SBEMU: Sound Blaster emulation on AC97

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Reply 1600 of 1721, by Baron von Riedesel

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-11, 13:19:

Can someone PLEASE tell me a program that (a) works and (b) readily available and (c) allows settings to ensure it will work with IRQ7 rather than more common IRQ5. I just wanna SEE if I can get sound before I invest half my life installing DOS or Win98 to be able to play some old games.

"Newer" machines may impose a major hurdle: IRQs 5 and/or 7 may be used by an "active" PCI device - this will cause troubles with the SB emulation. With "active" I mean devices such as USB or SATA controllers. SBEMU ( and VSBHDA ) don't test if the emulated SB IRQ is already in use! So the first thing I'd do is to test if IRQ 5/7 is "free to use" - there exist some DOS tools that list all PCI devices in the system, including their IRQ usage.

Reply 1601 of 1721, by myne

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"Use /i5 to change the virtual IRQ if you get an IRQ conflict error, or adjust IRQ assignment in the BIOS.
Any suggestion and bug report are welcomed."

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Reply 1602 of 1721, by ruthan

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slikvik55 wrote on 2024-09-24, 13:45:
Can you give me more details on how you got this to work? […]
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ruthan wrote on 2023-06-02, 18:31:
Because nobody responded, i tried it Virtual box.. i used existing MSDos/ Windows 98 virtual. added additional Menu Item for SB […]
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Because nobody responded, i tried it Virtual box..
i used existing MSDos/ Windows 98 virtual. added additional Menu Item for SBEMU.. In virtual box set sound card to AC97.. used SB emu, card was found.. and sound and music is working in Vbox.. Im not fully sure about game speed and sound latency but SB emu is working with Virtualbox that is good..
Update: Duke3D/Quake are fine too and there speed is right. Warcraft 2 - Sound card, it cant detect SB16 but SB is fine for FX, for music SB16 is fine.

As usually i hit other Vbox problems, it has some strange problem with FileWizzard and Dos Navigator, keyboard always starts to behave funny in these after some time (TAB key is stopping to work).. But its maybe because im using quite a lot utilities in my configs and autoexecs..

I found some old Jemmex.exe line which i used, maybe it could be better:
Jemmex.exe 32768 NOVME A20Method:Fast SB SPLIT RAM VERBOSE

Next step would be trie Vmware.. its usually better for DOS than Vbox..

WIP Compatibility:

Working (Overall Virtual machine gaming, not just sound):
Warcraft 1 - but scrolling and mouse are super fast, to it needs additional slowdown utility
Warcraft 2 - but scrolling and mouse are super fast, to it needs additional slowdown utility
Battle arena Toshinden demo - again it needs some slowdown utility..
MDk demo
NHL97 - sound are working but there is sometimes so unwanted additional noise effect
Descent 1 - need some slowdown utility..

Not Working (Overall machine gaming, not just sound):
Ishar1 - very hard one, some hardcoded SB code.. JEMMEX error on start, even before sound menu..
Dungeon Master 2 demo - JEMMEX crash
NHL93 - sound and music - a bit broken, logo, but after black screen and only music playing..
Carmageddon - sound is working bad game time counter is like 5 times faster than should be..


Can you give me more details on how you got this to work?

I've tried both a Win98 (with custom DOS configs) and the SBEMU FreeDOS USB image in Virtualbox but can't get any sound output from either in all the DOS games I've tried (Keen, Duke, Wolf3d, Epic Pinball etc)

  • When it boots to DOS everything looks fine with no warnings from SBEMU. Says everything is loaded.
    I'm loading SBEMU with AC97.
    VirtualBox is set to AC97
    Windows 98 runs sound fine with this Virtualbox setup.

Well you challenge my bad memory.. I used version of SB-EMU available and at the time and actual VIrtualbox at the time. No sound is not exactly detailed problem question, but you are lucky and found that my virtual machine is still running, so version of VIrtualbox probably doesnt matter - i can confirm - 7.0.8 r156879 compatibility.

