Reply 60 of 81, by aazard
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App testing:
- Boot Manager/Loader, BOOTMGR (multi-BOOT ManaGeR): 6kb < FREEWARE
TINY, Simple, works as described .... appears "fairly modern" (it appears aware of cira 2000 era features).. should be able to launch from, disk, "new" floppy or optical.
** Randish Partition Manager has a "near equal" feature, somewhat making this REDUNDANT
- File Manager, PC Valet Shell: 17kb (26K, 17K unpacked & recompressed with UPX), 11K more for the hex editor & other add ons (is this freeware?)
Super light & decent for its size, in light testing seems to work well. I am still having UPX issues unpacking and repacking.
- Partition tool, Ranish Partition Manager 2.37: 57kb (minus its help file) < FREEWARE
Nice, intuitive, easy! very neat little tool. UI/On Screen Text/Prompts = easy to navigate for users not familiar with fdisk/etc.
** Includes its own boot manager, wild/awesome!
- Backup/Restore Tool - ToolWorks Pro 162kb < OEM with some "Conner" Peripherals (& an "unnamed" motherboard maker, according to WinWorld)
Great program, BUT a bit large (trimming out scheduler's utility exe + scheduler's overlay & readme/help txt, as shown in size above, saves abit). IMHO better than others tested, by a fair margin.
Has " Mono/"BW" (black & white) support, plus readme states "compatible with older, non-compatible PC, XT or ATs" (but not in high speed mode)
**further testing shows "full" (non-scheduled) functionality from: BP.EXE + BPUTILS.EXE + backuppro.cfg = 162kb (but no help/readme files)
*** Makes "calls" to DOS commands "chkdsk", "format", plus (unneeded) Scheduler & Report + Compare functions call BPT.COM & BPUTILS.EXE, respectfully.
**** what are the 6 "overlay" files, I think they may be non-english exe variants/extensions? unsure, if you know clue me in
- (& + cdrom.sys (& vide-cdd.sys)
appears to work in fast (emulated) test
Aazard -
Mono Planar Mortal & Unascended Master
Retro Enthusiast & L3 Trouble Shooter
.... Getting old