First post, by BEEN_Nath_58

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I was randomly thinking "South America" and how we (at least in Asia) never get to hear about them. I move on to wonder about Paraguay, how the life is there, how are people connected to the Internet, how is IT and computing over there?

In the contemporary society, we often associate technology with USA/Canada, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, SK, Australia and more than 50% of Europe.

But what about other areas: the remote Pacific Island, the war-torn middle-east, the South Americas, the Central America, the South East Asia, ... I would love to hear.

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 1 of 6, by subhuman@xgtx

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I'm not from Paraguay... but what I can say is that in Uruguay we are kind of a highly digitalized society. Pretty much everyone besides few people in some isolated countryside areas has a mobile phone and, out of that, almost everyone has some kind of access to either a mobile network or cable internet. 4g/5g signal coverage, although definitely not flawless, is pretty much universal. Fibre optic infrastructure has already been installed in most cities.



Reply 2 of 6, by subhuman@xgtx

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Regarding our economy, local companies right now are thirsty for programmers, fibre optic technicians and network installers. Our core business is still agricultural exports but who knows how long does this last?



Reply 3 of 6, by BEEN_Nath_58

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subhuman@xgtx wrote on 2024-12-12, 02:03:

Regarding our economy, local companies right now are thirsty for programmers, fibre optic technicians and network installers. Our core business is still agricultural exports but who knows how long does this last?

Good to hear from a Uruguayan. Besides agriculture (which is a major sector in my country as well), what other gets a major economic importance; I can assume tourism, probably football as well and...

On IT, how much does it get importance from a general person's POV? Are they (majority of people) somewhat influential to push people to work there; are there enough/good-enough schools and skill centre that can train people.

Assuming the opposite is true as well, how do the people see the future outside agriculture?

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 4 of 6, by theelf

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BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2024-12-11, 07:29:

I was randomly thinking "South America" and how we (at least in Asia) never get to hear about them. I move on to wonder about Paraguay, how the life is there, how are people connected to the Internet, how is IT and computing over there?

In the contemporary society, we often associate technology with USA/Canada, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, SK, Australia and more than 50% of Europe.

But what about other areas: the remote Pacific Island, the war-torn middle-east, the South Americas, the Central America, the South East Asia, ... I would love to hear.

Im from argentina my wife is from paraguay, in paraguay technology life is about phones exactly like europe, computers is lot of different, while in europe exist a great old computer scene, in paraguay is mostly all modern stuff because paraguay 20+ years ago was very VERY rural and is almost impossible to find someone that knows what is a PC 486 for example... is like technology starts in paraguay maybe 1995+

Argentina is similar to europe for example, lot of modern and old stuff, easy to find from a old amiga 500 or C64 to any modern computer, and people that knows about it, many computer programmers etc

From a Latinoamerican point of view, i think not many/nobody will associate India with technology, yes USA, China or Japan

Reply 5 of 6, by BEEN_Nath_58

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theelf wrote on 2024-12-12, 20:44:
BEEN_Nath_58 wrote on 2024-12-11, 07:29:

I was randomly thinking "South America" and how we (at least in Asia) never get to hear about them. I move on to wonder about Paraguay, how the life is there, how are people connected to the Internet, how is IT and computing over there?

In the contemporary society, we often associate technology with USA/Canada, China, India, Japan, Taiwan, SK, Australia and more than 50% of Europe.

But what about other areas: the remote Pacific Island, the war-torn middle-east, the South Americas, the Central America, the South East Asia, ... I would love to hear.

Im from argentina my wife is from paraguay, in paraguay technology life is about phones exactly like europe, computers is lot of different, while in europe exist a great old computer scene, in paraguay is mostly all modern stuff because paraguay 20+ years ago was very VERY rural and is almost impossible to find someone that knows what is a PC 486 for example... is like technology starts in paraguay maybe 1995+

Argentina is similar to europe for example, lot of modern and old stuff, easy to find from a old amiga 500 or C64 to any modern computer, and people that knows about it, many computer programmers etc

How would you see the tech field expanding in both countries today, for eg, on RnD of the common man, services for people and other corporations, self reliance on softwares for businesses, etc?

Well Argentina was the Europe of South Ame, so the old computers make sense 😀
Common people would think Amiga is a lady's name (ik Amiga is a female friend)

theelf wrote on 2024-12-12, 20:44:

From a Latinoamerican point of view, i think not many/nobody will associate India with technology, yes USA, China or Japan

Right, India is a big market of workforce, instead of being an exporter of tech themselves.

There are many startups here, most however run behind the same project just as to impress the investors and the popularity of the idea. It's mostly like corporates trying to make a more affordable version of Airpods, or 50 different delivery services.

Most of their developments people see worldwide happens in the US instead since people aren't afraid to fail

previously known as Discrete_BOB_058

Reply 6 of 6, by chinny22

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My wife is from Peru and have visited a few times in the past 10 years, Mostly Lima.
I was surprised how many people used mobile phones for work, even when they had a desk phone right in front of them.

Wife's family business of petrol stations is more or less no different to the western world with fairly up to date computers, servers, etc. Internet seems to be the biggest weak point compared to Europe but that true for Australia as well where distance and geography are more challenging.