First post, by Arctic

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What is the best period correct graphics card you can put in an ultimate 1997 pc?
I'm thinking a Millenium II but it might be too new, or maybe there is a better one? It should work with voodoo cards and games. I want it to be like, totally radical!

So, the Gloria-L is already out, not compatible.

Reply 1 of 18, by clueless1

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Yes, the Millennium II and Mystique 220 were both 1997 cards. Also Virge GX2 and Virge MX and Riva 128 PCI. If you want the fastest in 2D DOS, then the Ark Logic 2000, even though it's a 1995 card, was still the fastest pure DOS card in 1997.

edit: well, now that I think about it, if the Riva 128 is anything like the TNT series, it will also be very fast in DOS, maybe faster than the ARK2000. And it's got VBE3.0 built-in.

Last edited by clueless1 on 2017-07-18, 00:37. Edited 1 time in total.

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Reply 2 of 18, by Arctic

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nice, thanks for the suggestions!

Reply 3 of 18, by ElBrunzy

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millenium ][ is my fav but since been replaced by a g450

Reply 4 of 18, by Putas

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Arctic wrote:

What is the best period correct graphics card you can put in an ultimate 1997 pc?
I'm thinking a Millenium II but it might be too new, or maybe there is a better one? It should work with voodoo cards and games. I want it to be like, totally radical!

So, the Gloria-L is already out, not compatible.

The compatibility usually does not rise with radicalism.

Reply 5 of 18, by Reputator

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Putas wrote:
Arctic wrote:

What is the best period correct graphics card you can put in an ultimate 1997 pc?
I'm thinking a Millenium II but it might be too new, or maybe there is a better one? It should work with voodoo cards and games. I want it to be like, totally radical!

So, the Gloria-L is already out, not compatible.

The compatibility usually does not rise with radicalism.

I wish there was a like button.

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Reply 6 of 18, by G1nX

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If you want something "totally radical" for the year 1997 then look no further than a Quantum3D 100SB-4440V. The "V" at the end stand for MVG2000 module to make the card boot-up and display 2D similarly to a Voodoo Rush and it works with glide games. Here's a picture of one: http://www.tdfx.de/pic/obsidian100sb_4440v_01.JPG

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Reply 7 of 18, by Arctic

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Where can I buy one? 😀

Reply 8 of 18, by G1nX

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Arctic wrote:

Where can I buy one? 😀

They're not that common but with money and patience you can find one on ebay or the forums. Just last month one 100SB-4400 was sold on ebay.

Good luck

Retro-gamer & VGA Collector
Powered by Voodoo5 6000

Reply 9 of 18, by appiah4

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I would say ATI Rage Pro was one of the faster PCI cards of 1997 as well but if you want better DOS compatibility go with a Mystique 220 or Millennium II.

Reply 10 of 18, by lazibayer

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G1nX wrote:

If you want something "totally radical" for the year 1997 then look no further than a Quantum3D 100SB-4440V. The "V" at the end stand for MVG2000 module to make the card boot-up and display 2D similarly to a Voodoo Rush and it works with glide games. Here's a picture of one: http://www.tdfx.de/pic/obsidian100sb_4440v_01.JPG

At first glance I thought it is a regular voodoo rush. At second I thought it is a voodoo2 with 2D (rush 2 or banshee+ ?). Did some googling and learned it is a voodoo + voodoo + 2d (rush+ ?).

Reply 11 of 18, by arncht

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the riva128 pci is the fastest, has the best vesa support, and fits perfectly to the age. the drawback is the quality of the analog output - but with a loopback cable it doesn't really matter.

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Reply 12 of 18, by hard1k

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G1nX wrote:

They're not that common but with money and patience you can find one on ebay or the forums. Just last month one 100SB-4400 was sold on ebay.
Good luck

100SB-4400 do appear on eBay once in a while, however it took me years to find the MVG2000 module - actually one of the hardest hardware quests I've completed so far.

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Reply 14 of 18, by wbc

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vetz wrote:

Riva128 if you want 3D capabilities, Millennium II for 2D/Windows applications.

S3 ViRGE/DX for DOS 😉


Reply 15 of 18, by Arctic

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vetz wrote:

Riva128 if you want 3D capabilities, Millennium II for 2D/Windows applications.

I heard the Matrox cards also run well with the PCX accelerators.
What about the S3 Virge or an 8MB Voodoo Rush? (MX 2D Chip)

Reply 16 of 18, by greasemonkey90s

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Ill have to test this myself just wondering if the test bench should be a pentium 200mmx or p2 300.

I got
Voodoo rush mx
Rage pro
All the typical virges 🤣
Matrox mystique not sure its 2mb though.
Trident tgui9680 which will be the worst.

Reply 17 of 18, by clueless1

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greasemonkey90s wrote:

Ill have to test this myself just wondering if the test bench should be a pentium 200mmx or p2 300.

It depends on what you want to see. Testing a on a P200MMX will demonstrate how those cards will do on a system that is more period correct and native to DOS playing. Testing on the P2 will allow the cards to stretch their legs, so you may see bigger differences between them than you would on the P55C.

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Reply 18 of 18, by SRQ

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I came across a Celeron 266 with a Rendition V2200 AGP that dated to 1997 as near as I can tell- the entire system, DVD drive and everything, has dates stamped that lead to late 1997.

also who the hell buys a fancy 3D card, an AGP board, and a goddamn DVD-Rom drive in 1997 (That's a hell of a lot of money) 128MB of ram... and pairs it with a cacheless Celeron 266??