First post, by skitters
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How do I create separate configurations for different DOS games with DOSBox on a Mac?
The DOSBox 0.74 manual says:
An extra configuration file can be generated by CONFIG.COM, which can be found on the internal DOSBox Z: drive when you start up DOSBox. Look in the Section 4: "Internal programs" for usage of CONFIG.COM. You can start DOSBox with the -conf switch to load the generated file and use its settings.
DOSBox will load configuration files that are specified with -conf. If none were specified, it will try to load "dosbox.conf" from the local directory. If there is none, DOSBox will load the user configuration file. This file will be created if it doesn't exist.
So does this mean you'd say something like this to start a game?
C:\SIERRA>brain.bat -/Users/username/Documents/DOSgames/C/Sierra/Brain/dosbox.conf
or would it be more like
C:\SIERRA>brain.bat -conf /Users/username/Documents/DOSgames/C/Sierra/Brain/dosbox.conf
or would it be enough to just dump the config in the Brain folder and say
C:\SIERRA>brain.bat -conf
...and DOSBox would automatically look for the dosbox.conf in the game folder C because it saw "-conf" after the brain.bat that was used to start the game?
Or do you use the CONFIG command to tell DOSBox to create a game-specific name for the conf file other than dosbox.conf (maybe brain.conf in this example), and end up with
C:\SIERRA>brain.bat -/Users/username/Documents/DOSgames/C/Sierra/Brain/brain.conf
or something else?
I'm not sure if it's clear here, but Dr. Brain installed in C:\Sierra\Brain but put brain.conf in the C:\Sierra folder and not the C:\Sierra\Brain folder.