Bought these (retro) hardware today

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Reply 23360 of 56303, by gdjacobs

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OldCat wrote:
kev wrote:

fm-towns ux20

Wait, what is this, exactly?

During the 90s, in addition to having caffeinated chewing gum and robot beauty contests, Japan had computer platforms that weren't exported elsewhere. FM Towns was Fujitsu's horse in that race.

All hail the Great Capacitor Brand Finder

Reply 23361 of 56303, by Jo22

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keenmaster486 wrote:

They're of no use to me then. Are they worth anything?

I think so. The PAS16 got a Macintosh release, too.

But beware, that connector (or a similar looking one) was also used for other platforms.
The Robotron PCs used it for an ISA-style bus: PC A7150 (SM1910, CM1910), EC1834

Fun facts:
- NuBus was a pun (it sounded like NewBus).
- There was a "special "release of Win 3.0 called KWS.

"Time, it seems, doesn't flow. For some it's fast, for some it's slow.
In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel

//My video channel//

Reply 23362 of 56303, by Batyra

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OldCat wrote:

Wow, never heard about the idea of colour builds (although I entertained the thought of building a PC with MSI K7T Turbo red board and Gainward GeForce 3 Ti with red PCB about 15 years ago). Do you guys have more photos of such "themed" builds? Perhaps it would deserve a separate thread?

That may be an idea... so far i have red socket 7 build, red slot 1 build and blue slot 1 build... and I'm thinking of violet build based on aopen che che! card and mobo. Habe to make photos for now.

jheronimus wrote:

Could you please make a recording of E1M1 on AWE32 with WaveBlaster II? I often read that Waveblaster expands the polyphony on AWE32 (like it somehow works simultaneously with EMU8000), but could never find any proof.

no problem, remind me that by PM in week or two so I'll do them.

Reply 23363 of 56303, by OldCat

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gdjacobs wrote:

During the 90s, in addition to having caffeinated chewing gum and robot beauty contests, Japan had computer platforms that weren't exported elsewhere. FM Towns was Fujitsu's horse in that race.

Thanks! Haven't ever heard about these, will do some googling in free time.

Batyra wrote:
OldCat wrote:

Do you guys have more photos of such "themed" builds? Perhaps it would deserve a separate thread?

That may be an idea... so far i have red socket 7 build, red slot 1 build and blue slot 1 build... and I'm thinking of violet build based on aopen che che! card and mobo. Habe to make photos for now.

By all means, please do!

Reply 23364 of 56303, by oeuvre

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A Sapphire Radeon 9600 128MB AGP video card for $7 shipped on ebay

HP Z420 Workstation Intel Xeon E5-1620, 32GB, RADEON HD7850 2GB, SSD + HD, XP/7

Reply 23365 of 56303, by jimpqfly

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Red hardware challenge looks fun 😀

Reply 23366 of 56303, by Batyra

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Following colour themed build... something for my GA-BX2000+ build. Few days ago I got blue Geforce 3 Ti500 from Hecules,
but this mobo has one ISA slot... only one slot so something special got to be there. And that is why I traded arm and leg and kidney and tons of stuff for...

The attachment Batyra Gravis Ultrasound Miro Engineering Sample.jpg is no longer available

Engineering Sample of Gravis Ultrasound Clone PnP by Miro 😎
Simple construction similar to Philips or ExpertColor but it's The Sample and afaik the only blue GUS there ever was 😀

Reply 23367 of 56303, by yawetaG

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Is that sample card actually functional?

Reply 23368 of 56303, by blurks

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Batyra wrote:

Engineering Sample of Gravis Ultrasound Clone PnP by Miro 😎
Simple construction similar to Philips or ExpertColor but it's The Sample and afaik the only blue GUS there ever was 😀

So a GUS clone is a GUS like a Ferrari kit car is a Ferrari? Scratching my head right now...

Reply 23369 of 56303, by cyclone3d

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blurks wrote:
Batyra wrote:

Engineering Sample of Gravis Ultrasound Clone PnP by Miro 😎
Simple construction similar to Philips or ExpertColor but it's The Sample and afaik the only blue GUS there ever was 😀

So a GUS clone is a GUS like a Ferrari kit car is a Ferrari? Scratching my head right now...

