Reply 560 of 2150, by t9999clint

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🤣 I should have checked that. Well then consider me subscribed!

I think I seen someone else ask, but they were also asking for a bunch of unreasonable stuff so it might have gotten lost in the noise.
Is there any chance you'll add support for .sflist files? Only being able to chain a max of 5 soundfonts is kind of limiting. So far I've been getting around it by merging different soundfonts together, but that's kind of an ugly workaround.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 561 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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Is there any chance you'll add support for .sflist files? Only being able to chain a max of 5 soundfonts is kind of limiting.

Curently the sflist file format as used by Ian Luck in xmplay is not compatible with the way soundfonts are used in FSMP. (Bank LSB is not used in xmplay and individual preset loading in FSMP).
Also FSMP already supports configuration presets that include soundfonts, so you can have many different SF configurations if you save them as presets.
But I have added 5 more slots to help making more advanced stacks. Besides your request 10 slots is more logical since for soundfont testing this way you can use Ctrl + 0..9 to reach 10 different soundfonts in 10 different banks. Making an unlimited list is currently problematic because of UI and performance related issues. (e.g. unlike VMS, FSMP always asks what are the currently active instruments (names) for a channel/bank for the program and channel lists and this requires scanning of each loaded soundfont in real time).

Also extended the possible range for the Bank parameter for SF2 files (negative offsets are possible) and in case of SFZ files the parameter means Preset number instead of Bank since SFZ files are single instrument files and do not hold preset information. In case of SFZ files the special value of 128 means loading the instrument for Drum channels.

Other testable features:
1. Added the option to bassmidi's configuration of what bank should be used as default when a soundfont is loaded in real time with the exact same name as the midi file.
By default FSMP used the convention of original Sound Blaster demos where variation banks with the same name as the midi file always used Bank 1. The reason could be in case of early SB hardware Bank 0 was in ROM and/or could not be re-loaded by programs because of sfman32 limitations.
And many original SB demos relied on a default GM bank at Bank 0 besides the custom variation bank.
Midi+SF2 files converted from Mod/Xm/S3m also uses the Bank 1 convention.
But newer soft synths has no such limit and newer same named midi+sf2 combos do not follow the old convention and requires SF2 to be loaded at Bank 0.

The attachment SB_SF2_DEMOS.zip is no longer available

(the demos require that 'Instruments -> Autoload Sondfonts' to be enabled and reset type set to GS mode)

2. Added loop point support in Repeat one mode. 3 types of loop points are supported:
a. Meta Markers: 'loopStart' and 'loopEnd'.
b. RPG Maker style CC# 111 (only loop start marked, loop end is the end of the song. At least that seems to be the way RM2K uses loops).
c. XMI style CC# 116/117. Only infinite loops are supported currently that is CC# 116 with 3rd byte as 0 means loop start and CC# 117 with 3rd byte as 127 means loop end.
Also added compatibility option to enable/disable loop point support.

The attachment loop tests.zip is no longer available


Also added compatibility option to enable/disable loop point support.

This compatibility option is removed. Instead I have added a new option to the main menu called 'Loop Settings...'
Multiple possible loop points are now supported (CC116/117) with fixed and possible different loop count.
Also you can make infinite loops finite by giving the maximum loop count and so use without Repeat One mode.

3. Added compatibility option to not ignore the End of Track meta events for song length (and thus end of song) calculation. Earlier James-F and me had a short discussion about the issue of some midis containing the end of track event long after the last useful note (e.g. Warcraft2's Orc3gm.mid). We came to the conclusion that FSMP should ignore these events. But this behavior (also used by other midi players) is out of specification, and some users reported that they actually want some midi files to play until the last valid end of track message. Be aware that changing this option re-calculates the duration of all midi files on the playlist.


Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 562 of 2150, by t9999clint

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Those updates look awesome, 10 soundfonts are more than enough. That'll work great for part 3 of my MIDI project.
Here's part 1... https://youtu.be/ok2py3M3yuw

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 563 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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Nice video. I have only 2 observations about it.
1. Enabling the 'Use SysEx for Volume/Balance' option has exactly the opposite effect of what you said in the video. This setting is in the mixer section because it is for FSMP's own mixer.
If it's enabled the Volume/Balance sliders send GM SysEx messages instead of using Bass/Win32 functions to set volume/balance. But it has the side effect of overriding incoming GM master volume messages to preserve the volume setting you have set manually with the volume slider. If it's not selected incoming Volume SysEx messages are not overridden. This option is mainly useful for external synths but you can use it in case of bassmidi to set pre-mixing volume/balance instead of post-mixing.
2. In case of Bassmidi and VST effect plugins you have the possibility to enable the effects only on selected channels/instruments. This can be useful in case of the Amplitube plugin since drums and distortion effects are not close friends 😀 . You only have to enable the option 'Associate effect with Basmidi's user FX controller (CC94)' in the plugin's dialog and set the value of Controller 94 on the channels using guitars to the desired level of the effect. In my above posted DOOM E1M1 video I used Amplitube LE this way, but here's another video about how it works:

