i440LX was still used after release of i440BX for less high-end systems, but would not have been paired with the latest, greatest 3D cards - if you could afford a Voodoo2 within a couple of months of release, you could also afford a BX and 100MHz FSB Pentium 2.
Again, I'm not saying TNT and V2 would be a bad pairing, just one unlikely to have been seen in the wild.
Just to check I'm not talking out of my rear end, I took a look here:
https://vintageapple.org/pcworld/pdf/PC_World … 7_July_1998.pdf
Couple of months after release of Voodoo2, i440BX and Riva TNT. But as you say 66MHz FSB P2 systems are still being sold:
p16 Dell Dimension for home XPS D266: "STB nVidia 4MB 3D Video Card" (i.e. Riva128)
p39 ProGen Discover 3D Multimedia Value: "i440LX AGPset, AGP Video Graphics Card 4MB SGRAM" (could be anything Riva/Rage/S3 or similar - but not a TNT let alone Voodoo2)
p94 Quantex Power Multimedia series QP6/300 SM-2x "Toshiba MPACT2 3D Media Accelerator with 8MB RDRAM" :')
Don't overestimate what people actually had in their PCs back in the day. Only a very, very select few bought the highest of high-end stuff.
And Voodoo2 and TNT? The Voodoo2 isn't sold in any complete system mentioned, just in a few component catalogs as separate card. And no mention of the Riva TNT at all, despite the STB Velocity 4400 already being on the market.
In fact I had to go to October 1998 to find any systems with Voodoo2. What kind of systems were they installed in?
p91 Gateway 'The Screamer' G6-450XL "Pentium II 450MHZ [...] 128MB SDRAM [...] 8MB AGP Graphics Accelerator <whatever> [...] 12MB 3Dfx Voodoo2 3-D Accelerator"
p116 Quantex Ultimate Gaming PCs QP6/400 GX-1 "Pentium II Processor 400MHz [...] 64MB PC100SDRAM [...] 3Dfx Voodoo2 based 3D Game Acceleration"
All 100MHz FSB i440BX-based systems.
Still no TNT though, just an announcement on page 57: "Blazing Graphics: STB's $199 Velocity 4400 will be the first graphics card to use Nvidia's new Riva TNT chip ."
So no, I wouldn't call TNT and Voodoo2 period correct with i440LX.