First post, by netscape.exe
Hello everyone. I recently bought a retro computer on a local marketplace. There was little information about it, most likely its name is Fujitsu A4D xD.
It has a built-in video card ATI Rage XL 8 megabytes. I have Windows 98 SE installed.
The problem is that the computer does not have an AGP slot. But there is a PСI. I have a Geforce4 mx440 card.
If I insert this card and start with the default settings, the computer starts with the built-in one. The PСI card is detected and I can even install the driver. I tried different ones, and each time the same result. Windows offers to reboot the computer to finish setting up the video card, and so on each time in a circle. At the same time, I still start on the internal video card.
If I switch in the BIOS (and this is the only setting for the video card there) the default video card from AGP to PCI, then the computer does not even start, I do not see that even the BIOS starts.
As I understand it, even without installed drivers for Windows, at least the BIOS should start without problems and show an image. But this does not happen, the computer simply freezes at the BIOS loading stage.
To be honest, I do not even know what else to try in this situation.
If I install Windows XP and start from the internal one, but at the same time install the driver for the PCI, will I be able to use it? I think not, since the system starts from the internal one.
Could you give me some advice on what else I can try?