Windows 98SE Update Recommendations

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First post, by Spartan2381

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I just pulled my old Toshiba 490CDT and installed Windows 98SE. I was wondering if anyone has recommendations on if any updates should be applied. I have seen some people reference the Unofficial service pack but wanted to get some advice before proceeding. The only update I have installed is the manufactures drivers and NUSB 3.6 for USB support. Another question I have is getting on the internet even possible these days with any sort of browser?

Reply 1 of 28, by Repo Man11

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I like to use this on installs of Windows 98 SE: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … &menustate=50,0
I once tried one of those unofficial service packs for Win98, and it just seemed to slow things down. But the above ISO is all genuine Microsoft, things that you would have once gotten from Windows Update.

"We do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they would be easy."

Reply 2 of 28, by Spartan2381

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Repo Man11 wrote on 2020-07-18, 01:09:

I like to use this on installs of Windows 98 SE: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … &menustate=50,0
I once tried one of those unofficial service packs for Win98, and it just seemed to slow things down. But the above ISO is all genuine Microsoft, things that you would have once gotten from Windows Update.

Thanks @Rep Man11, I'll give that a go. Are you using any specific browser to get online?

Reply 3 of 28, by chinny22

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2 groups of people exist.
The group want to run a fully up to date copy of Windows
The group that install updates to get the machine running

Neither is right or wrong but I fall into the second group, an up to date Win9x PC still isn't up to date so don't see the point of applying fixes unless needed.

Only update I apply is the Windows Installer 2.0 as required by Daemon Tools
I also install IE, but that's just because if feels more complete, not because it's much use as a browser on the web (I don't really go on line with my Win9x machines)

Driver wise I install the latest from the likes of Intel, S3, Yamaha, etc rather then the official Toshiba one's

Reply 4 of 28, by Spartan2381

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chinny22 wrote on 2020-07-19, 08:47:
2 groups of people exist. The group want to run a fully up to date copy of Windows or The group that install updates to get the […]
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2 groups of people exist.
The group want to run a fully up to date copy of Windows
The group that install updates to get the machine running

Neither is right or wrong but I fall into the second group, an up to date Win9x PC still isn't up to date so don't see the point of applying fixes unless needed.

Only update I apply is the Windows Installer 2.0 as required by Daemon Tools
I also install IE, but that's just because if feels more complete, not because it's much use as a browser on the web (I don't really go on line with my Win9x machines)

Driver wise I install the latest from the likes of Intel, S3, Yamaha, etc rather then the official Toshiba one's

I want to limit instability and will mostly be used for playing games. The only reason I was asking about the unofficial service pack was to see if it's needed for the networking in terms of basic browser support in case I just needed to get on some websites.

So based on what I'm hearing I'm thinking of doing the below updates and in this order:

1. Windows 98 SE (Full OEM)
2. NSUB 3.6
3. Manufacture Drivers
4. Windows Installer 2.0
5. Internet Explorer 6.0
6. MS Windows Security Update CD February 2004

Reply 6 of 28, by Repo Man11

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Spartan2381 wrote on 2020-07-18, 15:14:
Repo Man11 wrote on 2020-07-18, 01:09:

I like to use this on installs of Windows 98 SE: http://www.vogonsdrivers.com/getfile.php?file … &menustate=50,0
I once tried one of those unofficial service packs for Win98, and it just seemed to slow things down. But the above ISO is all genuine Microsoft, things that you would have once gotten from Windows Update.

Thanks @Rep Man11, I'll give that a go. Are you using any specific browser to get online?

The last time I tried to get online with my Windows 98 computer, it was such a miserable experience that I haven't bothered to try again. IIRC K Meleon browser did install with my K6-2+.

"We do these things not because they are easy, but because we thought they would be easy."

Reply 8 of 28, by Spartan2381

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Thanks everyone for all the help. Hopefully all the updates go smooth and I can get in some gaming!

Reply 9 of 28, by Joseph_Joestar

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For gaming purposes, Win98SE updates are completely useless, with the exception of Windows Installer and DirectX. This is assuming you don't intend to play games from 2002 and onward on Win98.

In practice, update packs (especially unofficial ones) cause more problems than they solve.

