Trashbytes wrote on 2025-02-12, 17:42:
Hey Hey . .you leave the FX5200 Alone, I have a very nice 128bit PCI version that has been a test bench workhorse and is exceptionally reliable . .for a FX card that is. (Yes its even slower than the 128 bit AGP version but it is very reliable)
Oh, but I can't, hehe. 😁 You see, I also have a few FX5200 cards myself (both 64-bit and 128-bit).
On a more serious note, I actually quite like them for late 90's retro builds.
And they are reliable cards indeed... but again, so long as they are kept cool. The passively-cooled ones always get a fan from me. And the ones that come with those tiny screamy crappy coolers get replaced by bigger heatsinks (also with a fan.)
Trashbytes wrote on 2025-02-12, 17:42:
But you can go ahead and bag on the Radeon 9200/9250 all you want, hell I may even join you they were woeful cards that ATI should have kept locked in the basement.
Sorry, but I really don't need anyone else to trash-talk these cards or tell me how lackluster they are 😉 - I had one! ... for many years 🤣 🤣 (actually still have it and occasionally use it.) Back in 2004 when my parents finally agreed that we can upgrade / update the sole house PC (a Pentium II with Win98 and 64 MB of RAM), this is the card we ended up with. I didn't know anything about the hardware back then, so I went along with whatever was suggested to me, based on the budget I had (about $200). I walked out of the store with a late socket A mobo (nForce 2), 1.4 GHz Duron Applebred (a.k.a. Cripplebred), 256 MB of RAM, and a 64MB 64-bit ASUS Radeon 9200 Slow Edition for the grand price of $210 (oh how I still remember this, don't ask. 😁 ) It was quite a low-performer of a system as I learned in the years to follow... but at the time, and especially considering the jump up from my PII, I adored and admired this system for quite some time. Most importantly, I was sooooo hyped I could play Half-Life 2 when it came out. Yes, at despicable 800x600 and 20-30 FPS average... but I re-used the 17" CRT from my PII, so that made it a lot more bearable.
So yeah, I really know how slow the 9200/9250 cards are, because I played and finished many games on my 9200 SE. 😉
What's funny is that a really good buddy of mine had a very similar "lackluster" PC - a Dell with 1.7 Ghz P4 Willamate, 256 MB of RAM, and an ATI Rage video card. When we tried to play GTA VC and NFS Underground on it, the card could not properly render anything at all for whatever reason. So we joke that the ATI Rage was meant to just make the user rage. Unlike my parents, his mother gave him a bit more of an allowance to upgrade that PC, so he quickly upped the RAM to 512 MB and replaced the Rage with a GeForce FX5200. This brought the system pretty much on-level (or ever so slightly better) to mine. By that time, though, I did a "secret" upgrade to our family PC and replaced one of the 128 MB sticks with a 512 MB cheapo one from eBay, totaling my RAM to 640 MB. So the race between my buddy and I was on: who had the better... or as we joked, less shitty PC. For whatever reason, mine would load slightly faster due to the slightly higher amount of RAM... and for whatever reason, the 9200 SE seemed to support DX9 features a lot better in most games than his FX5200. But then, his FX5200 was overall faster... so it was a slight trade off in visual effects for better (relatively speaking) FPS.
Anyways, enough of me rambling here about that system. Had my fun with it back then and still have fun talking about (or even trash-talking about it) now. 😉
Trashbytes wrote on 2025-02-12, 17:42:
And yeah I was the one who bought that board but I also grabbed the Gigabyte GA-K8NE-RH that was also listed, the K8NE needs a recap but I'm not sure if or when Ill get to it, it may end up in the spares bin for a while as I have other boards that need recaps first.
Oh, that sounds all too familiar to me now. 😁
I also have quite the line up of "spare" boards waiting for either a recap or other work.
I'll probably get them all done if I have another lifetime.
Actually have caught up on that list quite a bit. Just need to get to testing them all out now (properly, that is.)