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 564 of 2150, by t9999clint

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Falcosoft wrote:
Hi, Nice video. I have only 2 observations about it. 1. Enabling the 'Use SysEx for Volume/Balance' option has exactly the oppos […]
Show full quote

Nice video. I have only 2 observations about it.
1. Enabling the 'Use SysEx for Volume/Balance' option has exactly the opposite effect of what you said in the video. This setting is in the mixer section because it is for FSMP's own mixer.
If it's enabled the Volume/Balance sliders send GM SysEx messages instead of using Bass/Win32 functions to set volume/balance. But it has the side effect of overriding incoming GM master volume messages to preserve the volume setting you have set manually with the volume slider. If it's not selected incoming Volume SysEx messages are not overridden. This option is mainly useful for external synths but you can use it in case of bassmidi to set pre-mixing volume/balance instead of post-mixing.
2. In case of Bassmidi and VST effect plugins you have the possibility to enable the effects only on selected channels/instruments. This can be useful in case of the Amplitube plugin since drums and distortion effects are not close friends 😀 . You only have to enable the option 'Associate effect with Basmidi's user FX controller (CC94)' in the plugin's dialog and set the value of Controller 94 on the channels using guitars to the desired level of the effect. In my above posted DOOM E1M1 video I used Amplitube LE this way, but here's another video about how it works:

Thanks for the info on that. I updated the video description and pinned your comment on the channel to make it easier for people to see.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 566 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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version 5.1 of FSMP together with version 1.3 of OPL3 GM VSTi are released. The test zips are no longer available.

version 1.3

1. Added instrument customization option.
You have to use SBI (Sound Blaster Instrument) format.
Fortunately OPL3 Bank Editor saves instruments in this format.
OPL2/OPL3 FM Bank Editor for Windows/Linux/MacOS X
You have to place the sbi instruments in the plugin's folder and name it by a special scheme.
The name has to contain: BankXXX where XXX is the 3 digit index of the Patch Bank you would like to customize (currently 0: Fat Man, 1: Maui, 2: FMSynth).
The name also has to contain: PatchYYY where YYY is the 3 digit index of the Patch/Program inside the choosen Bank you would like to replace/customize.(0 -127 standard instruments, 128 -255 drums).
The drums are standard instruments in the sense that they do not use percussion mode of OPL3. The first used drum (note 35) starts at index 163.
Example instruments can be found in the plugin's folder. The extensions have to be renamed from sb_ to sbi in order to activate them.

version 5.0

1. Added loop point support (infinite/finite loops + multiple possible loop points).
2. Reverb/Chorus SysEx effect settings are now global instead of Bass only (midi files can override these defaults).
3. Added compatibility option to not ignore the End of Track meta events for song length (and thus end of song) calculation.
4. Added default bank selection for same named Midi+SF2 files.
5. Extended Soundfont stack to help making more advanced soundfont configurations.
6. Extended the possible range for Bank parameter for SF2 files (negative offsets are possible) and in case of SFZ files the parameter means Preset number instead of Bank.
7. Prev/Next selects subsongs in type 2 Mid/Xmi files.
8. Bass infrastructure is restarted only when necessary after applied changes in Device Config.
9. Added OPL3 GM VSTi 1.3 with instrument customization option.
10. Added SimpleGain VST 1.1 with Mix to Mono option.
11. Other minor fixes and enhancements.

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 567 of 2150, by t9999clint

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Falcosoft wrote:

version 5.1 of FSMP together with version 1.3 of OPL3 GM VSTi are released.

YAY! I'll be sure to test this all out thoroughly.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 568 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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From Sound Canvas VA topic:

bloodbat wrote:

Falcosoft, first and foremost, thanks for the great MIDI player 😁
I've been testing MIDI device hot swapping and it's almost what I've wanted for quite some time, however, I have a small request that I hope can be implemented: whenever hot swapping MIDI devices the MIDI player window closes and reopens (I'm guessing the program terminates itself and opens a new instance?) minimizing my emulator (DosBox, PCem, whatever) which is kind of a pain when using...say D-Fend Reloaded, is it possible to implement some way to prevent this? Maybe have an option to just have a tray icon that can hot swap silently and without disturbing whatever's fullscreen?
Thanks 😀