Here is virtual machine definition file, you can copy it and save as virtual machine config file and exchange disks for your own:


<?xml version="1.0"?>
** If you make changes to this file while any VirtualBox related application
** is running, your changes will be overwritten later, without taking effect.
** Use VBoxManage or the VirtualBox Manager GUI to make changes.
<VirtualBox xmlns="http://www.virtualbox.org/" version="1.19-windows">
<Machine uuid="{ffe1edd7-b11d-4da3-a413-17ea7c7c400e}" name="MS-Dos 7.1-SB-EMU-Vbox" OSType="DOS" snapshotFolder="Snapshots" lastStateChange="2024-10-12T18:15:07Z">
<Description>Vmware GPU is enabled, because in Windows 98 im using SoftGPU, new modified 3D Vmware drivers, but it could be removed and use Vbox driver if needed..
Well not OS is set for Linux which is needed for SoftGPU to Dos.. so switching is needed
Also Display was changed to 16MB and VboxSVGA from VmwareSVGA
128 MB and 3D acceleration on..
Its seems fixed - Filemenagers TAB problem..</Description>
<HardDisk uuid="{e5d2bfed-9129-4675-a597-ad336a77ce8a}" location="MS-DOS 7.1+Win98.vhd" format="VMDK" type="Normal"/>
<ExtraDataItem name="GUI/LastCloseAction" value="PowerOff"/>
<ExtraDataItem name="GUI/LastNormalWindowPosition" value="3644,532,640,527"/>
<PAE enabled="false"/>
<LongMode enabled="false"/>
<HardwareVirtExLargePages enabled="true"/>
<Memory RAMSize="512"/>
<Display controller="VBoxSVGA" VRAMSize="16"/>
<SmbiosUuidLittleEndian enabled="true"/>
<Adapter slot="0" enabled="true" MACAddress="0800276B494B">
<NAT localhost-reachable="true"/>
<Port slot="0" enabled="true" IOBase="0x3f8" IRQ="4" hostMode="Disconnected"/>
<AudioAdapter useDefault="true" driver="WAS" enabled="true" enabledOut="true"/>
<GuestProperty name="/VirtualBox/HostInfo/GUI/LanguageID" value="C" timestamp="1728756898698936100" flags="RDONLYGUEST"/>
<StorageController name="Floppy" type="I82078" PortCount="1" useHostIOCache="true" Bootable="true">
<AttachedDevice type="Floppy" hotpluggable="false" port="0" device="0"/>
<StorageController name="IDE" type="PIIX4" PortCount="2" useHostIOCache="true" Bootable="true">
<AttachedDevice passthrough="false" type="DVD" hotpluggable="false" port="1" device="0">
<Image uuid="{a3da46fa-9ec3-4b1a-93f1-d1bcfea49ac7}"/>
<AttachedDevice type="HardDisk" hotpluggable="false" port="0" device="0">
<Image uuid="{e5d2bfed-9129-4675-a597-ad336a77ce8a}"/>
<AttachedDevice type="HardDisk" hotpluggable="false" port="0" device="1">
<Image uuid="{6cf6cb7a-e1fd-4cf6-92b4-e52b33957e47}"/>

Autoexec part:
:REM DJXSBEMU, this line and bottom one is for integration to my ultimate configs, otherwise keep them REM= disabled
C:\Drivers\SBEMU\jload C:\Drivers\SBEMU\QPIEMU.dll
C:\Drivers\SBEMU\hdpmi32i -r -x
REM goto DJXSoundCardSelEnd

Config part:

I have super long autoexec and config with lots of options, so im copying only some extracts, i would give you more confusion than than help, but you can check my ultimate threads, there are these things too.. I just added another boot soudcard option and 1 line to config.

Whole SB thing is mainly about memory manager settings, again i used memory managers available at the time of testing.

I can record machine booting video, if you are willing to analyze frame by frame what is happening during boot process to debug it.

