Three years ago I got hold of a (then wet) red-power-light OCS Amiga 500 rev5 (KS1.2) with a bottom full of mud, a missing trapdoor and a severely corroded memory add-on (some parts of the motherboard near the trapdoor RAM connector and the audio filter were badly greenish as well) due to barrel battery leakage. I had to get this poor machine up and running, but was afraid to just power it up. Back then, my first reaction was to tear it all apart, remove the totalled A501, clean the motherboard and test for discontinuities, fully recap it and wash the plastics thoroughly. Didn't have floppies with software at hand at the time (other A500 was packed away), so I just verified that it could boot to the hand-holding-a-disk screen only after the clean-up and recap.
So, the plan since 2017 was to actually do what my other A500 got away with. A toy from abroad arrived last week! Fast-forward to last weekend, I replaced the 68000 with an Apollo V500V2+ board and the floppy with a Gotek with FlashFloppy firmware, so the last two days I've been playing around with it. Soon it'll get a HDD (probably a SD2IDE with Coffin) and an Ethernet adapter, together with a few more mods... More pics to follow in a month or so (I hope). Also in the to-do list is to fix three broken keys (probably bad contacts/membrane) - escape, capslock being two of them 🙁 Either that or I'll switch keyboards with my other working stock A500 until a solution is found. For the time being, I'm fine with a joystick and the tank mouse and some Lotus III action until I get the full AmigaOS+Vampire RTG-graphics experience 😜 Won't paint/retrobrite it, I really want to keep the stock looks albeit the case is a bit yellowed, not too bad though - seen much worse.
Stojke wrote:Its not like components found in trash after 20 years in rain dont still work flawlessly.
:: chemical reaction :: athens in love || reality is absent || spectrality || meteoron || the lie you believe