Reply 300 of 56318, by Old Thrashbarg
Have you tried type 47? That's the 'user' setting on most machines, which will usually give you the option of entering the CHS values manually...
Have you tried type 47? That's the 'user' setting on most machines, which will usually give you the option of entering the CHS values manually...
Got a Voodoo 3500 TV to round out my 3Dfx collection.
Won one of those "whole lot of motherboards for stupid cheap"
A few boards are not pictured. They either didn't work or aren't worth mentioning. Sadly there was a Tyan S2466 (dual socket A) that wouldn't post because the board was gauged. 🙁 Anyway the entire reason I wanted the lot was this board here:
Its an Asus P65UP5 and C-P6ND daughterboard. Basically Asus' only dual socket 8 board. Has the capability of changing the daughter card (and bios) and running dual socket 7's AND Slot 1 processors. RARE AS HENS TEETH. I've been actively searching eBay for one and this one popped up after probably 3 years of searching. I haven't tested it yet. (saving it for last)
Above is a Supermicro P54VLPCI. You aren't imagining things. You see a socket 5 Pentium with VLB. if it works, I might keep it. the first computer I owned was a 75mhz socket 5 Pentium. While this board is leaps and bounds better than the one I had back then, the unique factor is going to make up for that. Besides, the current motherboard in my gaming system is a Supermicro H8DA6+-F
Next up is a Tyan S1562. Dual socket 7. Supposedly only supports up to 200mhz NON mmx Intel chips. This will need to be tested.
Got a 486 vlb board. Completely standard and boring. will re-sell if it works, but having too much to do at the moment!
wrote:Its an Asus P65UP5 and C-P6ND daughterboard. Basically Asus' only dual socket 8 board. Has the capability of changing the daughter card (and bios) and running dual socket 7's AND Slot 1 processors. RARE AS HENS TEETH. I've been actively searching eBay for one and this one popped up after probably 3 years of searching. I haven't tested it yet. (saving it for last)
Those look like Socket 8s to me... | Link | News Thread
I think he's saying you can get slot 1 or socket 7 processor daughtercards to replace the socket 8 one. I'm guessing he must have some already because 'd imagine the daughtercards are just as rare as the motherboard 😜
I've got a dual socket 8 machine here with the processors on a daughtercard like that... I'll have to check what motherboard it is.
If you are squeamish, don't prod the beach rubble.
wrote:I think he's saying you can get slot 1 or socket 7 processor daughtercards to replace the socket 8 one.
Grammar fail on my part. 😅 | Link | News Thread
wrote:Have you tried type 47? That's the 'user' setting on most machines, which will usually give you the option of entering the CHS values manually...
Well, in my case type 47 is some 40MB (699/7/17), and there also exist types 48 and 49 (on most boards I've seen, 47 is the last one) - all of them non-editable. Well, I guess I'll be looking for one of the preset HDD types...
And one more question (just came to mind, looking at the board) - is it mandatory that the TAG chip be faster than the cache (in my case TAG-15, cache-20)?
tag ram needs to be faster whenever possible as it allows the cache to work correctly.
I have an 16 bit isa card that has upgraded ide and serial/parallel ports. It also has an on-board bios that allows for large hard drives. its a SIIG sc-jee012. I was using it for compact flash drives for my 386 machine and they are 2gb and work fine.
Not only mine graphics cards collection at
Looks like a V6 or V8 based XIO card there ... what's it for? It doesn't appear to have the locking mechanism attached for an Octane.
My collection database and technical wiki:
wrote:Looks like a V6 or V8 based XIO card there ... what's it for? It doesn't appear to have the locking mechanism attached for an Octane.
Acording to id number it should be V6 version for Octane 2. Got it as you see it on pictures. Only one other picture i found is in small resolution and with cooling and in some rack type box. So think this one is stripped of coolers and everything around. Dont care, since have no working Octane2 😉 or any other kind of nonpc hardware, except some old macs, which noone wants to trade for nice graphic cards 😖
Btw - love that " 😀 " on the bottom of locking mechanism. Thats oldschool graphic with soul, not like todays all the same cards only with different sticker on cooler.
Not only mine graphics cards collection at
Big weekend for me. Lots of cool software:
I also got the following, just not boxed:
lego chess
Worms triple pack
star control 3
grand prix 2
zeus master of olympus
dune 2000
the 11th hour
the amazon trail
the amazon trail 2
doom (on cd, I got it because it was .99 and someone wrote all the cheat codes on the cd case. I couldn't help myself there)
What REALLY jerks my chain is what I found in a plain cardboard box for $5. THIS:
It grinds my gears because I just paid $30 for a 40mhz math co for my 386 build not a day before. 🤣
So I have a spare amd 80386-40 and math-co that I'll probably put on ebay. 😒
update: … 1-TAM40-P1.html
to add salt to the wound; the motherboard's battery was a little "fuzzy". but get this! I plug it in and test it. It posts with 8mb of ram and THE THE CORRECT DATE AND TIME. /sigh
I guess I should be happy, I can sell the whole setup for a pretty penny right?
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
Hey does your copy of Return to Zork have the letter from the IT&L Sweepstakes in it?
I got the game for christmas back in the early 90's, still have the box, encyclopedia and CD but I lost the letter 🙁
Could you make a scan of the letter for me please? 😀
If you are squeamish, don't prod the beach rubble.
The only thing in the box is the disk and the encyclopedia. The disk is still shrink wrapped. Kinda strange, but whatever.
Sadly all the other papers that are usually in the box appear to be gone.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.
No worries. I still have the technical supplement if you wanted a copy of that, plus an ad for other infocom software and the 'lifesize sound enhancer' (I think basicalluy a covox speech thing)
If you've never played Zork before... the copy protection is located on page 60 of the encyclopedia... it took me like 2 years to figure that out 😒 (in my defense I was like 7 or something 😜 )
If you are squeamish, don't prod the beach rubble.
ratfink, I like the P4GAX mobo you've just got. I didn't realise these existed. Is it an "industrial" mobo, because it accepts a P4 CPU, yet it has 2 ISA slots. Very nice. Makes my 1 ISA slot 2.2 GHz 133 FSB system look a bit poor in comparison! I notice there's one on ebay at the moment, but the price is high.
Got this PAS16 the other day, but the speech part is faulty 😢
I got a refund already, but the postage fee is down the drain.
OPL3 FM works fine though and it initialises fine, just like my other PAS 16.
I thought the PCB looked interesting, very different from the PAS16s I have seen so far.
What's wrong with it?
If you are squeamish, don't prod the beach rubble.