Got some more stuff this week:
Yamaha SW20-PC OPL4: - this thing sounds great. It's a pain in the ass to get running, and so far It's been acting up of PCs with FSB 100 or grater (except for MVP3, it seems to run fine on this @ 100MHz fsb) but boy it sounds good.

Creative 3D Blaster Bansee CT6760 PCI

IWill VA133 Plus socket 370 VIA Apollo with one ISA slot and manual voltage selection by jumper - 1.3 to 2.1v - perfect for pin modded tualatin CPUs.

ABIT AB7 socket 462 nForce2 Ultra - one of the best socket A overclocking boards ever made

Leadtek A350XT FX5900 XT 128MB 128bit 400mhz core 700mhz vram - got this to replace my dead PNY FX5900XT. The leadtek is clocked 50mhz higher and it's a lot quieter.

Blue card: Gigabyte FX5700 128/128 475MHz core and 500MHz vram Red card: Soltek FX5200 128/128 250 core 500 vram - would you believe I haven't owned an FX5200 since 2005?