Grub3r wrote:
OK, then my understanding was partially correct.
its like using external MIDI device but internally connecting it to the SB.
Yes, you are right.
The MPU-401 is essentially like a serial port, but for MIDI.
At least in the common, non-intelligent UART mode.
DB50XG and and the other wavetable cards are real MIDI modules,
but without any controls or displays.
Grub3r wrote:
But what if I wanted to use SC55 with this card, and not DB50XG? then I need to change port and irqs in setup programs for f.ex. a game?
but that would not be right again, as MIDI port is same port but connections is made through midi-interface on rear of the card.
how does one configure between the two?
Do you mean if you wanted to have the DB50XG installed on the Sound Blaster,
and at the same time wanted have the SC55 connected via the gameport of the Sound Blaster ?
That should work, I guess. But then, both MIDI devices would play at the same time,
since there is only one MPU-401 interface on the Sound Blaster..
In that situtation, it could be possible to use the sound card`s on-board audio mixer
and mute the internal MIDI audio.
In theory, at least. I have not really looked into the mixer settings of Sound Blaster cards, sorry. 🙁
I only know for sure that the mixer utility of my old SB16 CT1740 has not shown a mixer setting for MIDI.
Alternatively, you can use two sound cards in you PC.
One with the DB50XG, another one for the SC55.
One at port 330h and the other one at port 300h.
Both can be using IRQ2/9, if you do not use both MIDI ports the same time.
Since port 330h is the most compatible setting, it is recommend to use it for the MIDI device
you want to use for old games which expect a MT-32 or generic MIDI device
(both SC55/DB50XG have a simple MT-32 emulation mode).
Last, but not least, you can also install the DB50XG in an external case.
That way, you can connect it externally to a SC55 via the SC55 MIDI-through connector.
Such cases can be bought on the internet or home-made.
Some sound cards like the EWS64 XL also mounted waveblaster-compatible cards in a drive bay.
(Not sure how it was connected, though. If they had a mixer setting for MIDI at least, perhaps it would be useful for your setting)
In either case, take care of your DB50XG.
It is a rare species now, a bit like Mew from Pokemon. 😉
Grub3r wrote:
You are welcome.
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In what to one race is no time at all, another race can rise and fall..." - The Minstrel
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