I'd love to see a Ferrari kit car perform exactly the same or better than a real Ferrari.

Yamaha modified setupds and drivers
Yamaha XG repository
YMF7x4 Guide

Reply 23370 of 56303, by Batyra

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yawetaG wrote:

Is that sample card actually functional?

AFAIK should work but I have not tested it yet in my PC... honestly I don't know if I want to 😉

blurks wrote:

So a GUS clone is a GUS like a Ferrari kit car is a Ferrari? Scratching my head right now...

The word "clone" can be missleading. Advanced Gravis produced an InterWave based card - GUS PnP. These so called "clones" were compatible cards based on the same chip and sometimes very simmilar. We can say by analogy that Quantum3D 3dfx'es were Voodoo clones... or Canpus cards are Geforce clones and so on.

Calling all of these cards "GUS" or "GUS clones" is simplification, if we want to be proper we could call theese card an InterWave based and "Ultrasound PnP compatible cards" - or something like that 😀

In fact that "clone thing" is much more complicated in matter of GUS... for example there was a card called Primax Soundstorm M16-B branded by Primax and manufactured by Synergy and one day Advanced Gravis decided to sell theese cards as there own... they changed box and called it Ultrasound CD3 - is "clone" using the same chip and technology and more, sold by "original" company sill clone or not 😉

Ultrasound CD3
Primax SpimdStorm M16B

There was the same situation with last product form Gravis - Ultrasound Extreme - or rather Synergy Viper max - because it was first produced by Synergy. The same card but with differend logo on PCB was sold as Synergy Viper max... then Advanced Gravis decided to sell them as their own and there was a sticker on it and later print on pcb... still the same manufacturer, same card (almost - different is that some have soldered memory and some have slots for memory) but one is clone and the other is not 😀

Gravis Extreme and Synergy Viper MAX

But getting back to the Blue GUS, as I found out Miro (probably) decided to sell their project to Philips - so Miro started whole thing but Philips released to the market this card

Miro GUS
https://collection.batyra.pl/soundcards/gravi … usengsamplemiro
Philips GUS

And the last thing for people who doesn't know that. Originnaly GUS and all of their cards were on red PCB (I'm thinking of the Advanced Gravis GUS'es) - the only exeption is CD3 (the only green card sold under Advanced Gravis brand)... All the "clones" were green and this is the only one I know in other color than green or red. Blue PCB was significant to Miro soundcards.

Sorry for typos - I;m writing on phone

Reply 23372 of 56303, by Thermalwrong

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Somehow, I now have 5 late model super disk drives - I was after just 1, but 5 is fine? Now to figure out how to case & power them, since they're laptop size.

The attachment 20180509_010302 (Custom).jpg is no longer available

Reply 23373 of 56303, by Matth79

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keenmaster486 wrote:

So I went down to the recycling center today to see what they had in the giant piles of old computer parts (yes, it is as good as it sounds).

They gave me the following for $40

I think the PCI IDE may be a poisoned chalice - the CMD640 - the one with the data destroying bugs

Reply 23374 of 56303, by squiggly

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keenmaster486 wrote:

So I went down to the recycling center today to see what they had in the giant piles of old computer parts (yes, it is as good as it sounds).

They gave me the following for $40

card, card, card, mouse, card, WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

Reply 23375 of 56303, by JidaiGeki

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cyclone3d wrote:
blurks wrote:
Batyra wrote:

Engineering Sample of Gravis Ultrasound Clone PnP by Miro 😎
Simple construction similar to Philips or ExpertColor but it's The Sample and afaik the only blue GUS there ever was 😀

So a GUS clone is a GUS like a Ferrari kit car is a Ferrari? Scratching my head right now...

I'd love to see a Ferrari kit car perform exactly the same or better than a real Ferrari.


OK it's a replica but closer to a kit car than a factory built Ferrari, and faster than stock 😀

Reply 23376 of 56303, by appiah4

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I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turned oıt to be more interesting than I thought.

The attachment 2F6B5F09-58A3-4BD8-B6F7-D305D97F396C.jpeg is no longer available

It is a PII 333 unsurprisingly, with 3 sticks of 64MB RAM. It came with an 8.4GB IBM HDD and 48x ASUS CDROM which is almost certainly a replacement.