Unfortunately this problem is not so easy to solve:
https://www.google.hu/search?ei=JEAZWurnOcfw6 … nimizes+problem
FSMP is not a background process/service. Even a tray icon can not help since FSMP opens/re-initializes top level windows in case of profile changes that can cause problems for fullscreen apps in Windows.
I have made a workaround that works for me in case of DosBox. I have not tried other emulators. 2 conditions have to be met:
1. All windows of FSMP (Visulalization, Midi Text etc.) except the main one have to be closed.
2. Between 2 profile changes (hot swapping) at least 15 seconds must pass.
Try it and report back:

Other fixes:
1. Fixed Use Bank LSB value saving problem in Config Dialog.
2. Fixed Reverb/Chorus effect level settings not working for GS devices (SC-VA included) if type is set to 'Default'.
3. Fixed AV error at startup when 'Always on Top' is set and FSMP is closed in this state.

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 569 of 2150, by bloodbat

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks 😀
My report: fulfilling the conditions (only main window is open and I wait at least 15 secs.), sadly, it doesn't work for me: DosBox still gets minimized 🙁
Edit: should the playlist also be empty?

Reply 570 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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No, the playlist is not relevant. Usual questions: OS, DoxBox version, DosBox output mode and the exact steps you use for testing.
My test environment was Xp/Win7/Win10, DosBox 0.74, output=ddraw, and used/ran the package I have attached in the SC-VA thread(mdf40+FSMP_Presets.zip):
Heads Up: Roland Sound Canvas VA VSTi Plugin!
Also please check that the saved presets also do not open other FSMP windows when loaded (it's the best to first test the presets not in fullscreen mode). When everything goes well FSMP's only main window should not activate above DosBox's window when presets are loaded (theoretically if this is met, then no fullscreen problem should occur either).

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 571 of 2150, by bloodbat

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Windows 7, my own DosBox SVN build, output D3D, using the package you mentioned in that thread, which is where I found that this could be actually done with your MIDI player, the presets I tested open no windows, any other particular option I should be looking out for? Thanks 😀

Reply 572 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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Ok, I have tested on Win7 and since I could not get your custom build I used an older (stable) Svn-Daum build with D3d output and shaders. Here's a video about the test:
First you should try to reproduce the same behavior without fullscreen mode (that is FSMP never activates above DosBox's window). If it is not successful fullscreen mode will not work either.
1. Make sure the mouse is also captured by DosBox ( load a mouse driver and use the cursor before hot swapping).
2. Try to disable DWM (Aero). It works for me with active DWM but you never know...
3. Try FSMP in minimized state. For me it is not necessary but...
Unfortunately I have no other tips.

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 573 of 2150, by Enigma776

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Having an issue loading VST plugins, keep getting an error saying its not a 64bit plugin. Do I need to be using 64bit plugins or does it support 32bit plugins as well and I am being a bit thick somewhere?

No Tears Please. It's A Waste Of Good Suffering.

Reply 574 of 2150, by t9999clint

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I've been working on my little DOOM MIDI project again here, it looks like I'm almost done.
I'm loving the additional soundfonts, as well as the <MIDI_NAME>_<BANK#>.sf2 feature. I have ran into a few bugs, but it looks like your already aware of them.

I've got a question and then a request this time. Both super low priority.

I've been going a little nuts on the samples for a guitar soundfont that I'm making, it's over 1.5gb already so I'm looking for ways to decrease it's size.
I've noticed that you lossy compressed your reality soundfont into a .sfogg format. What is this format and what tool did you use to convert to it?

Here is my simple feature request for when you have time. Right now you have it autoload a soundfont if it's name matches the .mid file playing. Would it be possible to add a folder wide soundfont? Named something like folder.sf2 (or folder_000.sf2, etc) Just like how music players will use a folder.jpg file. I have some midi files riped from videogames that share the same soundfont, this way I would only need one sf2 file for the whole folder.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 575 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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@ Enigma776:
You must have downloaded the 64bit (x64) version of FSMP. The 64 bit version can only host 64 bit, and the 32 bit version can only host 32 bit VST(i) plugins. This is the biggest difference between the 2 versions. You do not have to use the 64 bit version of FSMP just because you have a 64 bit OS. If you want to use 32 bit VST(i) plugins, no problem, the 32 bit (x86) version of FSMP works perfectly also on a 64 bit OS.

@ t9999clint:
1. It's simply an SF2Pack format file but uses ogg compression for samples. I used the internal BASS_MIDI_FontPack() function of Bassmidi.dll to create it. Unfortunately the sf2pack.exe that can be found in Bassmidi's package cannot compress samples to ogg format. But you can use it to compress samples to Flac/WavPack. FSMP supports soundfonts compressed to Flac/WavPack if you copy the corresponding libraries that you can download from http://www.un4seen.com to FSMP's folder.