Im old goal oriented goatman, i care about facts and freedom, not about egos+prejudices. Hoarding=sickness. If you want respect, gain it by your behavior. I hate stupid SW limits, SW=virtual world, everything should be possible if you have enough raw HW.

Reply 1603 of 1721, by Methanoid

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Baron von Riedesel wrote on 2024-10-11, 13:43:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-11, 13:19:

Can someone PLEASE tell me a program that (a) works and (b) readily available and (c) allows settings to ensure it will work with IRQ7 rather than more common IRQ5. I just wanna SEE if I can get sound before I invest half my life installing DOS or Win98 to be able to play some old games.

"Newer" machines may impose a major hurdle: IRQs 5 and/or 7 may be used by an "active" PCI device - this will cause troubles with the SB emulation. With "active" I mean devices such as USB or SATA controllers. SBEMU ( and VSBHDA ) don't test if the emulated SB IRQ is already in use! So the first thing I'd do is to test if IRQ 5/7 is "free to use" - there exist some DOS tools that list all PCI devices in the system, including their IRQ usage.

Thanks and also @myne

I made sure I disabled LPT and COM in BIOS but it makes zero difference to what MSD reports with a non existent LPT2 taking IRQ5... so what to do?


Reply 1604 of 1721, by jtchip

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-13, 14:09:

I made sure I disabled LPT and COM in BIOS but it makes zero difference to what MSD reports with a non existent LPT2 taking IRQ5... so what to do?

Try HWiNFO to see what it reports. What mainboard/chipset/BIOS version is this? Did you try IRQ 5 anyway with SBEMU/VSBHDA to see if it works? Did you try with the on-board sound? The BLASTER environment variable is automatically set by SBEMU/VSBHDA so there is no need to set it again.

Reply 1605 of 1721, by myne

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What board is it?

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Re: The thing no one asked for: KICAD 440bx reference schematic

Reply 1606 of 1721, by Methanoid

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jtchip wrote on 2024-10-13, 23:52:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-13, 14:09:

I made sure I disabled LPT and COM in BIOS but it makes zero difference to what MSD reports with a non existent LPT2 taking IRQ5... so what to do?

Try HWiNFO to see what it reports. What mainboard/chipset/BIOS version is this? Did you try IRQ 5 anyway with SBEMU/VSBHDA to see if it works? Did you try with the on-board sound? The BLASTER environment variable is automatically set by SBEMU/VSBHDA so there is no need to set it again.

See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me

Mobo is Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 latest F4 BIOS. I'll try SBEMU with IRQ5 shortly. Not tried onboard sound cos the whole point is to use the GPU to get my sound via HDMI like in every other OS I use... I disable onboard sound cos I have never used it in nearly 20 years!

Tried with IRQ5.... but its proving difficult to even try when Doom crashes (as mentioned earlier), Duke3D install crashes (error 200) and EOTB doesnt seem to have any sound? Suggest a game that has suitable sound and I can DL to test and either a config.exe or set up for SB defaults? I used to find DOS piss easy 30+ years ago 😀

Doom crash (works perfect for the YTer video I posted earlier)

Reply 1607 of 1721, by myne

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This post might help disable the lpt
Re: dISAppointment - LPC to ISA adapter - ISA on modern motherboards


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Re: The thing no one asked for: KICAD 440bx reference schematic

Reply 1608 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 09:11:
See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me […]
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jtchip wrote on 2024-10-13, 23:52:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-13, 14:09:

I made sure I disabled LPT and COM in BIOS but it makes zero difference to what MSD reports with a non existent LPT2 taking IRQ5... so what to do?

Try HWiNFO to see what it reports. What mainboard/chipset/BIOS version is this? Did you try IRQ 5 anyway with SBEMU/VSBHDA to see if it works? Did you try with the on-board sound? The BLASTER environment variable is automatically set by SBEMU/VSBHDA so there is no need to set it again.

