First post, by Elia1995
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- Oldbie
Good evening guys!!
So I have a bunch of retro computers with different chipsets, CPUs and whatsoever, from the 286 all the way to the Pentium 4 I have one of each gen...
now, my question is: what would be the best and most efficient way to set up all of them, avoiding "duplicates"? I mean, it's easy, MS-DOS 6.22 would run on everything from the 286 all the way to a Pentium, but that would just make all of those computers pretty much... idk, the same with different speeds perhaps?
I'd like to experiment with different systems and maybe find the perfect and overall best OS-Chipset-CPU combo for each generation (for example, my Pentium III is the best PC I have for Windows 98SE, the Pentium II would run Windows 98SE just fine aswell, but at what point would I need two identical computers with one of them just being laggy and slower?)
Here's a list of the computers and the setups I've thought for them so far, looking forward for adjustments:
286: MS-DOS 6.22 with Ensemble Geoworks
386: MS-DOS 6.22 with Windows 3.11
486: OS/2 Warp 4.52
Pentium-MMX 100: MS-DOS 6.22 (with CD-ROM and Sound Blaster 16)
Pentium II: Either DOS and Windows 95 OSR2 in dual boot or just Windows 95 OSR2, so I can take full advantage of the Creative 3D Blaster Banshee (3DFX Glide support) and AWE32
Pentium III: Windows 98SE (this one is "modded" with an SSD using a SATA to IDE adapter)
Pentium 4: Windows XP
Then I'd take few suggestions for an ideal perfect hardware for a Windows 7 build as well, since that's the only one I'm missing in my collection (who gives a damn about Vista and ME? 🤣)
Currently assembled vintage computers I own: 11
Most important ones:
A "modded" Olivetti M4 434 S (currently broken).
An Epson El Plus 386DX running MS-DOS 6.22 (currently broken).
Celeron Coppermine 1.10GHz on an M754LMRTP motherboard