Work, work and more work 😒
At least I had time to test the PC Chips M209 board with a HDD today, the BIOS has options for the usual standard disk types 1-46, luckily it also has a setting for disk type 47, user defined 😀
When I toggled to disk type 47 I saw what the last user of this board had used for disk since I never have cleared the BIOS and the setting was still stored although the battery looks like shit and I have had all removable chips on the board removed and cleaned, not to mention drowned the battery area and BIOS chips in vinegar and White Gas...
Cylinders: 48369, Heads: 95, Precomp: 49150, Landingzone:, 40959, Sectors: 239, Size: 11951MB
That is what I call a large enough drive for a 286 😁. I though newer disks ignored Precomp and Landingzone settings? Perhaps that why he did set Precomp to a higher value than the Cylinder number?
Im using my smallest IDE drive, at least of the ones I could find. Its a 170MB Maxtor drive from 1994, I set the Precomp and Landingzone values to the max Cylinder value of 866 as I have no idea what the values should be, I thought they diddnt matter other than for MFM drives. The drive seems to work perfectly with the motherboard and I/O controller card.
The PC Chips 209 motherboard is not supposed to support more than 4MB memory but in the BIOS there in an option to set up to 15360KB extended memory... perhaps its only for memory on ISA expansion cards but if I had some 4MB modules I would at least try 😀
I can set the upper 384KB memory of the first 1MB as EMS memory in the BIOS but XMS can not be activated without using at least 2MB memory for some reason, I guess PC Chips got lazy with their BIOS programming. If you can use the upper 384KB as XMS 1MB is pretty much all you need for a 286 system but as it is I need to remove the DIPs and install SIPPs, or SIMM sockets with SIMMs to be more exact as 1MB SIPP modules seems rare.
New PC: i9 12900K @5GHz all cores @1.2v. MSI PRO Z690-A. 32GB DDR4 3600 CL14. 3070Ti.
Old PC: Dual Xeon X5690@4.6GHz, EVGA SR-2, 48GB DDR3R@2000MHz, Intel X25-M. GTX 980ti.
Older PC: K6-3+ 400@600MHz, PC-Chips M577, 256MB SDRAM, AWE64, Voodoo Banshee.