First post, by Studiostriver
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Hi to all.
I`m running Pentium 3 with Tualatin overclocked to 1.5ghz, and 768MB RAM. System is dual boot 98 SE/XP SP3.
Recently i`ve bought few gpus cause my favorite game of all time Wizardry 8 struggle a bit with my previous older cards i used. I tried Asus 9250 256mb, it could not run higher then 1280x760, only in 16 bit mode thou. Later i got ATI His 9600 XT, it worked much better, still it kind had little bit problem with opening map in the game, it tend to freeze for a second, and this game depends on checking map very often.
With last one NVIDIA 6600 GT it worked like a charm, even older 98 games llike Ceasar 3 ooked and played amazing, BUT i lost support for most DOS games. 🙁 They simply show blank screen and game starts with music and at all, but it refuse to show video.
Recently i`ve found i can get ATI X850 or 800 for cheap and i want to ask you guys is with these new gpus for such a old system DOS support is lost?
My goal is to make the system run DOS games from 95 to 2003 early XP games. I enjoy so much better graphic card on XP, but if i gonna loose support completely like on previous Nvidia card i may think to go back and ude only 9600 Pro/XT.
Kind regards to all,