I've been stewing over this for a few days. I might not ever forget about it. I blew it, big time.
Money is tight, so I have been in a mindset of not spending money on anything I don't have to.
A few days ago I went browsing in a thrift store and saw this:
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At the time, I didn't really know anything about Tandys. So I looked it up on my phone and got the basic idea. The Tandy 1000 SL is a traditional Tandy PC with the Tandy graphics+sound features that many older games support. This one has an 8086 @ 7.16MHz, the internet says.
At that moment, I had some thought that early Tandys were clunky and incompatible or something, and that some 2nd-gen model range was preferred, but I think that was just plain wrong. Probably mixing it up with Compaq or something else.
For about the past year I've been yearning for a good system to run pre-VGA 1980s era games on. I remember a lot of them from other systems (Commodore, Apple, etc) but some also on IBM, and I've come around to thinking that an IBM compatible would be the most convenient and practical solution nowadays, and almost everything was ported to it.
I had never thought about Tandy graphics+sound support before seeing this. There's no obvious turbo switch, but upon later research, apparently you can toggle speed at the command line.
This machine was pretty damn ideal, even coming with the monitor, but on that day I had cold feet.
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The monitor port has a note about pushing a key combination to put the system into black&white. Is that Hercules support, or is it just killing CGA color to eliminate aliasing on text?
One bummer is that this thing doesn't have an IBM style parallel port, and even if it were adapted, apparently it's very limited in what it can do. So it probably would not work with my EPROM programmer that would otherwise be cool to run from this thing. But an expansion card could probably fix that.
It also needs an XT keyboard.
Joysticks are nonstandard, and on some models they will conflict with an addon card - but on this one I think they can be disabled so a card will work.
Upside is that this model *does* have a conventional serial port, which apparently some Tandy 1000s didn't. So a serial mouse can be used, which solves at least one of the "Tandyisms" on these machines.
Those Tandyisms are the price to pay for Tandy graphics+sound support, which I think would be pretty awesome to have for the pre-VGA era.
The most daunting thing would be needing a CGA monitor. But it was included:
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Which after looking into it, is apparently the better quality option of the monitors Tandy sold for these computers.
The price for the whole combo was $100. And I hesitated.
I didn't want to jump into blowing money on something this random and unexpected, and it also takes up space. So I took pictures and told myself I'd sleep on it - a cooling off period. Research it, figure out how much I really wanted it, and figure out how to offset the cost. The price tag was dated like 10 days prior, so it had been sitting there for a while. So I figured only a few rare oddballs care about things like this, and it would still be there the next day.
That night I decided Hell Yes I'm Buying It and came back.
It wasn't there. I can't believe I let it get away, I seriously doubt I'll ever find something like this in the wild again.
I checked eBay but of course things like this are much more expensive on there. You're competing with a national audience, and have to pay for shipping and eBay's (very high) fees, and the seller's risk of fraud/claims/damage/returns, and their desire to make money after all those factors are accounted for.
A new one was just posted. In fact, it's the same one. They also have the monitor.
I don't want to be mad about that - I've sold plenty of things on eBay so I'd be a hypocrite if I complained about it. But damn, it's frustrating to have blown this one.
I'd say there's a lot of room in the seller's price, but it really just depends what offers they get. I can say it *did* look to be in very good condition. Whoever owned it apparently kept it inside, it wasn't laying in a shed somewhere.