The graphics card turned out to be a Riva 128 not a Permedia 2 so it is better for gaming. However I dont know if it is an original configuration card or a later upgrade.

The sound card is a Turtle Beach Montego (Aureal Vortex 1) and the ethernet card is a 3Com with ParallellTasking II chipset

The mystery card turned out to be a daughtercard not for the Turtle Beach but for the Riva 128.Itt is connected by a feature connector to the VGA and an audio cable to the audio card. The only other connector is what seems to be a composite in or out at the back.. What could this be? A TV Out daughterboard? An Mpeg card?

Last edited by appiah4 on 2018-05-09, 08:05. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 23377 of 56303, by tayyare

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appiah4 wrote:
I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turne […]
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I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turned oıt to be more interesting than I thought.


It is a PII 333 unsurprisingly, with 3 sticks of 64MB RAM. It came with an 8.4GB IBM HDD and 48x ASUS CDROM which is almost certainly a replacement.

The graphics card turned out to be a Riva 128 not a Permedia 2 so it is better for gaming. However I dont know if it is an original configuration card or a later upgrade.

The sound card is a Turtle Beach Montego (Aureal Vortex 1) and the ethernet card is a 3Com with ParallellTasking II chipset

The mystery card turned out to be a daughtercard not for the Turtle Beach but for the Riva 128.Itt is connected by a feature connector to the VGA and an audio cable to the Riva 128. The only other connector is what seems to be a composite in or out at the back.. What could this be? A TV Out daughterboard? An Mpeg cars?

Better pictures please?

It could be a MPEG1 or 2 decoder, a capture device, a TV expansion, or a input /output expansion thingy. I have/had all of these things for diffrent brands, models and eras.

Last edited by tayyare on 2018-05-09, 08:38. Edited 1 time in total.

Geforce4 Ti 4200 64MB
Diamond Monster 3D 12MB SLI
120GB IDE Samsung/80GB IDE Seagate/146GB SCSI Compaq/73GB SCSI IBM
Adaptec AHA29160
3com 3C905B-TX
Gotek+CF Reader
MSDOS 6.22+Win 3.11/95 OSR2.1/98SE/ME/2000

Reply 23378 of 56303, by dionb

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appiah4 wrote:

I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turned oıt to be more interesting than I thought.


The mystery card turned out to be a daughtercard not for the Turtle Beach but for the Riva 128.Itt is connected by a feature connector to the VGA and an audio cable to the Riva 128. The only other connector is what seems to be a composite in or out at the back.. What could this be? A TV Out daughterboard? An Mpeg cars?

The photograph doesn't tell us much, but what is visible is 4 RAM chips (4Mb each for a total of 2MB?). That's no simple TV-out board. I'd guess an MPEG2 decoder, given the rest of the system. But with ^^, to be sure we'd need pics of the chips on the card.

Reply 23379 of 56303, by JidaiGeki

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appiah4 wrote:
I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turne […]
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I managed to crack my new Dimension XPS open thanks to ouevre (never thought it would be so hard to open a PC case) and it turned oıt to be more interesting than I thought.

It is a PII 333 unsurprisingly, with 3 sticks of 64MB RAM. It came with an 8.4GB IBM HDD and 48x ASUS CDROM which is almost certainly a replacement.

The graphics card turned out to be a Riva 128 not a Permedia 2 so it is better for gaming. However I dont know if it is an original configuration card or a later upgrade.

The sound card is a Turtle Beach Montego (Aureal Vortex 1) and the ethernet card is a 3Com with ParallellTasking II chipset

The mystery card turned out to be a daughtercard not for the Turtle Beach but for the Riva 128.Itt is connected by a feature connector to the VGA and an audio cable to the audio card. The only other connector is what seems to be a composite in or out at the back.. What could this be? A TV Out daughterboard? An Mpeg card?

Nice XPS, we have a couple of C2D XPS420s still in daily use here! And running Vista too!

The ad you posted a page or so back had a D333 config which included an STB 4MB video card (presuming the Riva 128) and DVD drive & decoder listed (it's the one for $139/m in the second row). From that it looks like you have a stock setup there, and makes the add-on a DVD decoder card.