Originally posted by Tamerlin As I wrote it, it seemed to get rid off this feature, it is not actually.
?? Translation? I honestly don't understand this.
The problem is I have invalid command replies to my commands... I am not skilled at all with DOS.
*shakes head*
You are right, though I understand its use I have no familiarity with the command prompt. 🙁
And the ReadMe is... well... cryptic.
A basic guide is here, but 90% of it is summed up here.
I understand, but a few pages written for those who don't have a degree in computer science would be appreciated.
*stares at monitor*
Trust me, this doesn't require a degree. I don't have any degrees.
Although I did get a B in a computer science course at a local community college without reading from the book...and I've had a lot of training, but no degree. Which by the way seems to be everyone's excuse to not hire me, despite the opposite complaint from some recent college graduates who have degrees but can't seem to get hired because they lack experience.
*end tangent*
BTW, I've noticed that if you load up the ReadMe in Notepad, all of it's spacing and text arrangement is hosed. Load it up in some other Text Editor (WordPad, EditPad, whatever,...) and it will display properly.
No I am not giving up but I need a break after many unsuccessful attempt at launching a game with DOSBox.
Okely-dokely. You have the CVS version, right? that's the one I was talking about. If not go to http://files.pixelz.org/dev/dosbox/ and grab it from there (ignore the debug version). Unzip it to a place that you would want it to say permanently (actually, it doesn't need to be "installed" and can be run anywhere, but you want a consistent easy-to-remember location for the future). Once you've found a good home for it, proceed on...
Startup DOSBox , now in the command prompt by the Z:, type config -writeconf dosbox.conf. Two things to remember here, this step isn't needed for actual operation, but allows for all kinds of custom tweaking which is what you want. It creates a file called dosbox.conf in your DosBox directory and it will be loaded from now on when you start DosBox.
Go ahead and quit DosBox. Double-click on the dosbox.conf file and it should pop up with a "What do I use with this file?", select Notepad. That will make editing it easier in the future (just double-click). One change you probably want to make right now is KEEPSMALL setting, it's under the [Render] section near the top of the file. Change it from false to true (this causes 320x200 games to double in size, but it gobbles up a lot of CPU power). Close and save the file.
Steel Panthers Directory: D:\STEEL
Ok, I presume this the SP1 directory? If not, you'll have to "CD" to the proper sub-directory.
Start up DosBox again , now in the command prompt by the Z:, type MOUNT D D:\ and press the Enter key.
Now type MOUNT E E:\ -t cdrom and it should come back with a message that it was mount as a CD-ROM (as opposed to the standard method mounting a directory).
Type D: and press your Enter key (now you're on your D: drive).
Type CD STEEL (now you're in your steel panthers directory).
If this is where the actual game is type setsound and choose the basic SoundBlaster (autodetect), save and quit. Go ahead and make the command prompt full-screen (ALT+ENTER), then type in steel.exe %1 %2 %3 %4 or whatever you use to start up the game.
NOTE: If you are using a batch file, make sure it doesn't contain any custom tools like NOLFB, SPEEDSET, MOUSE2KV, UNIVBE etc... just the basic command you need to start the game (like steel.exe %1 %2 %3 %4).
If it appears to have locked up, give it a minute to be sure it isn't still "thinking". You could also try adjusting cycles, but the original games processor requirements (486) mean you're probably already maxing out your CPU.
By the way, as far as I remember pure DOS games can't be run with VDMSound, is it also the case with DOSBox?
Actually DosBox prefers "pure" games (and that's all the official release will run), but VDMSound can run pretty much anything that can be run in NT. BTW, that reminds me of something that I should've caught right at the start. SPEEDSET is only for "pure" games. As the author himself says: