on 2021-07-22, 08:43. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 3185 of 4857, by Pierre32

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Wolfus wrote on 2021-07-21, 10:04:

Went to e-wate yard and got this interesting 486. It works, only HDD and Dallas (of course) are gone. It has SB2.0 and Sony CD-ROM with Sony proprietary bus. The only ordinary thing inside is 512kb Trident VGA... I am looking for cache and CMS upgrade now 🙂

What a funky little case, and a cool score on the SB2.0. I was happy with my CMS upgrade kit from ebay, item 333742638765

Reply 3186 of 4857, by spiroyster

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Wolfus wrote on 2021-07-21, 10:04:

Went to e-wate yard and got this interesting 486. It works, only HDD and Dallas (of course) are gone. It has SB2.0 and Sony CD-ROM with Sony proprietary bus. The only ordinary thing inside is 512kb Trident VGA... I am looking for cache and CMS upgrade now 🙂

That's a designer Colani case... very nice 😀

Reply 3187 of 4857, by Pierre32

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spiroyster wrote on 2021-07-21, 10:51:
Wolfus wrote on 2021-07-21, 10:04:

Went to e-wate yard and got this interesting 486. It works, only HDD and Dallas (of course) are gone. It has SB2.0 and Sony CD-ROM with Sony proprietary bus. The only ordinary thing inside is 512kb Trident VGA... I am looking for cache and CMS upgrade now 🙂

That's a designer Colani case... very nice 😀

How cool!

Reply 3188 of 4857, by Wolfus

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Rank Member

Thanks 🙂

Reply 3189 of 4857, by darry

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Rank l33t++
BitWrangler wrote on 2021-07-12, 01:45:

This random piece of WTF??? comes courtesy of Mrs BitWrangler, who brought it home when they were throwing it out at work... okay, that was a while ago, but it just resurfaced at the back of a closet, so now you get to see it...

Based on chips, looks like an ISA video capture card with hardware Motion-JPEG compression .

See https://web.archive.org/web/20000623043734/ht … port/index.html

Unfortunately, the driver link does not work . Filename is QISA1002.zip

Reply 3190 of 4857, by BitWrangler

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darry wrote on 2021-07-21, 20:33:
Based on chips, looks like an ISA video capture card with hardware Motion-JPEG compression . […]
Show full quote
BitWrangler wrote on 2021-07-12, 01:45:

This random piece of WTF??? comes courtesy of Mrs BitWrangler, who brought it home when they were throwing it out at work... okay, that was a while ago, but it just resurfaced at the back of a closet, so now you get to see it...

Based on chips, looks like an ISA video capture card with hardware Motion-JPEG compression .

See https://web.archive.org/web/20000623043734/ht … port/index.html

Unfortunately, the driver link does not work . Filename is QISA1002.zip

Thanks very much darry. If I collect many more odd capture cards I'm gonna have to do a review about which one is best to transfer your BetaCam tapes to your DX4-100 (Don't hold your breath, taken me 4 years to dig back in time to s370, 486 stuff might be a while coming out.)

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 3191 of 4857, by HanJammer

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Not much, but literally denied the scrapper from harvesting the gold from them... Blue Lightning and Cyrix had it's pins messed up, but I already straightened them. DEC J-11 from PDP-11 will find it's home in somebody's collection as I don't have much use for it.

New items (October/November 2022) -> My Items for Sale

Reply 3192 of 4857, by EvieSigma

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Got these from my old hardware guy over the weekend, an ASUS V9520 (GeForce FX 5200 Ultra 128MB) and a Creative CT5823 (Riva TNT2 32MB). Haven't tested them yet but they look promising enough for free cards.

Reply 3193 of 4857, by Half-Saint

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I saved an amber Hercules monitor from the trash earlier this week as well as a Samsung 206BW monitor which probably just has some bad caps.

The attachment DSC_0668.jpg is no longer available


Reply 3194 of 4857, by BitWrangler

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Yay, amber... they got a bad rap back in the day, it was said that they made your eyes lazy because you don't have to focus quite as much to pull redder light into focus as greener or bluer light.... however now, blue light bad for sleep at night, so reddish hue on your screen good, also staring at red light now meant to improve your eyesight... so Dr BitWrangler prescribes 2 hours of amber mono gaming before bed daily. 🤣 (No I'm not a real doctor I just play one on TV... in my head)

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 3195 of 4857, by GigAHerZ

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So there was this one guy who wanted to get rid of this thing...
Trinitron CRT
1600x1200 @ 75Hz
Max vertical refresh 120Hz
All of this in a 17" package

And the P in the end of the model means that it has 2 VGA inputs. 😳

It's B-E-A-utiful!
It's the kind of ultimate CRT that i hoped to get at one day, and that day was today. 😀

"640K ought to be enough for anybody." - And i intend to get every last bit out of it even after loading every damn driver!
A little about software engineering: https://byteaether.github.io/

Reply 3196 of 4857, by chrismeyer6

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Wow that's a sweet crt that's an excellent find.

Reply 3197 of 4857, by BitWrangler

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Trinitrons are the easiest CRTs on the eyes IMO, well worth hunting out.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 3198 of 4857, by Joakim

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I loved my old Trinitron. My gf (now wife) didn't so I bought a crappy LCD with 2 dead pixels. But hey I got layed. Now I have man cave without my Trinitron.. hmm..

Reply 3199 of 4857, by pan069

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Joakim wrote on 2021-08-21, 21:44:

I loved my old Trinitron. My gf (now wife) didn't so I bought a crappy LCD with 2 dead pixels. But hey I got layed. Now I have man cave without my Trinitron.. hmm..

Take note, kids...