Sound Blaster SDKs?

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First post, by Kahenraz

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I found the "Developer Kit for Sound Blaster Series, 2nd Edition" here:


And now I'm HUNGRY for more. Does anyone have any other SB SDKs? I'd love to get my hands on one for the ASP/CSP chip. The 2nd edition documentation does refer to an "Advanced Signal Processor" of the SB 16 but it's talked about so briefly and with no mention of QSound that it makes me believe that it isn't the same thing as the chip I'm thinking of.

From what I understand, the ASP/CSP chip was a separate SDK.

Reply 2 of 6, by Kahenraz

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I read that. It says to:

Refer to the chapters "Creative Multimedia System Driver" in the programmer's Guide and Library Reference manuals for details.

Reply 3 of 6, by TheMAN

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I believe the CSP had a separate SDK and it was an expensive license for it

Reply 4 of 6, by bjt

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Kahenraz: The prog guide and library reference is in ctsbk2.zip available from your link.

It specifies how to initialise the CSP and download code to it, but not how to generate CSP code files.
Apparently the SB16 ASP was packaged with CSP code files for compressing & decompressing some common formats e.g. CCITT u-law, ADPCM. This would allow playback and recording of data in these formats... not particularly interesting TBH.

What kind of thing would you like to achieve using the CSP? Reverb/chorus?

Reply 5 of 6, by idspispopd

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On http://queststudios.com/smf/index.php?topic=2421.0 Cloudschatze quotes an old USENET post. The ASP is supposedly based on a SGS-Thomsons ST18932.
It seems that this either belongs to the ST7 or the STM8 family. Programming manuals for both are available.
http://www.st.com/st-web-ui/static/active/cn/ … /CD00004607.pdf
http://www.compel.ru/wordpress/wp-content/upl … 0/STM8_Core.pdf
The opcodes seem similar, without checking details I'd guess identical.

Here is an assembly manual for both which would support this: ftp://raisonance.com/pub/Support/RKit-STM8/MASTM8.pdf
The design may be derived from 6805.

All in all probably not an easy task.

Reply 6 of 6, by Kahenraz

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idspispopd wrote:

Here is an assembly manual for both which would support this

Ouch! I'm hoping for some nicely documented C API from Creative not direct assembly for the chip. A good find but not my cup of tea. 😀

bjt wrote:

What kind of thing would you like to achieve using the CSP? Reverb/chorus?

I want to access the QSound effect of the processor. As these are seldom used, it might be fun as something to play with.