2. Yes, maybe later it can be added.
Ok, it was not too difficult to add. The naming scheme is the same as with same named soundfonts. That is: 'folder.sf2' is loaded either to Bank 0 or Bank 1 depending on the 'Default Bank' setting for real time loaded soundfonts. And Folder_xxx.sf2 is loaded to Bank xxx. Same named Midi + SF2 combos in the same folder have preference over Folder.sf2. The name 'Folder.sf2' is not case sensitive.
Download location is the same as above.

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 576 of 2150, by t9999clint

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Falcosoft wrote:
@ t9999clint: 1. It's simply an SF2Pack format file but uses ogg compression for samples. I used the internal BASS_MIDI_FontPack […]
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@ t9999clint:
1. It's simply an SF2Pack format file but uses ogg compression for samples. I used the internal BASS_MIDI_FontPack() function of Bassmidi.dll to create it. Unfortunately the sf2pack.exe that can be found in Bassmidi's package cannot compress samples to ogg format. But you can use it to compress samples to Flac/WavPack. FSMP supports soundfonts compressed to Flac/WavPack if you copy the corresponding libraries that you can download from http://www.un4seen.com to FSMP's folder.

2. Yes, maybe later it can be added.
Ok, it was not too difficult to add.

1. Thanks, it took me a while to figure out the required libraries for the Bassmidi example stuff, but I got it working. I must have a lot of duplicate samples in there because the size went from 1.4gb down to 390mb using the default flac. That should do the trick, I'm probably gonna do this for the rest of my larger soundfonts as well.

2. I figured it'd be a fairly simple thing to add, like a couple lines of code and a if statement; but I'm still surprised you added it so fast. Nice job! I'll go download it now and I'll let you know if any bugs show up.

My Youtube Channel: https://www.kor.ninja/
My Soundfont Project: K.O.R. Soundfont Project V.5.0
My Soundcloud Page: https://soundcloud.com/clint-theriault

Reply 577 of 2150, by bloodbat

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Falcosoft wrote:
Ok, I have tested on Win7 and since I could not get your custom build I used an older (stable) Svn-Daum build with D3d output an […]
Show full quote

Ok, I have tested on Win7 and since I could not get your custom build I used an older (stable) Svn-Daum build with D3d output and shaders. Here's a video about the test:
First you should try to reproduce the same behavior without fullscreen mode (that is FSMP never activates above DosBox's window). If it is not successful fullscreen mode will not work either.
1. Make sure the mouse is also captured by DosBox ( load a mouse driver and use the cursor before hot swapping).
2. Try to disable DWM (Aero). It works for me with active DWM but you never know...
3. Try FSMP in minimized state. For me it is not necessary but...
Unfortunately I have no other tips.

I did it with all the above conditions, sadly, it didn't work, even calling a batch file from DOS Navigator, a bit like your video 🙁. The program activated on top of DosBox when not minimized and while minimized, it remained that way but still DosBox lost focus. Thanks a lot anyway 😀

Reply 578 of 2150, by Falcosoft

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bloodbat wrote:

I did it with all the above conditions, sadly, it didn't work, even calling a batch file from DOS Navigator, a bit like your video 🙁. The program activated on top of DosBox when not minimized and while minimized, it remained that way but still DosBox lost focus. Thanks a lot anyway 😀

Ok, I have completely changed the fullscreen optimization concept. Now there's a 'Minimize to System Tray' option in the main menu. Before making DosBox fullscreen you have to use this to put FSMP to system tray. There are many changes in the windowing system because of this change so some glitches can occur. Please, report back.
Also there is a new command line argument: '/tray'. You can use it to start FSMP in loaded to system tray state.
Download location is the same as above.

Website, Facebook, Youtube
Falcosoft Soundfont Midi Player + Munt VSTi + BassMidi VSTi
VST Midi Driver Midi Mapper

Reply 579 of 2150, by bloodbat

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Rank Oldbie
Falcosoft wrote:

Ok, I have completely changed the fullscreen optimization concept. Now there's a 'Minimize to System Tray' option in the main menu. Before making DosBox fullscreen you have to use this to put FSMP to system tray. There are many changes in the windowing system because of this change so some glitches can occur. Please, report back.
Also there is a new command line argument: '/tray'. You can use it to start FSMP in loaded to system tray state.
Download location is the same as above.

After testing a bit, both changing the preset (using both DosBox and PCem, while windowed and fullscreen) I can extremely happily report it works! 😁. I've also been playing some MIDIs using the player itself and can't find any glitches 😀. Thanks a whole lot 😁.