Some time ago I asked them whether they would like to release some other game i translated. They said no problem if I got the rights for that game 😉
The case of Pył‚ seems to be funny as it appears the company that made it owns gog's owner for a year now 😉
But for now Pył‚ is not handled properly neither by gulikoza's patch (messed up textures), nor glidos (jerky mouse), nor nglide (too low view distance of enemies and objects and also lights shinning through walls), nor dosbox's wd/kekko's voodoo->opengl (damn slow lens effect of a scope mode - it can be turned of in game's config file but not for night mode). Actually even in plain dosbox sound breaks with this game with too low cycles. And not enough cycles may be the most important problem after all above are solved. Well maybe computers will handle it till the time above problems are solved 😉