This is a guide on how to get Ion Fury running under EDuke32. You might find that running the game this way runs better on your […]
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This is a guide on how to get Ion Fury running under EDuke32. You might find that running the game this way runs better on your system than using the modified version that Ion Fury uses. Though there are 2 issues specific to running it under EDuke that i've found. The in game menu scrolls and save or load pictures are blank. Other than those two things it seems to run fine.
1) Download EDuke32 from here.
If on Mac then download it from here.
EDuke32 is only available natively on Windows or Mac. However you can build it yourself if on Linux from following these instructions.
2. Put EDuke32 (unzip it if you downloaded it) into a folder on your system. It doesn't matter where or what the folder is called.
3. Install Ion Fury from wherever you brought the game from.
4. Navigate to Ion Fury's directory and copy fury.def, fury.grp and fury.grpinfo to wherever you put EDuke32.
fury.grp contains all the info about the game, such as maps, sounds etc. fury.grpinfo tells EDuke32 what the grp is and where it is, without this EDuke32 will not detected fury.grp. fury.def contains needed palette information, without this you will get a palette error and the game will not launch.
5. Double click on EDuke32.exe, make sure that Ion Fury is selected in the Game section in the window that pops up. Then click start when ready.
You can now remove Ion Fury if you want to.