First post, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie


I know that DosBox SVN-Daum is dropped project now. That's sad but still it's remaining the most user-friendly fork of DosBox.
Anyway I just want to share with the community that Kyrandia 1 isn't rendering properly while DoubleScanlines option is deactivated.



personally I prefer to keep this option turned off as an output image of old DOS games looks more authentic to me. Especially along with CRT shader.

DoubleSacn=true w/ CRT.D3D.br shader
DoubleScan=false w/ CRT.D3D.br shader

As you may see the second image of Doom looks more pleasant. Pixelation are not so strong and overall CRT effect along with phosphor blooming more visible.
Unfortunately that can't be done with Kyrandia 1.

Reply 1 of 6, by skitters

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Rank Member

Which version of Daum was this where you had the problem?
Is it related to the problem here -- Bugs in ykhwong build
Does the same thing happen in the 2014 version?

Reply 3 of 6, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie

This doesn't happen with 2014 version. Only with 2015 (both) builds.
And yes it seems the issues are the same. Sorry for double posting.

Thanks. For now I stick with 2014 build.
Do you might know any other DosBox fork that offers similar to Daum functionality? Basically I just want to have an ability to use that nice CRT shader.
I've tried to use libretro fork but it is not as user-friends as Daum version. I could not figure out how actually I can run any program with my configuration.

Reply 4 of 6, by gulikoza

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Rank Oldbie

Doublescan probably just resizes the image. CRT shader then has more pixels to work with and produces a nicer image.
You could probably get the same effect with setting a scaler (normal2x or hardware2x) or larger window/fullresolution.


Reply 5 of 6, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie

Actually I use hardware2x+ in all cases.

According to conf description from Daum build DoubleScan does something more than just simple resize.

# doublescan: If set, doublescanned output emits two scanlines for each source line, in the
# same manner as the actual VGA output (320x200 is rendered as 640x400 for example).
# If clear, doublescanned output is rendered at the native source resolution (320x200 as 320x200).
# This affects the raster PRIOR to the software or hardware scalers. Choose wisely.

And as you may may notice the picture looks better without DoubleScan. So shader actually works with native 320x200 resolution. Of course it's a matter of personal taste but at least the effect of the shader is more visible without DoubleScan. With it the effect of the CRT shader is barely visible: no phosphor glow and jaggies smoothing.

Reply 6 of 6, by Great Dragon

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Rank Newbie

Hey, I found the easy way to fix Kyrandia image without DoubleScan option.
Just put 4:3 resolution of your monitor in the Fullscreen option and don't use any scales.

For me it looks like this:

Sorry my bad. It's been a while since I've been played around with DosBox.
It looks that a true fix for the issue is to use DosBox_Daum_20140127 build.
But the settings above help Fullscreen mode to work properly. Sometimes a picture is rendered with overscan even if it's set to 0.