First post, by DraxDomax

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Last Saturday, I bid on a CT4540 - which I preferred above the others on ebay, because it was black and also... higher model number ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I thought I gave it a valiant effort, put something like 93 and it sold for 95 (accepting that the highest bidder might have put even more as a max).
Then, we went for a walk with the partner and our dog. I did mention we better get back home withing 70 minutes, as there's something I want to bid on - a clean looking 4390...
We were still on a walk when the time came - but I have my phone... I was going to go up to 100, in light of this being the last affordable AWE 64 Gold in sight...
I tend to "snipe" on ebay. Learned it back in 2001, felt pretty confident... I guess because I was on rural mobile internet, my timing wasn't quite right and I missed it for £85 - felt like I could have got it for 100!

Now, they are like $300 from the US... That's pretty much where I have to utter my safe work... 300 bucks for an old card... I get it, nostalgia, but damn!

Anyone knows how to shop in yahoo auctions Japan? 😉

Reply 1 of 28, by vetz

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I remember even before those prices, back in 2012 you could get a AWE64 Gold for 30 USD on Ebay. I should've bought everything that was posted, but that is the value of hindsight.

For Yahoo Auctions Japan you can use a forwarder. There are many out there, buyee.jp is one of them.

3D Accelerated Games List (Proprietary APIs - No 3DFX/Direct3D)
3D Acceleration Comparison Episodes

Reply 2 of 28, by DraxDomax

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Oh, and I probably should apologise if someone here was on these auctions and got bumped by me into his max. Just tryin'a get mine!

Reply 3 of 28, by kolderman

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Why do you want the Gold in particular? Maybe an AWE32 3670 (which is basically an AWE64 with SIMM slots) is the cheapest option. Ordinary AWE64s are cheaper by themselves, but the ram expansion for them is expensive as heck.

Reply 4 of 28, by DraxDomax

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I wanted the 4540 cause I had another STB Voodoo2 (have one already) and it was going to be a black and gold senseless waste of money inside 😀

I think a big part of it is that I want what I can't have...

Reply 5 of 28, by debs3759

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Sounds like I need to dig out and sell my AWE gold if they fetch that much. I don't have much use for a good sound card, as am deaf in one ear and tone deaf in the other 😀

See my graphics card database at www.gpuzoo.com
Constantly being worked on. Feel free to message me with any corrections or details of cards you would like me to research and add.

Reply 6 of 28, by Horun

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DraxDomax wrote on 2021-06-26, 20:31:

I wanted the 4540 cause I had another STB Voodoo2 (have one already) and it was going to be a black and gold senseless waste of money inside 😀

I think a big part of it is that I want what I can't have...

Hehee I did that with my newer i7: black corsair case, black asrock motherboard, black antec psu, black EVGA vid card. looks great inside !
Bought a ct4380 awe64 value back 6 months ago for $40, works fine and the gold versions were 4X in price at the time

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 7 of 28, by AlexZ

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Recently I saw a pack of Sound Blaster cards on sale with 2x AWE 64 and one was the gold version. It seems they got bought by a speculator who is now reselling them for higher price (AWE 64 Gold for €150). In the meantime I'm glad I bought my Yamaha ISA sound card recently for just €3 😀.

Being sold for $300 doesn't mean they have such value, that is only list price. Lot of sellers set price based on similar items being sold. Real value is determined only once someone buys it.

Pentium III 900E, ECS P6BXT-A+, 384MB RAM, GeForce FX 5600 128MB, Voodoo 2 12MB, Yamaha SM718 ISA
Athlon 64 3400+, Gigabyte GA-K8NE, 2GB RAM, GeForce 9800GT 512MB, Sound Blaster Audigy 2 ZS
Phenom II X6 1100, Asus 990FX, 32GB RAM, GeForce RTX 2080 Ti

Reply 9 of 28, by seob

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I always look in old computers i find at thriftshops. That’s how i got mine awe64 gold with spdif bracket for just 10 euro, since that was the price for the computer.

Reply 10 of 28, by Pickle

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i was in the right place and time at a recycle store and bought it for $50 (plus some other nice things). Ive seen the prices on ebay and cant believe it.
But i have seen some of the awe64 value at a reasonable price, anyone know the key differences?

Reply 11 of 28, by Moogle!

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Everything is a bubble that will not pop. Houses. Cars. Hobbies. The pickers are buying up everything. It's only going to get worse as the world economy degrades further.

Reply 12 of 28, by Schule04

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The AWE64 cards aren't even good. They don't have a real OPL3 for older games, require a TSR for the synth and use crappy soundfonts. For $300 you can get a good yamaha soundblaster clone and multiple external midi modules. And if you really want to play around with soundfonts you can also get a SB Live basically for free. Sure it will only work with soundfonts inside windows but at that price it's not that big of a drawback.

