Got the Acer ISA486GXI playing nice after a bit of fiddling. It was complaining I didn't have the jumper set for the CGA card, but buggered if I could find a jumper to set... so since that was annoying and the screen blanked funny when doing dir in DOS and other strange behaviours, I thought screw it, gotta put the EGA in. EGA wonder went in annnnd, tried 4 different settings and it was not coming up... so thought screw it's petty little tantrums, back in the box it goes, and grabbed the OTI out of the PB800 and although it's monitor detection is unnerving, it came up in EGA with the plug in the 9 pin hole... yeah so that was working nice... very nice display on that, font crispness like hercules. I only want one monitor on the bench and am still testing this EGA really so that's why I don't just stick a VGA in it. Running off my ancient 40MB "type 17 on everything" tester drive and all the fun stuff wanted VGA. Boring stuff ran, scored what it should in the benches... although kinda not what it should, I had the speed set to 40 for a naughty OC, since the board came with a label on saying 33Mhz only. Guess I shouuuuulllld set it back to 33 for making sure shit runs right when it's doing the validation stuff.
Finally found a system with this where ctrl-alt +/- on the numpad do the turbo switching... I am not sure what speed it goes to, but drops it down to "12Mhz" AT score on a couple of things so with 486 IPC being double 286, it might be as slow as 6Mhz, but could be 8mhz due to unfavorable instruction mixes, or it could split the diff a 14.318/2 . Didn't look at cache disable options to see if you can really slam the brakes on. Can prolly figure out more by looking up the PLL. Anyway, that was more of an aside for anyone interested in such things, it's pretty irrelevant for what I want out of it right now.
Decided the turned pin holes were going to be a problem on those headers. For one, using recovered chips with traces of solder on, they ain't the best for that. for two the DIPs on the SIMMs might have their legs shortened a touch, so I wanted sockets I can really ram the RAM down in so the fat bits clench for good contact. Yah so ordered a family variety pack of sockets from Bezos Bazaar, working that free next day prime. I did try the local "component" supplier first, all I got from their website was "Duhdoy, what's a DIP socket? Here, buy some LED strings."
Unicorn herding operations are proceeding, but all the totes of hens teeth and barrels of rocking horse poop give them plenty of hiding spots.