First post, by treeman
So recently I pulled out a old 486 isa board CHICONY, INC.
CH-486-33/50 L with a dx50 chip running 50fsb stock
After identifying the board I decided to drop a dx4odpr100 in there and set the fsb down to 33.
On startup system shows as 66mhz but in benchmark utilities (tried 2) shows as a dx or dx4 75 mhz
To it seems as if the cpu is running at 25 fsb 3x25 = 75 instead of the 3 x 33 = 100 as designed
The weird thing is this board has a jumper for 50fsb or 33/20 so not sure how it knows I want 33 not 25
Maybye somebody has good knowledge of this board and has a idea?
Also here is my thread about identifying the board with pictures and also about the cpu