Reply 13 of 28, by BitWrangler

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I gotta start taking a closer look at the local "box of parts" listings I pass over because they're all modems and sound cards

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 14 of 28, by maxtherabbit

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Schule04 wrote on 2021-06-28, 00:34:

The AWE64 cards aren't even good. They don't have a real OPL3 for older games, require a TSR for the synth and use crappy soundfonts. For $300 you can get a good yamaha soundblaster clone and multiple external midi modules. And if you really want to play around with soundfonts you can also get a SB Live basically for free. Sure it will only work with soundfonts inside windows but at that price it's not that big of a drawback.

It's over inflated in price sure but I would not go so far as to say it's "not good". Some of the SF2 sound fonts sound amazing and bug free SB16 and MIDI is worth something too

Reply 15 of 28, by Horun

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Schule04 wrote on 2021-06-28, 00:34:

The AWE64 cards aren't even good. They don't have a real OPL3 for older games, require a TSR for the synth and use crappy soundfonts. For $300 you can get a good yamaha soundblaster clone and multiple external midi modules. And if you really want to play around with soundfonts you can also get a SB Live basically for free. Sure it will only work with soundfonts inside windows but at that price it's not that big of a drawback.

I concur ! The best Creative ISA card for DOS gaming IMHO is the SB32 CT3930 with EMU8000, Yamaha YMF262, simm slots for up to 28Mb ram (for sound fonts) and is jumper set not plug and play..
The built in features make a AWE64 look like a value card in many ways IF all you are doing is DOS/Win9x gaming. Just my opinion....

maxtherabbit wrote on 2021-06-28, 02:15:

It's over inflated in price sure but I would not go so far as to say it's "not good". Some of the SF2 sound fonts sound amazing and bug free SB16 and MIDI is worth something too

Agree ! It is a good card but there are others that can be cheaper and do same if you stumble on them...

Hate posting a reply and then have to edit it because it made no sense 😁 First computer was an IBM 3270 workstation with CGA monitor. Stuff: https://archive.org/details/@horun

Reply 16 of 28, by kolderman

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Schule04 wrote on 2021-06-28, 00:34:

The AWE64 cards aren't even good. They don't have a real OPL3 for older games, require a TSR for the synth and use crappy soundfonts. For $300 you can get a good yamaha soundblaster clone and multiple external midi modules. And if you really want to play around with soundfonts you can also get a SB Live basically for free. Sure it will only work with soundfonts inside windows but at that price it's not that big of a drawback.

Soundfonts require windows and thus don't need a TSR - they load using windows drivers, and there is no reason for them to be crappy. I use a very nice one. It's true the lack of OPL makes it less interesting for older games, but the Live! does not help you there either. And getting a Live! working with soundfonts for DOS games is a PITA, or just working reliably with DOS games in general. I probably wouldn't pay $300 for a Gold, but if you can get one affordably they are worth it.

Reply 17 of 28, by Warlord

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i have a couple golds. they are over hyped.

Reply 18 of 28, by Joseph_Joestar

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Schule04 wrote on 2021-06-28, 00:34:

require a TSR for the synth

The TSR is only loaded in case a game you're playing doesn't support the AWE32 mode natively so you need to force the card to emulate General MIDI using AWEUTIL under pure DOS. On the other hand, if you're simply initializing the card in AWE32 mode, then AWEUTIL does not stay resident.

This is handled much better under Win9x where General MIDI works right off the bat in pretty much any game.

and use crappy soundfonts.

I kind of like GM35REVC.SF2 which is the default soundfont that ships with the AWE64 Gold. Here are some music samples. Then again, you can load that on a SBLive too.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 19 of 28, by Joseph_Joestar

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Pickle wrote on 2021-06-28, 00:00:

But i have seen some of the awe64 value at a reasonable price, anyone know the key differences?

The Value models are slightly more noisy than the Gold cards, but that can be adjusted by tweaking the mixer settings. They also only have 512 KB of on-board RAM which limits you severely in terms of soundfonts that can be loaded, though there are third party RAM expansion cards which can work around that.

The latest Value model CT4520 is much more integrated than the rest and also lacks the oscillator crystal. It seems to handle resampling worse than the Gold and also suffers from the Vibra distortion bug. Again, this is likely only an issue with that particular model, since Creative used so many cost cutting measures on it.

On topic, you can still get an AWE64 Gold for a decent price if you look in your local classifieds instead of Evil Bay. I got mine for 45 EUR last year. I certainly wouldn't pay 100+ EUR for one, you're better off getting an SC-55 for that much.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Core 2 Duo E8600 / Foxconn P35AX-S / X800 / Audigy2 ZS
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi