I can get it to work" and "It makes sense" are not the same thing. But, yes, his compatibility is very impressive with working sound and General MIDI.
Yeah this all what it is really about, research / science (yeah retro computers is easy science for dummies) is about move limits, its fun too.. buy, for other people which could just use explorers guides, it could be very practical projects.. even shows dead ends (if you are good enough to admit that something is not working.. i have friend astrophysicist / geologist who spend 20 year in try to solve some mathematics problems.. at the he admitted defeat and move to economic theories become start in this profession ), its good for such projects and science.
Reboots on new computers is not issue, crtl+alt+del it takes 15secs - 2x arrows keys press in boot manager (im using Grub / Clover for all OSes) and Win98 boot menu and enter , i remember 286 days when boot took at least minute.
Best solution:
Ok you stand for 2 machines - modern and legacy. I really think than that 1 modern machine + second most modern as possible for retro compatibility or even only 1 most modern machine, which capable retro gaming are viable competitors. Why, there are some arguments:
- i would argue, that for someone who really need working computer is not 1 modern machine enough, regardless retro gaming i still need backup modern machine to resume work, if main machine fail.. and working on notebook is not ideal - even when you connect external monitors etc.. So is good to have retro machine, which is capable for modern OS, browsers, IDEs etc.. - in one piece.
- Fast retro machine is also good - for visitors, for example they can browse internet on it, i can play new multiplayer games in old Lan party style with my nephews...
- id something broke, is always easier to diagnose and replace newer components
- Dos game are for 8086 to 486 and few for Pentium, so even Pentium III machine is few generation from initial hardware
- if dont care about pure Dos or Windows 98 Dosbox, Windows 98 working very well on Z97 Haswell / Broadwell boards / AM3 boards / on MSFN rLoew with someone made Z170 working
- 2 machine instead of 3, need less space and cables, or time to reconnect things
- if you hate slow computer and waiting as do i, speed maters too.. is few seconds there, some slower data transfers there, in few years, it accumulate in few days just wasted in waiting process..
Only important metrics to measure how good /bad such builds are IMHO :
1) Compatibility with games
2) Money
3) Time effort need to make it happen, because time is other name for money, if are not already retired and alone..
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- Fast machine has already near to 100% comp XP / Windows 7 / Windows 10 / Linux - its great bonus.
- As i wrote above Windows 98, except Windows 98 dosbox, is running quite good on quite modern boards, after you make machine booting and drivers for video / audio / storage / network working, compatibility is very good.
- ok finally pure Dos games, you have to make SB emulation working, otherwise is machine from Dos gaming useless..
- but after that i would say, that at least 60% of games are working out of box on new Intel machines, without any fiddling
- and with some branched config files / patches and some CPU speed / Video atd adjusting utilities you could get at least 80%, more likely 90% of compatibility, look at Agent007 report, they are quite good..
- if would be compatibility under lets say < 70%, i would say its waste of time, its better, so it make sense.. There are lots of people with great knowledge and skills, which could help you make most of games running, it would be better and better - better utilities, better compatibility libraries/ guides, more knowledge..
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- Some old hardware is very expensive and it would be worse and worse, there would be more and more fakes and half working old cards etc.
- For now are platform like X58 are real sweetpot- in storage is lots old company one or double Xeon workstation, later it would be some Sandy / Ivy bridge machines.
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-It depends on knowledge, which you already have, or need to get, and as wrote above if there is good guide from researcher, that amount of time could rapidly decrease and you now what to expect..
-you not need wait month to try some new cards from eBay and after fail, wait other month, if its working for someone its very good guide..
Newer hardware have 1 more advantage, you never know, when someone will write some new driver or utility which will make to working something which is not working.. Imagine SB compatible emulator / wrapper for Realtek HD audio or fixed drivers for Creative cards on new chipset etc.. There some crazy project like Adlib on LTP port etc.. You never know what could move the barrier..
Modern hardware have also possibility to just exit retro gaming and you can still use machine for modern things.
Yeah situation could change quickly, if some could create good Windows 98 emulation with 3D drivers + some significant Dosbox improvements will come, i would say that retro machines are waste of time, luxury items for collectors.. But for now, i think that my solution is good one.
Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.