Gemini000 wrote:Expack3 wrote:You may have already done this, but have you tried running Descent 3 via its DirectX renderer?
Yup! That DID stop those changes from happening, but the framerate was terrible. x_x;
Two things I can recommend for that: first, try checking the checkbox for "Fast video memory access" under the DirectX tab. This option, when checked, allows faster access to locked surfaces (I only know the layman's explanation, sorry); however, the reason this isn't checked by default is the feature isn't 100% reliable. Thus, it's one of those "compatibility unknown until tried" settings.
Second, try using the latest WIP version. In my experience, the unstable builds sometimes really are the best in dgVoodoo2's case.
If all else fails, try asking around in the VOGONS dgVoodoo subform (ignore the name, it does cover dgVoodoo2). Someone might know how to get the framerate up to reasonable levels, or Dege, dgVoodoo2's creator, might need to make some tweaks and include them in a new WIP version.