See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me

Mobo is Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 latest F4 BIOS. I'll try SBEMU with IRQ5 shortly. Not tried onboard sound cos the whole point is to use the GPU to get my sound via HDMI like in every other OS I use... I disable onboard sound cos I have never used it in nearly 20 years!

Tried with IRQ5.... but its proving difficult to even try when Doom crashes (as mentioned earlier), Duke3D install crashes (error 200) and EOTB doesnt seem to have any sound? Suggest a game that has suitable sound and I can DL to test and either a config.exe or set up for SB defaults? I used to find DOS piss easy 30+ years ago 😀

Doom crash (works perfect for the YTer video I posted earlier)

It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. Doom and Duke3D are protected mode games so they can work with SBEMU even without JEMM386/JEMMEX loaded.
So as a 1st step you should remove JEMM386/JEMMEX from your config.sys (or just put a REM before the corresponding line). Only HIMEM/HIMEMX should be left in your config.sys file. Then start SBEMU again. It will tell you that real mode support is not available but for your tests with protected games it is not needed.
Then you should try DUKE3D or Doom again. This way it's sure you cannot get a JEMMEX related error and at least you can get closer to what the real problem can be.

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Reply 1609 of 1721, by Methanoid

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:19:
It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. […]
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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 09:11:
See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me […]
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jtchip wrote on 2024-10-13, 23:52:

Try HWiNFO to see what it reports. What mainboard/chipset/BIOS version is this? Did you try IRQ 5 anyway with SBEMU/VSBHDA to see if it works? Did you try with the on-board sound? The BLASTER environment variable is automatically set by SBEMU/VSBHDA so there is no need to set it again.

See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me

Mobo is Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 latest F4 BIOS. I'll try SBEMU with IRQ5 shortly. Not tried onboard sound cos the whole point is to use the GPU to get my sound via HDMI like in every other OS I use... I disable onboard sound cos I have never used it in nearly 20 years!

Tried with IRQ5.... but its proving difficult to even try when Doom crashes (as mentioned earlier), Duke3D install crashes (error 200) and EOTB doesnt seem to have any sound? Suggest a game that has suitable sound and I can DL to test and either a config.exe or set up for SB defaults? I used to find DOS piss easy 30+ years ago 😀

Doom crash (works perfect for the YTer video I posted earlier)

It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. Doom and Duke3D are protected mode games so they can work with SBEMU even without JEMM386/JEMMEX loaded.
So as a 1st step you should remove JEMM386/JEMMEX from your config.sys (or just put a REM before the corresponding line). Only HIMEM/HIMEMX should be left in your config.sys file. Then start SBEMU again. It will tell you that real mode support is not available but for your tests with protected games it is not needed.
Then you should try DUKE3D or Doom again. This way it's sure you cannot get a JEMMEX related error and at least you can get closer to what the real problem can be.

Thanks. Disabling JEMMEX helped get DOOM to run.. but no sound.. cos no JEMMEX meant JLoading the QPIEMU.DLL didnt work so SBEMU didnt work.. is there another way to load it? I have downloaded QEMM cos I think JEMMEX is a bit buggy anyway but it has been 34 years since I used QEMM 😉

Reply 1610 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:52:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:19:
It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. […]
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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 09:11:
See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me […]
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See what it reports in which of the 100s of possible reports? Nothing jumps out at me

Mobo is Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 latest F4 BIOS. I'll try SBEMU with IRQ5 shortly. Not tried onboard sound cos the whole point is to use the GPU to get my sound via HDMI like in every other OS I use... I disable onboard sound cos I have never used it in nearly 20 years!

Tried with IRQ5.... but its proving difficult to even try when Doom crashes (as mentioned earlier), Duke3D install crashes (error 200) and EOTB doesnt seem to have any sound? Suggest a game that has suitable sound and I can DL to test and either a config.exe or set up for SB defaults? I used to find DOS piss easy 30+ years ago 😀

Doom crash (works perfect for the YTer video I posted earlier)

It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. Doom and Duke3D are protected mode games so they can work with SBEMU even without JEMM386/JEMMEX loaded.
So as a 1st step you should remove JEMM386/JEMMEX from your config.sys (or just put a REM before the corresponding line). Only HIMEM/HIMEMX should be left in your config.sys file. Then start SBEMU again. It will tell you that real mode support is not available but for your tests with protected games it is not needed.
Then you should try DUKE3D or Doom again. This way it's sure you cannot get a JEMMEX related error and at least you can get closer to what the real problem can be.

