DOSBox-X branch

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Reply 2120 of 2415, by Bruninho

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_Rob wrote on 2021-02-09, 17:35:

The sound issue sounds like a bug, please report it on the dosbox-x issues page on github.

Reported, thanks.

_Rob wrote on 2021-02-09, 17:35:
As to the glide emulation, please make sure it was actually activated. The moment the game actually starts using glide pass-thro […]
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As to the glide emulation, please make sure it was actually activated. The moment the game actually starts using glide pass-through the following message should appear in the log:

LOG: Glide:Activated

This is mentioned on the dosbox-x wiki, but for glide pass-through to work there are some pre-conditions.
- You need to have a glide wrapper installed on your host OS
- If your using OpenGlide, you must use the SDL1 version of dosbox-x (this is a limitation of OpenGlide)
- The glide wrapper and dosbox-x need to be the same architecture (e.g. both x86_64)
- You need to use the specially modified glide2x.ovl or glide2x.dll
- You need to set glide=true in the config file.

- My DOSBox-X version is SDL1, I've always used SDL1 version. I'm on an Intel MacBook Pro, so both the glide wrapper and dosbox-x are x86_64.
I think almeath has to clarify where really these files have to be for the wrapper to work... and if I have to reboot (most likely yes).

- Probably FIFA 98 RTWC and FIFA 99 does not benefit from Glide? Even though nGlide pages says they support both games with some conditions (but on newer Windows than 98). nGlide works for me with my VMware Fusion Windows XP install.

- I've found these two files on my Windows directories (I think the DLL was in System folder, and OVL on root Windows folder for some reason I do not know why? Do they have to be in FIFA folder instead?)

- glide=true was set too.

_Rob wrote on 2021-02-09, 17:35:

Regarding the full-screen issue, this is a known limitation when using 3dfx. See https://github.com/joncampbell123/dosbox-x/issues/2238

Oh damn. But if I manage to get Glide going on, surely I will be able to go full screen, no?

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
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Reply 2121 of 2415, by _Rob

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Another way of knowing if glide was activated, is by starting dosbox-x with glide=true set and seeing if the file Z:\GLIDE2X.OVL exists (this is before you boot into Win98).
If it exists then glide pass-through should be possible. If it does not exist, dosbox-x has not detected glide pass-through capability.

GLIDE2X.OVL is for DOS games, GLIDE2X.DLL is for Win9x games.

Unfortunately there does not seem to exist any glide wrapper for modern macOS.

Reply 2122 of 2415, by Bruninho

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Rank Oldbie

Yeah, no glide for me then. almeath's files are for 32-bit version of Intel macOS 10.4.x, what we need is 64 bit version for Intel Macs on Catalina and above (I'm on Big Sur).

"Design isn't just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works."
JOBS, Steve.
READ: Right to Repair sucks and is illegal!

Reply 2123 of 2415, by Ripthron

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Did anyone here try to play Secret of Monkey Island talkie on Dosbox-X 0.83.10 with a real MT-32?
For some reason it decided to play with wrong instruments.
Wing Commander and Space Quest 1 VGA works fine. Monkey Island Talkie works fine on SCUMMVM. I have attached audio files for anyone who is curious.
EDIT: I forgot to mention: I have already restored to the factory settings.

Reply 2124 of 2415, by Wengier

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Ripthron: The MT32 feature in DOSBox-X is based on the latest MUNT 2.4.0 driver. I do not have a real MT32 to try yet, so I am not really sure which one is the incorrect one (need more checking).

Reply 2125 of 2415, by Ripthron

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Wengier wrote on 2021-02-11, 04:15:

Ripthron: The MT32 feature in DOSBox-X is based on the latest MUNT 2.4.0 driver. I do not have a real MT32 to try yet, so I am not really sure which one is the incorrect one (need more checking).

The second file with DOSBox-X name is the incorrect one.

Reply 2126 of 2415, by _Rob

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Ripthron, did you use the 'old' or the 'new' MT-32 roms? Also is your MT-32 a 'old' or 'new' unit?

Another thing you can try, is to use the external MUNT emulator with DOSBox-X to check if the behaviour is the same.

Most of this is explained on the DOSBox-X MIDI wiki page.

But if I recall correctly, Monkey Island should be pretty straight forward with regards MT-32. From what I recall it does not use any custom instruments for instance.
I also assume you did not just run another game in dosbox-x just before that may have left the emulated MT-32 in a non-default state?

Reply 2127 of 2415, by Ripthron

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Rank Newbie
_Rob wrote on 2021-02-11, 07:05:

Ripthron, did you use the 'old' or the 'new' MT-32 roms? Also is your MT-32 a 'old' or 'new' unit?

Another thing you can try, is to use the external MUNT emulator with DOSBox-X to check if the behaviour is the same.

I just tested with the built in MUNT on DOSBOX-X and it worked without problems, with external MUNT the behavior is the same with all sets of roms, just like my MT-32.
I'm not sure which roms I used, but the information is attached in my post. My MT-32 is the old model with rom version 1.07.

_Rob wrote on 2021-02-11, 07:05:

I also assume you did not just run another game in dosbox-x just before that may have left the emulated MT-32 in a non-default state?

It was the first thing I thought, I restored to the factory settings, turned off/on and no luck. I just set up the MUNT (built in and external versions), so I don't think it has anything to do with the MT-32 emulation.

Reply 2128 of 2415, by Ripthron

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Rank Newbie

Ok, I'm stupid. Move along folks, nothing to see here.

I was using the wrong command on DOS. Instead of using the parameter for MT-32 I ended up using the one for GM.
Fun fact 1: Built in MUNT didn't give a damn about the GM parameter, it just played the right instruments.
Fun fact 2: Even with the GM parameter, my SC-88 only played the correct instruments after initializing the CM-64 mode, and this is what made me look deeper.

