Reply 40 of 77, by PCBONEZ
This is why you write it out in a standard format - doesn't have to be MY standard, just any.
Nichicon HD 1500uF 6.3v 10x20mm ESR= 0.023 Ω Ripple= 1820 mA
Panny . FS 1500uF 6.3v 10x12.5mm ESR= 0.043 Ω Ripple= 1290 mA
ESR is twice as high, Ripple is way too low.
That ESR is far enough off the original that the board may be unstable.
Rubycon YXG 1000uF 6.3v 8x16mm ESR= 0.087 Ω Ripple= 840 mA
Panny FS datasheet does not show an 8mm 1000uF so I dunno what you are looking at.
GRUMPY OLD FART - On Hiatus, sort'a
Mann-Made Global Warming. - We should be more concerned about the Intellectual Climate.
You can teach a man to fish and feed him for life, but if he can't handle sushi you must also teach him to cook.