DOSBox ECE (for Windows & Linux)

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Reply 400 of 1565, by KainXVIII

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Dosbox 0.74 vanilla - overlay works, but its glitched when it try to disappear (alt+enter will help), like on your video. I think that same behavior was with old ScummVM, not it works alright too.
Dosbox 0.74 svn (comes with AR) - overlay works without disappear glitch (yay!)

Reply 401 of 1565, by Yesterplay80

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So Steam either compiled a fixed version themselves or they're using an older version, that works better with overlays than the recent ones. Does the version of SDL differ maybe?

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 402 of 1565, by KainXVIII

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Yesterplay80 wrote:

So Steam either compiled a fixed version themselves or they're using an older version, that works better with overlays than the recent ones. Does the version of SDL differ maybe?

SDL version in vanilla dosbox - 1.2.13
SDL version in Alien Rampage dosbox svn - 1.2.14 (but it does not have any copyrights on info page, maybe its indeed custom modified)
SDL version in ECE build (which does not show overlay at all) - 1.2.15

Reply 403 of 1565, by Yesterplay80

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Could you, just for fun, try to run the game using DOSBox ECE, but with the SDL.dll supplied with the game (1.2.14)? I'm not at home atm, so I can't try that myself.

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 404 of 1565, by KainXVIII

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Yesterplay80 wrote:

Could you, just for fun, try to run the game using DOSBox ECE, but with the SDL.dll supplied with the game (1.2.14)? I'm not at home atm, so I can't try that myself.

I tried, still same result - overlay not showing up 😕

Reply 405 of 1565, by Qbix

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how about the build I linked you, with the SDL.dll of the game ?

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Reply 406 of 1565, by KainXVIII

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Qbix wrote:

how about the build I linked you, with the SDL.dll of the game ?

With your build and SDL of the game - overlay works, but disappear glitch persist.

Reply 407 of 1565, by Yesterplay80

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Rank Oldbie
KainXVIII wrote:

With your build and SDL of the game - overlay works, but disappear glitch persist.

Strangely, the exact same thing happens here on my PC with ECE and vanilla, too. So it seems to work "normally".

Can anyone else confirm these problems only occur with ECE?

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 408 of 1565, by Crimson_Zero

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I'd like to thank you for compiling DOSBox ECE. Your build actually allows Lands of Lore 2 to be playable in glide mode when using the teleporters. With other builds, I've had to switch out of Hardware acceleration mode to use them and then switch back again. It's fantastic to have a build available that is up-to-date with some great features!

*If you read the earlier post with the bug report, please ignore. It was user error*
Thanks again!

Reply 409 of 1565, by osmanvielma

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Spaz wrote:

In Hoyle 3 you can bypass this problem by starting the game with: SCIDHUV -fw 0 0 200 320. Use lower case on -fw or you will get an error message.

Tested with a few other SCI games and they seem to work OK (Eco Quest and Castle of Dr. Brain)

Can somebody please tell me what those command line switches actually do?
And a list of command list available?

In castle of Dr. Brain there is this possibility of using scidhuv -f, but I don´t have a clue of what this could do.

I´m really curious about these switches. Any documentation regarding the use of these?

Thank you

Reply 410 of 1565, by brad86

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Rank Newbie

Hi guys.

Is there any way of getting Reshade to work with ECE?

I use the recently ported CRT shaders on various emulators and would like to try my Lottes VGA preset on dosbox.
Unfortunately, no matter which api I choose on the Reshade install, nothing shows up when playing. Even when changing dosbox graphics output from pixel perfect to OpenGL.

Reply 411 of 1565, by Yesterplay80

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Rank Oldbie
brad86 wrote:

Is there any way of getting Reshade to work with ECE?

ReShade only works with DIrect3D, so no.

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 412 of 1565, by brad86

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Reshade works on D3D9,10,11, and openGL

Reply 413 of 1565, by Yesterplay80

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Rank Oldbie
brad86 wrote:

Reshade works on D3D9,10,11, and openGL

Oh, the last time I used it I recall it supporting D3D only.

It works here, here I applied a CRT and a Nightvision effect to DOSBox ECE running ROTT:

My full-featured DOSBox SVN builds for Windows & Linux: Vanilla DOSBox and DOSBox ECE (Google Drive Mirror)

Reply 414 of 1565, by Dagar

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DOSBox ECE and Reshade works good here.
DOSBox ECE and Reshade with the CRT filter set up properly looks really, really good.

I noticed that you can't go over Brightness 0.600, and Gamma and Monitor Gamma over 2.000 or else the Reshade GUI overlay will not disappear properly and color glitch.
That issue is a problem of Reshade, not DOSBox ECE but I thought I'd mention it.

Reply 415 of 1565, by brad86

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Rank Newbie

All good now. Not sure if it was my older version of Reshade or how my preset was done.

Now using the latest version and everything is working.

Thanks guys.

Reply 416 of 1565, by lukeman3000

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Hey Yesterplay -

With r4134 I seem to be getting a strange sound glitch as seen here. I tested with vanilla DOSBox (v 0.74) and did not experience this (nor did I with previous versions of ECE) Any ideas?

Also, here is my DOSBox conf file if needed.

Reply 417 of 1565, by Qbix

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DOSBox Author

Just wait a little bit.
The problem is known and a solution exists, waiting to get it pushed to the right locations

Water flows down the stream
How to ask questions the smart way!

Reply 418 of 1565, by Delfino Furioso

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Rank Newbie
Dagar wrote:

DOSBox ECE and Reshade with the CRT filter set up properly looks really, really good.

I've decided to give ReShade a try...
Do you mind sharing your config params for the CRT filter?

Reply 419 of 1565, by Danfun64

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lukeman3000 wrote:

With r4134 I seem to be getting a strange sound glitch as seen here. I tested with vanilla DOSBox (v 0.74) and did not experience this (nor did I with previous versions of ECE)

Since a new version of ECE hasn't been released yet, and since I don't know if the fix for this issue has been committed to the regular dosbox repository, what was the last version of ECE that didn't have this problem?