I feel with you, theelf - still on WinXPSP3 POSReady "hacked" here, too...also with Paint Shop Pro 7, but Office 2003 (instead of 2000) and 7-Zip (instead of WinRAR). I never tried Windows Vista (only an early Beta of Longhorn, the UI is quite OK I guess, but UAC is ugly), but I tried a lot to make Windows 7 in Classic mode feel like WinXP and earlier...no way, I hate it. Additionally menus and dialogues were totally mixed up, most things aren't where you expect them to be and what I read/heard with every version (8(.1), 10, 11) it's getting worse.
ReactOS could be a replacement for WinXP, it feels like 2k/XP - but development is not very fast, unfortunately.
theelf wrote on 2024-12-01, 20:32:
Hey windows XP is not perfect neither, but is still possible to fix all the microsoft garbage, for example, i edited all DLL, EXE, CPL etc and remove 256+ color icons, and left only 16 colors one, restore all classic CPLs from NT4, etc and only when i do this i can feel the OS is confortable to use
This one I don't understand... I did the other way around and got an explorer.exe with 256 colors tray icon support for my Win98SE back then in 2006 (?).
theelf wrote on 2024-12-01, 20:32:
...for example remove trustedinstaller from the system...
Whoa this annoying thing bloats up RAM usage near to explosion on Win7...this was new to me and I didn't know it is removable!? I didn't get deep into that because I use Win7 only for a few things, very few.
theelf wrote on 2024-12-01, 20:58:
Of course if i still can use XP is because the community there is a new browser version, sadly chrome is not soo easy to customize, the most i can do was this
Did you ever try roytam1's browser builds like New Moon 28 or Serpent 52/55? On the Screenshot from right now you can see NM28 (and PSP7 😉).
Shponglefan wrote on 2024-12-01, 22:44:
Why do you think they look horrible?
For point of comparison, this is a 16 color icon versus a 256 color icon. To me, they look pretty similar.
There were even icons which looked horrible in 16 colors, if I remember correctly nVidia used a 256 color tray icon in early/mid 2000 and that looked ugly in 16 bit...after changing the explorer.exe to a 256 color supporting version it looked normal.
kind regards
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