Reply 2129 of 2415, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie


i found 2 bugs with dosbox-x
(i tried windows 64 bit version sdl1 and 2)

i cannot use backslash in the configuration tool when i want to edit the autoecex.bat.
in dos prompt its working
(using copy and paste also doesn't work in the configuration tool, so i have to edit autoexec.bat in the dosbox-x config file)

configuration changes done in configuration tool are not saved properly.
when i use a fresh dosbox-x and want to change aspect from false to true in configuration tool -> render
and then click on save it is not saved when i restart dosbox-x
i have to use save and restart to save the settings.
(only when i use save and restart a dosbox-x.conf is created, when i click on save its not)

sorry if this are old and known bugs with the dosbox-x gui.

Reply 2130 of 2415, by Wengier

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K.A.R.R.: The second issue is a known issue in version 0.83.10 (“Save” did not work but “Save & Restart” will work), which is already fixed in the latest code and will be in version 0.83.11 which is scheduled to be released in a few days.

For the first issue, I think copy and paste in the configuration tool is an interesting idea.

Reply 2131 of 2415, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

thx and good to know

i found another problem:
about gus and midi playback with playmidi player (happens also with dosmid player)

with the normal gus patches from driver 4.11 midi files play perfect
with dosbox ece, staging and dosbox-x.

but when i use the pro patches lite 1.61
all dosbox versions have a looping bug
some instruments are looped during play
(i made a recording of this below)
dosbox ece and staging have minor looping problem, dosbox-x a major looping problem.

a user here at vogons (Tsyu) uploaded 3 new pat files without looping
with this fix dosbox ece and staging play the midi files now without looping
but with dosbox-x there are still some looping bugs with some mid files.

a friend of mine owns a real gus
with the real gus the midi files play all perfect with org. 411 patches and with pro patches lite 1.61
the anti loop fixes are not even needed with a real gus !

here i uploaded the test files:

the file contains
midi.zip with 4 midi files to test
ultrasnd.zip (ultrasnd folder with pro patches lite)
ultrasndantiloop.zip (ultrasnd folder with pro patches lite and anti loop fix)

and here my recordings with audacity how it sounds
https://www.mediafire.com/file/hwqcvgn5ovd7dk … fnahme.zip/file
contains 3 files

161.wav dosbox-x recoding of 3 midi files with pro patches lite (heavy looping problems)
161antiloop.wav dosbox-x recording with pro patches lite and anti loop fix (last midi file still makes problems)
sun.wav the sun.midi recorded with dosbox ece and pro patches lite and anti loop fix (plays perfect)

here is the summary:
all versions of dosbox play midi files perfect with org patches
with ppl 1.61 patches all dosbox versions have looping problems (dosbox-x heavy ones)
with ppl 1.61 patches + anti loop fix dosbox-x still has some issues (dosbox ece and staging play perfect)

with a real gus there are NO looping erros with org and with ppl1.61 patches (anti loop fix is not needed here)
since the real gus has no issues, the playmidi player and the ppl 1.61 patches are not the reason.

sorry for the long text
hope there is a gus/ midi expert in the dosbox-x team who have an idea how to fix the looping problem

Last edited by K.A.R.R. on 2021-02-27, 17:41. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 2133 of 2415, by Wengier

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K.A.R.R: DOSBox-X 0.83.11 is already released. The second issue you mentioned earlier was fixed, and for the first issue there is now also a "Paste Clipboard" button in AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS and 4DOS.INI sections of the Configuration Tool for pasting clipboard contents.

Reply 2134 of 2415, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

thx for the info 😀

i have an idea for the config tool.
how about to show the possible values for each area

for e.g.
main -> machine
i see the current setting "svga_s3"

it would be nice to see all possible options directly in the gui
may be with a drop down menu like dosbox game launcher
just an idea to make it more comfortable if you want to change a setting.

like this:

custom <- (here you can put your own values into it, good for everything that has numbers)

of course not only for machine for ALL settings 😀

Last edited by K.A.R.R. on 2021-03-02, 21:45. Edited 6 times in total.

Reply 2135 of 2415, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie

is any work being done on interwave support? because none of it actually works, looking over the gus.cpp. no app will ever detect interwave, ram is restricted to max 1mb, etc.

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 2136 of 2415, by _Rob

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Rank Member

I assume you tried:


gusmemsize= is indeed limited to 1024KB. Not sure if that is simply a matter of raising the limit, or if that requires more work to support.

What is the max RAM a interwave adapter supports?

Reply 2137 of 2415, by BloodyCactus

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Rank Oldbie
_Rob wrote on 2021-03-04, 18:08:
I assume you tried: […]
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I assume you tried:


gusmemsize= is indeed limited to 1024KB. Not sure if that is simply a matter of raising the limit, or if that requires more work to support.

What is the max RAM a interwave adapter supports?

gustype=interwave setting is more or less irrelevant. it doesnt work. interwave supports max 16mb. it looks like someone started interwave support but very little was ever done. no app/game/demo will ever detect an interwave card as it is now. the interwave registers+ function bits are not present.

--/\-[ Stu : Bloody Cactus :: [ https://bloodycactus.com :: http://kråketær.com ]-/\--

Reply 2138 of 2415, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

about the gus midi looping problem with dosbox-x
with windows 3.11 it behaves exactly as with dos.

compared to real gus there must be a minor issue somewhere

Reply 2139 of 2415, by K.A.R.R.

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Rank Newbie

funny thing when i play doom without the anti loop fix it plays perfect with dosbox-x and pro patches lite

but when i play midis with playmidi player or dosmid with ultramid or win 3.11
i get these strange looping bugs (seems only with drum channel)

i wonder what doom does differently to play midi ....