First post, by Mephisto

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Rank Member

Hi folx. I need your Help.

I have installed the VDM-Sound on my Notebook, on witch i have created an User account for me, without Administrator rights.

After some Registry modding, ive arranged to allow the Simple User to use the VDM SOund, through the Kontext menue - The Run With VDMSound.... Option (for the Com,Bat and Exe files) appears.

So i can allready run the VDMSound WITHOUT the Administrator rights - it runs fine, but i cannot open the VLP Shortcut as a simple User....

(In the registry, i have allowed the Simple User to have full acces to the "vlp" entries and all entries witch have the VDMS - string in them)

What command prompt do i need to Open the VLP file using VDM Sound ??


When i choose the Open With.... option to the VLP - whitch "File" do i have to choose ????

PS: I also allowed my "User" Accout to have full access to the VDMsound Folder

PPS: im Using VDM Sound 2.1

Reply 1 of 6, by Mephisto

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Rank Member

Or maybe other Question (if its allowed)

VDM is Open Source - am i right ?? If this is true:

Can someone post the entire Registry entires, VDM Sound 2.1 makes during the Installation,
and the files that are copied to the Harddisc - which are not in the Installation Folder (if there are some...)

maybe i forgott to check or allow something.............


Reply 2 of 6, by vladr

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Rank Oldbie

You can either 1) install VDMSound as Admin and then use it as any (non-priviledged) user, or 2) install it as a simple user ignoring the warnings then:
2.a) open the VDMSound shell extension DLL (or get the .rgs file from CSV) and look for a block of text containing lots of HKCR (standing in for HKEY_CLASS_ROOT) and use that as a template by replacing HKCR with HKCU/CLASSES (HKCU being Current User) to activate the conetxt menu for the current user only. Sorry but Micro$oft did not allow making this kind of selection (admin/all users vs. current user) at setup time because of the way regsvr32 works.


Reply 3 of 6, by Mephisto

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Rank Member

Sry for my late Answer. I didn't had the Time to use VDM Sound - untill Yesterday, but i kept that thread in my Mind

1: "install VDMSound as Admin and then use it as any (non-priviledged) user,"

No, i Can't - not at all....
I can Install VDM Sound as Admin, and i can create a VLP Shortcut to a game. So far, so good, but when i Click on that VLP Shortcut, windows (XP, Sp2) cannot open it, and asks me anytime, to choose a Programm for this Application. Every executable file i choose from the VDM-Sound- Folder isnt right

2: "open the VDMSound shell extension DLL"

How ? Via Notepda^^ ?

Reply 4 of 6, by Snover

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Rank l33t++

Don't use VDMSound, it's not supported anymore since DOSBox has improved massively.

Yes, it’s my fault.

Reply 5 of 6, by Mephisto

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Rank Member

rly: Thx. My latest version is 0,62 ^^ and with this i have some problems, running various games, that (according to the Compatibilty list at the time of download) should run perfect. Such (for example) as Cannon Fodder 2, whitch runs good, but without sound, even if the Soundsettings in the Install programm runs a perfect test.

Then i have to give it a try. Thx for that hint