DOSBox Game Launcher (DOSBox Frontend)

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Reply 1220 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

Got test build 0.80d ready with:
* 4 new custom text-fields for profiles (RetroFAN)
* Altered language dropdown in preferences dialog to also show the native language names
* Fixed CSV profiles-list export column names (proper casing and proper custom labels)

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual, together with the updated *.xsl files in the XSL folder.


Reply 1221 of 2079, by RetroFAN

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Rank Newbie

Nice release 😀

Just a quick question: what does the following error message mean ?

"Coundn't retrieve information from MobyGames for "Bong" !

Tecnical information:
String index out of range: -7"

rcblanke wrote:
Hi all, […]
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Hi all,

Got test build 0.80d ready with:
* 4 new custom text-fields for profiles (RetroFAN)
* Altered language dropdown in preferences dialog to also show the native language names
* Fixed CSV profiles-list export column names (proper casing and proper custom labels)

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual, together with the updated *.xsl files in the XSL folder.


Reply 1222 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the heads up, RetroFAN.

Test build 0.80e is available with:
* Fixed MobyGames profile reader for "Bong Bong" (no developer, no developer link in Credits section and no closing [add credits] link);
* Fixed EOLN characters in Linux ./dbgl shell script (regression since 0.80c when I switched from SVN to GIT);
* Added new XSL for profile-list export to HTML5 using a Vogons theme, for a bit of fun (see attachment for example);
* Updated Jersey Java lib from 2.13 to 2.23.2, reducing size some 750Kb.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual. You may also want to update the Jersey lib, and get the new vogons_html.xsl files from the XSL folder.


Reply 1223 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi all,

Just a quick note that test build 0.80f is ready with a small fix for setting 'fullresolution=desktop' (Jan-Peter). In some cases the 'fullresolution' dropdown in DBGL would not allow selection of the value 'desktop'.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 1224 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Because it seems that hotud.org is now terminally offline, I've removed support for searching hotud from this last DBGL test build (0.80g). Unless any serious problems pop up soon, this is going to be the next release.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.


Reply 1225 of 2079, by RetroFAN

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote:
Because it seems that hotud.org is now terminally offline, I've removed support for searching hotud from this last DBGL test bui […]
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Because it seems that hotud.org is now terminally offline, I've removed support for searching hotud from this last DBGL test build (0.80g). Unless any serious problems pop up soon, this is going to be the next release.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.


There is still the (again) resurrected http://homeoftheunderdogs.net/ 🤣

Reply 1226 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

True, if you can provide a compelling reason why you would want this site added to DBGL, let me know 😉

Anyways, DBGL 0.81 is released and available on the website. Not a big release, mostly fixes. The only things changed in the final version are the apache commons libraries, Jersy and SWT. Thus, if you're upgrading, besides updating dbgl.jar, it's best to just take all jar files from the lib folder and overwrite your existing files.


Reply 1227 of 2079, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie

Could you please add more resolution to select in Fullscreen/Windowed mode menu? Definitely 1280x1024 is not enough on current displays if I don't want to use any scales.

Currently I use this:

Also it would be even more convenient if DBGL read resolution from original config file if it's not specified (grey box) in the menu. Currently it uses "original" by default even if it's not selected.

Reply 1228 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie
Great Dragon wrote:

Hello, Could you please add more resolution to select in Fullscreen/Windowed mode menu? Definitely 1280x1024 is not enough on current displays if I don't want to use any scales.

Hi Great Dragon, you can already add custom resolutions to the dropdown boxes in DBGL using the Preferences dialog (File -> Preferences -> Dynamic Options). Just try it out and let me know if you have problems still.

Great Dragon wrote:

Also it would be even more convenient if DBGL read resolution from original config file if it's not specified (grey box) in the menu. Currently it uses "original" by default even if it's not selected.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean.. What "original config file" are you talking about? What "menu"?

DBGL will use the defaults as set in dosbox.conf, coming from DOSBox' own internal and well-chosen (coded) defaults. But you are free to customize these if you'd like (by hand-editing dosbox.conf), and there's also the possibility to use one of your own DBGL Templates when adding a profile. Do you need anything else?

Reply 1229 of 2079, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote:

File -> Preferences -> Dynamic Options

That is exactly what I've looked for. I appreciate for the tip.

Reply 1230 of 2079, by Neville

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Rank Oldbie

I've also noticed that you can't edit multiple profiles and apply the same template to them. Somehow this results in incomplete profiles. I don't know wether top call this a bug or not, because I don't know if you're suppossed to do this.

Reply 1231 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Thanks for the heads-up, Neville.

A new test build is ready (0.81a):
* Fixed broken profiles when multi-editing profiles and reloading a template;
* Implemented basic support for Yesterplay80's DOSBox ECE. This means support for the latest integrated Munt configuration settings, Ant_222's experimental Pixel-perfect tweaks, the Voodoo patch and the most important FluidSynth switches.

