Reply 60 of 333, by tikalat
Thanks a ton for the SQ5 fix. I didn't want to goof the drum program #s.
Could someone please provide an overview of all the versions and patches to this silly game? The websites on this game are confusing as hell, why with the "free" version not really being free and supposedly bugged, and some patch originally being an update to a floppy version but also fixing bugs in the free version, and similar incomprehensible gibberish.
Floppy 1.0 = original game
- Has bugs. Logic bugs. Scripting bugs. Combat bugs. Spell bugs. Quest bugs.
- Possibly corrupts memory (meaning save games)
Floppy 1.01 = next version
Free 1.01 = online only
- Sierra released this game as free for awhile. To promote their spiritiual sequel "Betrayal at Antara". They later pulled this release and distributed it only with Antara and "Return to Krondor" (I think).
- This version fixed some bugs (memory corruption), some quest bugs
- Added new bugs (Nalar's Rib and some other bunch, spell bugs)
Patch 1.02
- This one is made to update 1.00 and 1.01. It checks the EXE date, so it may fail (you need to edit the batch file). Takes some time to run in dosbox when working.
- This one fixes most of the bugs. Maybe adds a new spell bug. And possibly still has the combat bug (if you hit the enemy too hard, they gain HP).
CDROM 1.02
- The version that sold the most in stores: has redbook audio being the notable addition
- There's going to be enough versions floating around (problems with CDDA track playing, duplicate tracks, stops early, misc). They've sent out multiple discs I've heard.
- Seems to fix everything I've encountered (especially scripting bugs). Combat does not look to have overflow HP bug. Didn't have a problem with Guarda Revanche or spells.
- Bug: there's 2 narrative points where the text doesn't pause and just goes. Really minor.
- Pseudo-bug: Redbook doesn't loop, doesn't fade-out, pretty sure some tracks were cut short compared to MIDI