Phil's Ultimate VGA Benchmark Database Project

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Reply 241 of 495, by feipoa

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KEC wrote:

Appears Geforce 6 series and above are some how limited in DOS.

Does that mean that there is no point in playing Quake 1 on a, say, K6-III-500 using a GeForce 6200? How does the frame rate using a 6200 compare to a Matrox G400?

Plan your life wisely, you'll be dead before you know it.

Reply 243 of 495, by ih8registrations

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Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

Nvidia put a kind of "performance limit" on newer GeForce card.


Reply 244 of 495, by Mau1wurf1977

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ih8registrations wrote:
Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

Nvidia put a kind of "performance limit" on newer GeForce card.


Yes, their performance in VGA is restricted. They don't go any faster than a set limit.

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Reply 245 of 495, by kithylin

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Mau1wurf1977 wrote:
ih8registrations wrote:
Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

Nvidia put a kind of "performance limit" on newer GeForce card.


Yes, their performance in VGA is restricted. They don't go any faster than a set limit.

In Dos performance you meant to say 😁 They do go faster in Windows Direct3D, but at a certain point nvidia falls off in DOS performance, and it gets so bad that the older nvidia cards end up far better at dos than the newer ones.

I've seen this myself, my geforce 2 ultra card is roughly +60% faster in DOS than my geforce 6800 Ultra Extreme card, for example.

Reply 247 of 495, by gandhig

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Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

Elinda mentioned this a while ago. Nvidia put a kind of "performance limit" on newer GeForce card.

Elianda wrote that the classic VGA core got removed from nvidia graphics cards after the introduction of unified shaders(Geforce 8 series onwards???)

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Reply 248 of 495, by kithylin

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So do we know then what the fastest VGA/DOS nvidia card was then? It's something between the geforce 2 ultra and the geforce 6800. I don't have any Geforce3's to try here, yet.. some day.

Reply 249 of 495, by gandhig

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kithylin wrote:

So do we know then what the fastest VGA/DOS nvidia card was then? It's something between the geforce 2 ultra and the geforce 6800.

He also wrote that anything newer than Geforce 4 is not going to improve the performance.

Dosbox SVN r4019 + savestates Build (Alpha)
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Reply 250 of 495, by RacoonRider

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Reply 251 of 495, by ih8registrations

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kithylin wrote:

In Dos performance you meant to say 😁 They do go faster in Windows Direct3D, but at a certain point nvidia falls off in DOS performance, and it gets so bad that the older nvidia cards end up far better at dos than the newer ones.

I've seen this myself, my geforce 2 ultra card is roughly +60% faster in DOS than my geforce 6800 Ultra Extreme card, for example.

Define bad, FPS drops below refresh rate? If not, the 6800 ultra is as good as the gf2 ultra in DOS performance. Edit: You have an extreme? That's a really rare card you've got there.

Reply 252 of 495, by Mau1wurf1977

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feipoa wrote:
KEC wrote:

Appears Geforce 6 series and above are some how limited in DOS.

Does that mean that there is no point in playing Quake 1 on a, say, K6-III-500 using a GeForce 6200? How does the frame rate using a 6200 compare to a Matrox G400?

If you have such a card could you please benchmark it and submit the results? I use a FX 5200 and that card is already slower compared to GeForce MX 440 cards.

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Reply 253 of 495, by kithylin

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Mau1wurf1977 wrote:

If you have such a card could you please benchmark it and submit the results? I use a FX 5200 and that card is already slower compared to GeForce MX 440 cards.

I have a K6-II+/550 chip, but I can't get my 6800 ultra in to the motherboard to test with it because of the AGP slot being key'd for 2x/1x only. I can test my other cards in it if you want, voodoo3, geforce 2 ultra, and a KYRO I, I have a geforce 6200 PCI card here (either a 6200 or a 6300, I'm not sure which) .. but PCI cards always perform pretty poorly in VGA (compared to fast AGP cards) so I don't really know the point of testing that, but I could I suppose.

Reply 254 of 495, by vetz

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Received my Pentium Overdrive PODP5V133 for Socket 4 today.

Benched it and published the results. It performs like a very fast Pentium 100 in a Socket 7 system on my Intel Premiere/PCI Socket 4 board. The results for the same system with a Pentium 66 is already in there.

The CPU was missing a piece of the heatsink, came with no fan and some of the pins were bent. It was also sold as not tested/junk, but I took a gamble that it was still working (25 dollar was a steal) and it booted on the first try 😀

Overall very happy with my Socket 4 system. It is very stable and doesn't have any of the 486 jumper/configuration hell.

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Reply 255 of 495, by smeezekitty

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I am not sure if I understand how to submit results

Reply 256 of 495, by Mau1wurf1977

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smeezekitty wrote:

I am not sure if I understand how to submit results

You go the first page of this thread. There is a link to a google docs spreadsheet. Scroll down and add your results at the bottom of the list. Every now and then I sort all the data.

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Reply 257 of 495, by smeezekitty

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I hope I did that right. First time using google docs

Reply 258 of 495, by RacoonRider

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smeezekitty wrote:

I hope I did that right. First time using google docs

You did just fine. I corrected your entry a bit for uniformity.

Phil, it's time to annoy you once again 😀 The lower rows of the table no longer have protected cells or cells with validation. I clean up a little bit every now and then, yet I can't move overclocked systems to the second list.

Last edited by RacoonRider on 2014-05-07, 08:28. Edited 1 time in total.