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Reply 160 of 175, by alexanrs

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Rank l33t

Woah, before I even PMed you, thanks!!!!!

Btw, I'm organizing the page with the list of Socket 370 motherboards with Tetrium, initially focusing on Tualatin and DDR boards. I ended up making a quick VC++ program to help me convert my spreadsheet into a color coded table. A shell script would've done the job but I'm more comfortable with c++, so it was just faster to do it this way.

Reply 161 of 175, by alexanrs

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Rank l33t

Well, I think I'm done poiishing the page and the C++ app, so here you guys go:

List of Socket 370 motherboards

For everyone wanting to contribute, instead of editing the page you can also edit the spreadsheet on my OneDrive here. Either way is fine, I'll keep them in sync for the forseeable future. While the focus now are Tually and DDR boards, every motherboard is welcome.

Reply 162 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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Rank Oldbie

Looks sweet nice work.

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 163 of 175, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
alexanrs wrote:

Well, I think I'm done poiishing the page and the C++ app, so here you guys go:

List of Socket 370 motherboards

For everyone wanting to contribute, instead of editing the page you can also edit the spreadsheet on my OneDrive here. Either way is fine, I'll keep them in sync for the forseeable future. While the focus now are Tually and DDR boards, every motherboard is welcome.

I see the ASUS CUC2 I added to the s370 motherboard page has been added to your spreadsheet, did you add it to the spreadsheet by hand or is it done automatic?

Just to note, I've been busy yesterday to create a similar page for (Super) Socket 7 and I'm basically taking the table from the wiki s370 page and modifying the relevant data (replacing Tualatin support with K6-X+ compatibility and replaced the VIA C3 column with 100MHz FSB support). I'm not sure if for (Super) Socket 7 boards the ISA column is actually necessary, as I only seen one single Super Socket 7 board that doesn't have one.
Preferably I'd like to include a table with minimum official and/or undocumented minimum CPU voltage as this is usually the most important feature which determines if chips with 2.2v (like some of the K6 and MII and all K6-X's) will work in any specific board or not.
A column with AGP slot should also be added I think, as I've also seen ss7 boards with chipsets that do support AGP, but have an onboard GPU-chip along with memory chip soldered onto the board and forgoing the AGP slot itself (basically the AGP card is soldered onto the board and cannot be replaced with a dedicated AGP card).

Much of the data is still incomplete (like how many PCI slot and ISA slots these boards have but only a few I haven't figured out if they come in AT or ATX formfactor).

I already have a list ready to be added to the wiki as a list (first version will be orphaned, like I did with the s370 board page), like I did with the first s370 list before Alex converted it to the excellent table, but am considering to use the table present on the wiki to mod it into one for (Super) Socket 7.

I think it would make perfect sense to me to have the Jan Steunebrink modeed BIOS page included as an external link btw 😀

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Reply 164 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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@Tetrium sounds good. I have a few boards I can add once up.

Also of note I've just enabled uploading ZIP files, so if you want to upload non images/audio that is now possible.

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 165 of 175, by alexanrs

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Rank l33t
Tetrium wrote:

I see the ASUS CUC2 I added to the s370 motherboard page has been added to your spreadsheet, did you add it to the spreadsheet by hand or is it done automatic?

By hand. If I knew how, I'd make it automatic xD

Just to note, I've been busy yesterday to create a similar page for (Super) Socket 7 and I'm basically taking the table from the wiki s370 page and modifying the relevant data (replacing Tualatin support with K6-X+ compatibility and replaced the VIA C3 column with 100MHz FSB support). I'm not sure if for (Super) Socket 7 boards the ISA column is actually necessary, as I only seen one single Super Socket 7 board that doesn't have one.

If you know how to code in Visual Studio (the free version is fine - it's what I use) you can just modify this quick piece of software I made. I just select the entire table in the spreadsheet (headers included), copy it to the clipboard then press the button on the app. It will process the clipboard and make the table. I hardcoded the references and the columns that are color coded, but it should'nt be hard to modify that.

The attachment WikiTblCreator.rar is no longer available
mwdmeyer wrote:

Looks sweet nice work.

Thanks! 😀

Reply 166 of 175, by Tetrium

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Rank l33t++
alexanrs wrote:
By hand. If I knew how, I'd make it automatic xD […]
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Tetrium wrote:

I see the ASUS CUC2 I added to the s370 motherboard page has been added to your spreadsheet, did you add it to the spreadsheet by hand or is it done automatic?

By hand. If I knew how, I'd make it automatic xD

Just to note, I've been busy yesterday to create a similar page for (Super) Socket 7 and I'm basically taking the table from the wiki s370 page and modifying the relevant data (replacing Tualatin support with K6-X+ compatibility and replaced the VIA C3 column with 100MHz FSB support). I'm not sure if for (Super) Socket 7 boards the ISA column is actually necessary, as I only seen one single Super Socket 7 board that doesn't have one.

If you know how to code in Visual Studio (the free version is fine - it's what I use) you can just modify this quick piece of software I made. I just select the entire table in the spreadsheet (headers included), copy it to the clipboard then press the button on the app. It will process the clipboard and make the table. I hardcoded the references and the columns that are color coded, but it should'nt be hard to modify that.

mwdmeyer wrote:

Looks sweet nice work.