All the latest files
To upgrade, grab the dbgl.jar as usual.

For those who do intend to use DOSBox ECE with DBGL, please upgrade to 0.81a and make sure to add the following values in the "Dynamic options" (File -> Preferences -> Dynamic options):









Reply 1232 of 2079, by yevgenny

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Rank Newbie

Hi All,
I have a problem, I am using DOSBOX v0.74 in Win 7 64bit.
Every time I exit the game all ingame settings are reset (video, Sound etc.)

What could be the solution?

Reply 1233 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi yevgenny,

Are you using DBGL? Can you make a few screenshots to explain what you're doing, and what's going wrong?


Reply 1234 of 2079, by lightmaster

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Rank Oldbie
yevgenny wrote:
Hi All, I have a problem, I am using DOSBOX v0.74 in Win 7 64bit. Every time I exit the game all ingame settings are reset (vid […]
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Hi All,
I have a problem, I am using DOSBOX v0.74 in Win 7 64bit.
Every time I exit the game all ingame settings are reset (video, Sound etc.)

What could be the solution?

What game? Is it original?


Reply 1235 of 2079, by mgtroyas

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Rank Newbie

Hello, first of all thank you very much for your hard work, supporting and enhancing it over the time is much appreciated.

I finally discovered how to use DBGL to convert REMOVED and REMOVED collections to DBGL game packages, but by default it creates archives of about 16GB, then I have to import them one by one using the same wizard. Is there a way of either:
1) Converting eXos's collections to fewer, larger game packages.
2) Batch import game packages on one step?
3) Merge many game packages in one?

Last edited by DosFreak on 2023-09-09, 23:30. Edited 1 time in total.

Reply 1236 of 2079, by rcblanke

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Rank Oldbie

Hi mgtroyas,

You're welcome 😀

1) Use the parameter -s:sizeInMB for the convertor, for example (for 32GB packages)

convert.cmd C:\eXoDOS\ C:\DBGL\ -s:32768

But please keep in mind that dealing with packages of these sizes can be quite troublesome, and might lead to performance issues on various levels. The 16GB size was chosen for a good reason.
2) Sorry, not possible at this moment;
3) Also not possible, although I see how that could be useful. I'll think about maybe creating a command-line tool for this.


Reply 1237 of 2079, by mgtroyas

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Rank Newbie
rcblanke wrote:
Hi mgtroyas, […]
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Hi mgtroyas,

You're welcome 😀

1) Use the parameter -s:sizeInMB for the convertor, for example (for 32GB packages)

convert.cmd C:\eXoDOS\ C:\DBGL\ -s:32768

But please keep in mind that dealing with packages of these sizes can be quite troublesome, and might lead to performance issues on various levels. The 16GB size was chosen for a good reason.
2) Sorry, not possible at this moment;
3) Also not possible, although I see how that could be useful. I'll think about maybe creating a command-line tool for this.


Thank you for the quick response! I'll do some testing to see how it results.

P.D. - for other people that may have the same problem: the DBGL version that comes with eXoDOS as converting tool (77b), failed with an error when trying to parse the extracted metadata, tested in different computers and with several java JRE versions. When I understood the convert function was part of DBGL I downloaded latest version (81b) and this one worked like a charm. Something in 77b was incompatible perhaps with some recent changes on Windows OS.

Reply 1238 of 2079, by mgtroyas

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Rank Newbie

Hi, just finished converting and importing both REMOVED and REMOVED collections. I first tried 64GB packages to find the upper limit for my system, and failed when importing, few last games were skipped. Then I tried with 48GB packages and everything went ok. I have 8GB RAM on my Windows 10 system but java proccess used much less, source was an external USB drive and destination a NAS, so no fancy SSD disks involved. Surely Java/Windows have improved since the export method was created, uppering the limits.

There are two games with special characters on filenames that must be copied by hand to the doosroot folder after importing:
-Pim-Pam-Pum (1992)
-Ultizurk 2- The Shadow Master (1993)

Applying an extra custom field for Win3.x or DOS games, I found out there are six games that have an incomplete mounting configuration on their profile, probably a fault on originals (could be of interest for exo):

- Foul Play: Mystery at Awkward Manor
- Lunicus
- Ray Bradbury's The Martian Chronicles Adventure Game

- Spitfire Ace
- Romantic Blue
- Ulysses and the Golden Fleece

I'm pleasantly surprised such a massive proccess worked so well at the end. Great job rcblanke and exo!

P.S. Also configured DBGL for use of DOSBox ECE by default and, after deleting some lines I didn't need on the profiles (Notepad++ batch replace on files), everything works great as with the stable version.

Last edited by DosFreak on 2023-09-09, 23:34. Edited 2 times in total.