Thanks. Disabling JEMMEX helped get DOOM to run.. but no sound.. cos no JEMMEX meant JLoading the QPIEMU.DLL didnt work so SBEMU didnt work.. is there another way to load it? I have downloaded QEMM cos I think JEMMEX is a bit buggy anyway but it has been 34 years since I used QEMM 😉

This is not true. JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL are NOT needed for 32-bit protected mode games. Doom and Duke3D work perfectly with SBEMU without them. Your problem must be something else.

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Reply 1611 of 1721, by Methanoid

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:57:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:52:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:19:

It's not practical to troubleshoot many things at once so you should reduce the potential problematic parts as much as possible. Doom and Duke3D are protected mode games so they can work with SBEMU even without JEMM386/JEMMEX loaded.
So as a 1st step you should remove JEMM386/JEMMEX from your config.sys (or just put a REM before the corresponding line). Only HIMEM/HIMEMX should be left in your config.sys file. Then start SBEMU again. It will tell you that real mode support is not available but for your tests with protected games it is not needed.
Then you should try DUKE3D or Doom again. This way it's sure you cannot get a JEMMEX related error and at least you can get closer to what the real problem can be.

Thanks. Disabling JEMMEX helped get DOOM to run.. but no sound.. cos no JEMMEX meant JLoading the QPIEMU.DLL didnt work so SBEMU didnt work.. is there another way to load it? I have downloaded QEMM cos I think JEMMEX is a bit buggy anyway but it has been 34 years since I used QEMM 😉

This is not true. JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL are NOT needed for 32-bit protected mode games. Doom and Duke3D work perfectly with SBEMU without them. Your problem must be something else.

And clearly it is... If I have JEMMEX and JLOAD I get my AMD HDA detected and some coloured text confirming it and SBemu loads fine. If I have no XMS then I also get SBEMU complaining (obviously) about no XMS but it also DOESNT find my AMD HDA... So I suspect my config needs JEMMEX or QEMM ? Right now my config.sys is just DOS=HIGH and my autoexec.bat is empty as I am manually loading hdpmi32i -r -x and sbemu /i5 (or not i5, makes no diff)

Reply 1612 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 11:05:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:57:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 10:52:

Thanks. Disabling JEMMEX helped get DOOM to run.. but no sound.. cos no JEMMEX meant JLoading the QPIEMU.DLL didnt work so SBEMU didnt work.. is there another way to load it? I have downloaded QEMM cos I think JEMMEX is a bit buggy anyway but it has been 34 years since I used QEMM 😉

This is not true. JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL are NOT needed for 32-bit protected mode games. Doom and Duke3D work perfectly with SBEMU without them. Your problem must be something else.

And clearly it is... If I have JEMMEX and JLOAD I get my AMD HDA detected and some coloured text confirming it and SBemu loads fine. If I have no XMS then I also get SBEMU complaining (obviously) about no XMS but it also DOESNT find my AMD HDA... So I suspect my config needs JEMMEX or QEMM ? Right now my config.sys is just DOS=HIGH and my autoexec.bat is empty as I am manually loading hdpmi32i -r -x and sbemu /i5 (or not i5, makes no diff)

That's why I have written:

Only HIMEM/HIMEMX should be left in your config.sys file

For XMS you only need HIMEM.SYS or HIMEMX.EXE and not JEMMEX or JEMM386 ! But you need an XMS manager for sure.
Trust me, I have configs where expanded memory managers (JEMMEX or JEMM386) do not work at all but with HIMEM.SYS/HIMEMX.EXE 32-bit protected mode games work perfectly with SBEMU.