PC#1: Pentium MMX 166 / Soyo SY-5BT / S3 Trio64V+ / Voodoo1 / YMF719 / AWE64 Gold / SC-155
PC#2: AthlonXP 2100+ / ECS K7VTA3 / Voodoo3 / Audigy2 / Vortex2
PC#3: Athlon64 3400+ / Asus K8V-MX / 5900XT / Audigy2
PC#4: i5-3570K / MSI Z77A-G43 / GTX 970 / X-Fi

Reply 10 of 28, by Jorpho

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Spartan2381 wrote on 2020-07-19, 20:16:

The only reason I was asking about the unofficial service pack was to see if it's needed for the networking in terms of basic browser support in case I just needed to get on some websites.

IE6 is a terrible idea for that.

Previous threads suggest Opera or RetroZilla.
Bests Browser for Win98se ?
List of Web Browsers For All Operating Systems

Reply 11 of 28, by chinny22

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Agree, any IE version isn't going to be much use on modern web pages, Hell IE11 is even struggling these days.

Just to be clear, I only install IE6 as it feels more complete. I also install a copy of Office but rarely use either and could skip installing them and not notice.
Same as majority of the updates, they offer no benefits 20+ years down the track It just comes down to personal taste.

Reply 12 of 28, by maxtherabbit

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not all the updates are "security" though, some of them fix actual usability flaws in the base OS

Reply 13 of 28, by Jorpho

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It should be emphasized that, as noted above, IE6 has a notorious bug that causes Explorer to hang even during ordinary local file operations that have nothing to do with the Internet. There are fixes, of course.
https://msfn.org/board/topic/84451-98-fe-98-s … shell32dll-fix/

Reply 14 of 28, by swaaye

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I usually just install DirectX 7, the Windows Installer update, and IE6 SP1. The above-mentioned file manager bug is not something I've noticed in all these decades. But I don't even remember what needs those components that IE6 installs so it's probably skippable.

If you want USB storage then of course you need one of those packages too. I don't bother anymore. For file transfers I just go with a network share on the 98SE machine and copy files to it from a modern PC. Gotta enable SMB1 client on Win10 these days.

Reply 15 of 28, by chublord

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The most modern browser that I have found that is Windows 98 compatible is Opera 10. Unfortunately, even Opera 10 does not support modern security protocol (TLS 1.2), and therefore it appears any secured websites do not work.

IBM Valuepoint 486 DX4-100, Opti 802G, 50 MHz FSB, Voodoo1+S3 864, Quantum Fireball EX 4.0 GB, Seagate Medalist 1.6 GB, 128 MB FPM, 256k L2

Reply 16 of 28, by Jorpho

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chublord wrote on 2020-07-20, 19:39:

The most modern browser that I have found that is Windows 98 compatible is Opera 10. Unfortunately, even Opera 10 does not support modern security protocol (TLS 1.2), and therefore it appears any secured websites do not work.

More info on that in Browsing on My Windows 98 Machine .

Reply 17 of 28, by zapbuzz

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Rank Oldbie

waiting to login to vogons under windows 98se retrozilla shows a little of the modern web but as snappy as my white box is i would trade windows 10 for 98se anyday!

Reply 18 of 28, by xcomcmdr

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Jorpho wrote on 2020-07-20, 16:56:

It should be emphasized that, as noted above, IE6 has a notorious bug that causes Explorer to hang even during ordinary local file operations that have nothing to do with the Internet. There are fixes, of course.
https://msfn.org/board/topic/84451-98-fe-98-s … shell32dll-fix/

Thank you for offering a fix to a problem I 've had for years ! 😀

As for updates, I only install :
IE6 or IE 5.5 SP2
Windows Installer 2.0
.NET Framework 2.0, which requires both of the above (the ANSI version, of course)

When the Windows Update website was up, I would install ALL of them. Sadly, now they are only available in English online. And just like Unnoficial Service Packs, they break the French localization of my Windows 98SE install...

Reply 19 of 28, by Warlord

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if you have the second edition of 98 theres no need to install any updates unless you have a problem. Id advice against it.

You computer can't even play dx7 games so theres no value in updating dx7. It's also so old and slow that even if there was a browser that was worth using on 98 it would take 100 years to load a web page so ya just leave it alone is my advice.

If you install one of those unofficial service packs it will probably bring it to its knees in slowness. If it was mine Id 98lite it and shell swap to 95osr2 explorer then it might be usable for me speed wise.