Reply 1160 of 1188, by Frenkel

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rasteri wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:49:
ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:04:

Currently, GM initialization via MIDI file works, as well as sending text messages to the MT-32 display. Next will be sending text / graphics to the SC-55 display. What should I do with the 16x16 B&W display of the SC-55?

lowest fastdoom resolution yet...

If you know the levels by heart, Doom is playable at 16x16, kinda. 😜

Reply 1161 of 1188, by ViTi95

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Really interesting! I was thinking of implementing wireframe rendering similar to the Doom-like clone for the Ti83+ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nduMTX86Zl0), maybe it's a bit cleaner. Anyway, I still need to figure out a way to mix SysEx messages into the Apogee Sound System MIDI stream, it's designed just to play a single file and doesn't support mixing other data into the stream. Even it wasn't supporting SysEx messages, all of them were just thrown away.


Reply 1162 of 1188, by darry

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Frenkel wrote on 2024-12-13, 18:22:
rasteri wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:49:
ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:04:

Currently, GM initialization via MIDI file works, as well as sending text messages to the MT-32 display. Next will be sending text / graphics to the SC-55 display. What should I do with the 16x16 B&W display of the SC-55?

lowest fastdoom resolution yet...

If you know the levels by heart, Doom is playable at 16x16, kinda. 😜

ZX81 port potential there 😉

Reply 1163 of 1188, by Frenkel

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The MB Microvision is a handheld game console from 1979 with a 16 × 16 pixel LCD and the CPU is on the cartridge. 😉

Reply 1164 of 1188, by noshutdown

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for pc, i think 160*100*16c cga mode is low enough...

Reply 1165 of 1188, by ViTi95

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Soooo a new release for #DOScember, changelog (1.0.6):

- MIDI SysEx support (MPU401, LPT MIDI, RS232 MIDI and Sound Blaster MIDI)
- Roland MT-32 support (via -mt32 command line parameter)
- Roland SC-55 support (via -sc55 command line parameter)
- Show song titles on MT-32 and SC-55 devices


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Reply 1166 of 1188, by BitWrangler

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Frenkel wrote on 2024-12-13, 18:22:
rasteri wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:49:
ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-09, 23:04:

Currently, GM initialization via MIDI file works, as well as sending text messages to the MT-32 display. Next will be sending text / graphics to the SC-55 display. What should I do with the 16x16 B&W display of the SC-55?

lowest fastdoom resolution yet...

If you know the levels by heart, Doom is playable at 16x16, kinda. 😜

Lowest res I have successfully played it on myself is about 80x23 ... whatever a standard text console is. Used the ascii art aa.lib port on Linux in the noughts. Though since the "pixels" are chosen to best represent higher details, it might be more like 160ish by 50ish effective. Anyway, if you should set up a Pentium linux box with TTY login through serial ports on a noughties linux distro, you can "play" doom on whatever you can load a terminal program onto, over a serial cable. XT, TRS-80s maybe. Though if you can get an ethernet connection and telnet that would be faster.

Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.

Reply 1167 of 1188, by 7F20

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ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-17, 06:54:

- Roland MT-32 support (via -mt32 command line parameter)

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what exactly is output to the MT32? AFAIK, they never did an MT32 version of the music, so it's not like general midi or whatever where the interpretation is subjective to the tones of the instruments.

Did you or someone else write a new score for the MT32?

Reply 1168 of 1188, by ViTi95

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Original midi tracks are not modified in MT-32 mode, the difference is that the MT-32 is patched during FastDoom's initialization to behave like a General MIDI device.


Reply 1169 of 1188, by auron

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panpot is still reversed though, so unless files with this reversed are supplied or the audio engine can be made to account for it, the user still needs to swap left/right audio every time.

Reply 1170 of 1188, by ViTi95

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Rank Oldbie

Oh, I didn’t know that the pan pot was reversed in the MT-32. I can fix that in the Apogee Sound System, as all MIDI commands are processed before being sent to the actual device.

Are there any other MT-32 quirks or differences compared to the GM standard?


Reply 1171 of 1188, by 7F20

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ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-18, 12:43:

Oh, I didn’t know that the pan pot was reversed in the MT-32. I can fix that in the Apogee Sound System, as all MIDI commands are processed before being sent to the actual device.

Are there any other MT-32 quirks or differences compared to the GM standard?

The instruments are similar, but not the same. IIRC, there are just some notes that will hit a completely wrong or missing bank. GM has more banks than an MT-32, so stuff will just not play, etc. There are utilities to do conversions and stuff, but it's never going to be perfect. You basically will have to choose new instruments in some cases.

Thread, Convert MIDI files to sound correct on a Roland MT-32 compatible device

Link in the thread to mt32 utilities: https://www.midimusicadventures.com/queststud … urce/utilities/

ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-18, 06:02:

Original midi tracks are not modified in MT-32 mode, the difference is that the MT-32 is patched during FastDoom's initialization to behave like a General MIDI device.

I guess if that means you are loading the GM note bank into the MT-32, that will do the trick?

Reply 1172 of 1188, by auron

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ViTi95 wrote on 2024-12-18, 12:43:

Oh, I didn’t know that the pan pot was reversed in the MT-32. I can fix that in the Apogee Sound System, as all MIDI commands are processed before being sent to the actual device.

Are there any other MT-32 quirks or differences compared to the GM standard?

being limited to 9 parts is one other thing, but this actually matches with the limitation that the MUS supposedly had, so wouldn't be a problem for the original doom WADs at least.

you are using roland's GM2MT, right? that's probably as good as it gets.

Reply 1173 of 1188, by ViTi95

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Yep I'm using MTGM.MID from Roland, is not perfect but better than nothing.

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I'm not an expert in MIDI stuff, may be this the solution to the panpot problem @auron?

BTW next release will also have Yamaha XG support

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Reply 1174 of 1188, by Neuralnet

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I tried the mt32 switch via soundblaster midi and the sound is amazing.
Only thing I noticed is channel/instrument 5 does nothing on the mt32 panel.
And as 7F20 said some stuff might not play: For example the melody after the break in Sandy’s city (doom 2 level 9) is not played. The same on munt in boxer.

But so far I am amazed 😁

Reply 1175 of 1188, by 7F20

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Is there some way to play the Master Levels of Doom 2 with FastDoom?

Reply 1177 of 1188, by 7F20

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dr_st wrote on 2025-01-05, 16:23:
7F20 wrote on 2025-01-05, 15:58:

Is there some way to play the Master Levels of Doom 2 with FastDoom?

Aren't those levels just individual DOOM2 WAD files that you can load with -file argument?

I'm new to doing extra maps so I didn't know about that. I'll try it.

Reply 1178 of 1188, by 7F20

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Okay, so I can load one map with the -file argument. Is there any way to load all of the maps so that I can play them one after the next?

I tried to just parse multiple files with the -file argument, but it ignores everything but the first wad I submit and moves on to Underhalls.

Reply 1179 of 1188, by leileilol

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7F20 wrote on 2025-01-07, 22:22:

Okay, so I can load one map with the -file argument. Is there any way to load all of the maps so that I can play them one after the next?

Sounds out of scope - that wasn't ever part of Master Level's design plan as they included a launcher to do each map individually. They only formatted it as an episode in the multiplatform 2024 rerelease.

long live PCem