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Reply 1613 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 11:05:

And clearly it is... If I have JEMMEX and JLOAD I get my AMD HDA detected and some coloured text confirming it and SBemu loads fine. If I have no XMS then I also get SBEMU complaining (obviously) about no XMS but it also DOESNT find my AMD HDA... So I suspect my config needs JEMMEX or QEMM ? Right now my config.sys is just DOS=HIGH and my autoexec.bat is empty as I am manually loading hdpmi32i -r -x and sbemu /i5 (or not i5, makes no diff)

BTW, here is a proof of concept video about how SBEMU works without JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL. The config only uses HIMEMX and as you can see/hear DUKE3D works perfectly:

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Reply 1614 of 1721, by thp

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 11:51:

BTW, here is a proof of concept video about how SBEMU works without JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL. The config only uses HIMEMX and as you can see/hear DUKE3D works perfectly:

Duke3D is a protected mode game. Jemmex/QPIEMU is only needed for real mode games.

Reply 1615 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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thp wrote on 2024-10-14, 13:22:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 11:51:

BTW, here is a proof of concept video about how SBEMU works without JEMMEX and QPIEMU.DLL. The config only uses HIMEMX and as you can see/hear DUKE3D works perfectly:

Duke3D is a protected mode game. Jemmex/QPIEMU is only needed for real mode games.

That's what I said all along.

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Reply 1616 of 1721, by Methanoid

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I dont doubt it works for you guys..

I have two outcomes

If I use JEMMEX or HIMEMX then SBEMU detects my AMD GPU HDA audio but both DOOM and DUKE3D crash when loading the protected mode Dos4GW thing

If I dont use JEMMEX/HIMEMX then SBEMU doesnt detect my GPU HDA so no sound.

Interesting I don't see any posts from people confirming they have GPU HDA working (Nvidia or AMD) so maybe thats the problem I have
SBEMU compatibility reports list | Navigation thread

I guess I am forced to use onboard sound or a sound card?

Reply 1617 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:41:

If I use JEMMEX or HIMEMX then SBEMU detects my AMD GPU HDA audio but both DOOM and DUKE3D crash when loading the protected mode Dos4GW thing.

What is the crash messages when you use HIMEMX and loading DUKE3D ?
It cannot be the same as in case of JEMMEX (that you posted above).

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Reply 1618 of 1721, by Methanoid

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Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:45:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:41:

If I use JEMMEX or HIMEMX then SBEMU detects my AMD GPU HDA audio but both DOOM and DUKE3D crash when loading the protected mode Dos4GW thing.

What is the crash messages when you use HIMEMX and loading DUKE3D ?
I'm sure it's not the same as in case of JEMMEX.

It just hangs... I get the DOS4GW loading text and then machine non responsive.. No useful messages. Same with DOOM. I'm sorry, I just assumed that cos AMD HDA devices appear in the code that they would work. I need to dig out a 3.5mm speaker or audio cable and try the Onboard sound that I have avoided like the plague!!

Reply 1619 of 1721, by Falcosoft

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Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:50:
Falcosoft wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:45:
Methanoid wrote on 2024-10-14, 14:41:

If I use JEMMEX or HIMEMX then SBEMU detects my AMD GPU HDA audio but both DOOM and DUKE3D crash when loading the protected mode Dos4GW thing.

What is the crash messages when you use HIMEMX and loading DUKE3D ?
I'm sure it's not the same as in case of JEMMEX.

It just hangs... I get the DOS4GW loading text and then machine non responsive.. No useful messages. Same with DOOM. I'm sorry, I just assumed that cos AMD HDA devices appear in the code that they would work. I need to dig out a 3.5mm speaker or audio cable and try the Onboard sound that I have avoided like the plague!!

Even if you do not want to use your DOS setup this way such a test would be helpful to determine if the crashes/errors have anything to do with your chosen video card's HDA output or also happens with your onboard HDA anyway.

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