Yeah, I'd have a V1 for screwing around with on a period correct setup, but for broad spectrum "last half of the 90s" V2 does a lot better. I also don't rate V4 V5 all that high, when by the time they were around, games didn't need a Voodoo to look good and have framerate, DX had caught up, 32bit framerates had caught up.
But don't look at TNT and TNT2 prices now and think, it's a quarter the price, so only quarter as good as contemporary Voodoos. No, they were neck and neck on everything that wasn't voodoo specific, and often within sight on DX or OGL when there was a title on multiple API. They are a quarter the price because there was ten times as many made at least. For big DX6 only titles, they were probably a better choice.
But yah, 128MB is very generous for this era on 9x.
I remember coming across something, an early DX title, trying to run it on the TP 380D, had 96MB in it, and it had an overflow error on RAM detection at 64MB, so it told me I didn't have enough RAM to run the game. IDK if it was just that stupid title, or whether that happened on others. May have been a demo that had it fixed on release, or had a patch later.
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.