First post, by Myg
I put together this IPXNET server from scratch recently. It is designed to be as fast, as simple (programmically) and as thread safe as possible.
The downloads are using C# and .NET ( from Microsoft .
If you have any suggestions/design comments please don't hesitate to share.
The source was built using Visual Studio 2022 Community edition.
To run the Windows version, run "DOSBoxIPXServer" or double click the exe.
To run the Linux + MacOS version, run "dotnet DOSBoxIPXServer.dll"
Arguments: [port (ushort)] [timeout (uint)] [pingtime (int)]
[port] = UDP port that the server will use.
[timeout] = The number of seconds a client will persist on the server before it is removed.
[pingtime] = The number of milliseconds between ping checks: A proper response will reset a client [timeout].
Normally loading it without arguments will start the server with the default values:
- UDP port: 213.
- timeout: 180 seconds.
- pingtime: 60000 milliseconds.
The arguments are all optional.
Examples/use cases:
- "DOSBoxIPXServer 5000" to run the server on UDP port 5000 with default timeout and pingtime.
- "DOSBoxIPXServer 5000 600" to run the server on UDP port 5000 with a 600 second user timeout with default pingtime.
- "DOSBoxIPXServer 5000 600 6000" to run the server on UDP port 5000 with 600 seconds user timeout with a ping/connection/keepalive test every 6000 milliseconds.