Thanks! 😀

I was never really good at programming, but I do know my way around modifying existing code. I was wondering how you did the colors.
I'll take a look, thanks 😀

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Reply 167 of 175, by Tetrium

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I've finally had time to work a bit on the "Interesting Socket 7 board list" and uploaded a first version to the wiki, but due to circumstances I had very little time to do a lot of work on the list.
It's uploaded here http://www.vogonswiki.com/index.php/Socket_7_ … therboard_Lists
My intent for this list is to provide a quick reference to all the more modern Socket 7 boards which include the following features:
-All Socket 7 boards that were made in ATX format
-All Socket 7 boards that include an AGP slot
-All Socket 7 boards which include official 100MHz FSB support

My intent is for this list to provide only boards which include any of the 3 features I mentioned above, mostly because the number of boards made in AT format is enormous.

I know that many interesting Socket 7 boards were made which are interesting in some way (like AT Socket 7 boards with the 430HX chipset, just to name a thing), but exclude any of the 3 mentioned features I listed here and I think these boards should be in a separated list as adding all of these boards into a single list will make the list very long and very hard to read.

I also taking into consideration something PCBONEZ mentioned earlier in another tread when he commented about the s370 list getting less practical to use when all s370 boards get listed there (and personally I think the point he made is an obvious one) and when the time comes that the s370 list becomes very long, I'll duplicate the total s370 motherboard list and modify the duplicate's list to include a narrower selection of boards (for instance, a separated list for s370 boards that include ISA and native Tualatin support (boards that will work with Tualatin using an adapter might get included later, as long as those boards also include an ISA slot)).

All this doesn't have to be done overnight, but I think progress is slowly being made 😀

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Reply 168 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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Rank Oldbie

Hi All,

I'm just about to do some upgrades to Vogons Wiki so it will be down for a small period of time. I'll update once complete.


Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 169 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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Rank Oldbie

Upgrade complete. Migrated to new Debian 9 server and enabled HTTPs.

I planned to upgrade Mediawiki but didn't get a chance. On my list to do later.

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 171 of 175, by Cuttoon

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Rank Oldbie
BarFly wrote on 2021-12-10, 15:55:
Hello, […]
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i guess i found something wrong - the K6XV3+ is an ATX board not an AT Board. As far as i know the same is the K6XV3+/66

http://www.vogonswiki.com/index.php/Socket_7_ … therboard_Lists

Ciao BarFly

Hehe, pity no one corrects those. I just noticed the very same error.
Also, the MSI MS-5184 is VIA MVP3 chipset, not ALI...
I'll admit, not quite irritated enough to request a login there. But close 😉

I like jumpers.

Reply 172 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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Rank Oldbie

Just sign up and PM me and I'll enable account 😀

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com

Reply 173 of 175, by Alistar1776

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Rank Member
Tetrium wrote on 2015-12-27, 10:01:
I see the ASUS CUC2 I added to the s370 motherboard page has been added to your spreadsheet, did you add it to the spreadsheet b […]
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alexanrs wrote:

Well, I think I'm done poiishing the page and the C++ app, so here you guys go:

List of Socket 370 motherboards

For everyone wanting to contribute, instead of editing the page you can also edit the spreadsheet on my OneDrive here. Either way is fine, I'll keep them in sync for the forseeable future. While the focus now are Tually and DDR boards, every motherboard is welcome.

I see the ASUS CUC2 I added to the s370 motherboard page has been added to your spreadsheet, did you add it to the spreadsheet by hand or is it done automatic?

Just to note, I've been busy yesterday to create a similar page for (Super) Socket 7 and I'm basically taking the table from the wiki s370 page and modifying the relevant data (replacing Tualatin support with K6-X+ compatibility and replaced the VIA C3 column with 100MHz FSB support). I'm not sure if for (Super) Socket 7 boards the ISA column is actually necessary, as I only seen one single Super Socket 7 board that doesn't have one.
Preferably I'd like to include a table with minimum official and/or undocumented minimum CPU voltage as this is usually the most important feature which determines if chips with 2.2v (like some of the K6 and MII and all K6-X's) will work in any specific board or not.
A column with AGP slot should also be added I think, as I've also seen ss7 boards with chipsets that do support AGP, but have an onboard GPU-chip along with memory chip soldered onto the board and forgoing the AGP slot itself (basically the AGP card is soldered onto the board and cannot be replaced with a dedicated AGP card).

Much of the data is still incomplete (like how many PCI slot and ISA slots these boards have but only a few I haven't figured out if they come in AT or ATX formfactor).

I already have a list ready to be added to the wiki as a list (first version will be orphaned, like I did with the s370 board page), like I did with the first s370 list before Alex converted it to the excellent table, but am considering to use the table present on the wiki to mod it into one for (Super) Socket 7.

I think it would make perfect sense to me to have the Jan Steunebrink modeed BIOS page included as an external link btw 😀

Ive got an S370 board that I didnt see on the wiki, is there a way for me to add it, or do i dm someone?

Reply 174 of 175, by jp3149

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Rank Newbie

I need help? I have a windows 98se machine that is running a soundblaster ct4380 sound card working well. Trying to upgrade a little to a ct4390 gold. System does not recognize card and diagnose program say no I/O found.

Reply 175 of 175, by mwdmeyer

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Rank Oldbie

Hi All,

I've just done some upgrades to vogonswiki software. Unfortunately it is still not 100% up to date but a start.

Semantic mediawiki has been upgraded from 2.5 to 3. This may cause some breaking changes but I've reviewed and mostly looks ok.

A few of the other plugins have also been updated.

Unfortunately due to the age and the number of plugins the upgrade process is complex, but will try to work towards getting it 100% up to date soon. Saying that all looks to be working.

Please let me know if any issues.

Vogons Wiki - http://vogonswiki.com